PYTHON MONEY @aipythonmoney Channel on Telegram



Earn money. Save time. ๐Ÿ’ฐโณ


Are you interested in earning money while saving time? Look no further than 'PYTHON MONEY'! With the username @aipythonmoney, this Telegram channel is dedicated to helping you make money through the power of Python programming. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn new skills or an experienced coder looking for new opportunities, 'PYTHON MONEY' has something for everyone. Join our community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about using Python to generate income. From tips on freelance projects to investment strategies, our channel covers a wide range of topics to help you succeed in the world of Python programming and finance. So why wait? Join 'PYTHON MONEY' today and start building your financial future one line of code at a time! ๐Ÿ’ฐโณ


25 Oct, 09:51

This is everything I wanted to say and all I wanted to teach you.

You can support my project by subscribing to Patreon, making a donation, or sending some crypto (addresses are on YouTube).

โ˜๏ธ As part of the Patreon subscription, I've added this course in an easy-to-read PDF version along with some bonuses:

1. The course in PDF format (67 pages)
2. A way for adding captions and transitions
3. A bonus section: abstract classes, interfaces, and contracts using this project as an example
4. I've also separately added a Prompt Builder with hidden columns and ready-made prompts

I also want to express my gratitude to everyone who has already supported the project. I appreciate the support of each one of you. ๐Ÿ–ค


25 Oct, 09:21

Let's summarize our Shorts Monster course.

What have we learned?

1. Decomposing tasks, identifying actors and bot classes, creating a class hierarchy
2. Feeling the class, working with inheritance and composition
3. Building the bot's basis, designing the project folder structure
4. Setting up launch logic via console and argparse
5. Storing project settings, securely managing confidential data from environment variables in a .env file
6. Working with text generation (OpenAI API, g4f)
7. Working with AI image generation
8. Automating the browser (Playwright + Bing Image Creator)
9. Generating voiceovers (Elevenlabs API)
10. Working directly with APIs through HTTP requests (Pexels API)
11. Processing images, animating, and generating videos (Pillow, Moviepy, Numpy)

After solving this task, you will have:

1. Strong Python programming skills with a focus on practice
2. A powerful bot that includes modules for text, AI images, voiceovers, and video generation
3. A foundation for building powerful OOP bots for other projects


24 Oct, 01:56

You should end up with video files like this.

* For now, adding transitions and subtitles can be something for you to think about.


24 Oct, 01:52

The output of this class should be video files where:

1. For each scene, image animations are performed based on the duration of the audio file.

2. Images are scaled and cropped to the required video size, considering animation shifts.

3. Video footage is merged if available in the folder. The footage is scaled to the video size.

4. Each generated video file has its respective voiceover audio file merged.

5. The generated video fragments of each scene are combined into one final video file.


24 Oct, 01:48

Image animation methods:

1. For image animations, you need to write separate methods. Some possible animations include: zoom_in, zoom_out, slide_left_to_right, slide_right_to_left, slide_top, slide_bottom, circular_motion.

2. Before performing the animation, the image must be scaled and cropped (using Pillow). This requires writing a separate method. The scaling should account for shifts happening during the animation to prevent black unfilled areas from appearing.

3. The numpy library is used for performing animations. Numpy helps transform the image into a pixel array, making it faster and easier to manipulate.

* An example implementation of the zoom_out method is shown in the image.


24 Oct, 01:43

Method execute:

1. Iterate through each element of the list (dictionary).

2. Extract the paths to all media files from the dictionary and save them in variables.

3. Calculate the duration of the audio file:

audio_clip = AudioFileClip(audio_path)
duration = audio_clip.duration

4. Based on the duration of the audio file, calculate and perform the animation of the image.

You can add a logic to relate the duration of the audio file to the number of images. For example, if the duration of the audio file is less than 3 seconds, use one image; if it's longer, use two images.

