Welcome to The Authority, the premier Telegram channel for those seeking insightful and thought-provoking discussions on current events and global issues. Led by the knowledgeable and passionate user @alexanderqpatriot, this channel is a hub for individuals who want to stay informed and engaged in meaningful conversations. Who is @alexanderqpatriot? He is a dedicated and well-informed individual who is committed to sharing accurate information and promoting critical thinking. The Authority is not just a typical news channel - it is a community of like-minded individuals who value intelligent discourse and seek to expand their understanding of the world. What can you expect from The Authority? Daily updates on breaking news, in-depth analysis of important topics, and a platform for respectful debates and discussions. Join us at The Authority and be a part of a community that values knowledge, truth, and intellectual curiosity.
03 Oct, 18:24
03 Oct, 03:48
01 Oct, 14:38