5. To implement the joining of video footage, check for the presence of a video file in the folder. If a video file exists, the image animation is not performed, and the video file is joined instead.

6. After performing the animation, merge the video file with the audio file.

7. After completing the loop, combine the finished video segments from each scene into one final file.

8. Save the final video file in the generated_videos folder.


24 Oct, 01:32

Data preparation example:

1. Loop through the folders containing materials for each script (script_1, script_2, script_3), located in the generated_images folder.

2. For each folder, loop through the subfolders with scenes (scene_1, scene_2, scene_3).

3. In each subfolder, pack the paths to all files into a dictionary. Example of a dictionary:

files = {'image_1': 'path', 'image_2': 'path', 'image_3': 'path', 'voiceover': 'path', 'footage_1': 'path', 'footage_2': 'path'}

4. Return a list of lists of dictionaries. Each list of dictionaries represents a script, and each dictionary contains file paths for a specific scene.

5. Loop through each list (script).

6. Pass the LIST OF DICTIONARIES to the execute method.


24 Oct, 01:22


To implement this class, we will need the following tools:

โ€ข Pillow โ€“ for image processing (scaling and cropping)

โ€ข Moviepy โ€“ for merging video clips and audio files

โ€ข numpy โ€“ for creating animations and converting images into arrays

Command for installation:

pip install pillow moviepy numpy


23 Oct, 10:27

Before developing the final class VideoGenerator, the project structure should look as follows.


23 Oct, 10:21

Way to obtain key phrases for a scene:

1. Read the file(s) containing the divided scenes of the script (script_scenes.csv).

2. Take the text of the 3rd or 4th scene for each script.

3. Create a writer object and send a request to the AI assistant, asking it to return a list of key phrases from the text. Request the format to be a Python dictionary or list.

4. Extract the elements of the dictionary or list.

5. Loop through the elements, for each element call the execute method and pass the key phrase into it.


23 Oct, 10:13

Method execute:

1. Accept an argument containing the search keyword for the video (query), and also set the parameters page, per_page, orientation with default values:

def execute(self, query, page=1, per_page=10, orientation='portrait'):

2. Form the endpoint path:

endpoint = ''

Alternatively, set it as an object attribute: self.endpoint.

3. Create a dictionary with parameters:

params = {'query': query, 'page': page, 'per_page': per_page, 'orientation': orientation}

4. Send a request to the target endpoint by calling the make_request method and passing the endpoint and parameters.

5. Obtain the JSON response from the request.

6. Extract video links from the JSON response.

7. Save several videos in the folder for the 3rd or 4th scene of the script.


23 Oct, 10:00

Next, create a method for sending a request (make_request):

1. The method takes an endpoint and request parameters.

2. Then, the headers for the request are formed. This is a dictionary containing the key 'Authorization' and the value of the API key.

headers = {'Authorization': self.api_key}

3. A get request is made to the endpoint, with the parameters and headers set.

4. The method returns the JSON response.

An example of such a method is shown in the image


23 Oct, 09:53

Let's start developing the FootageDownloader class.

We will insert the video footage in the middle of our Shorts.

A 40-second Shorts usually consists of 6-7 scenes. Therefore, we will save the footage file in the folder for the 3rd or 4th scene.

Class constructor:

1. In the class constructor, accept the API key.

2. Create an attribute self.api_key and assign it the value of the passed argument.


23 Oct, 09:47

3. Sending Requests

Requests to the Pexels API are sent via HTTP, most often using the GET method to retrieve data. For each request, you need to include a header with your API key and additional parameters.

Example request:

โ€ข URL (endpoint):

โ€ข Header: Authorization: <your_key>

โ€ข Request parameters:

- query โ€” search term (e.g., "nature").
- per_page โ€” the number of results returned per page.
- page โ€” page number for pagination.

4. Handling the Response

The API response contains JSON data, which must be processed to extract the video file links.


23 Oct, 09:44


To download footage, we will use the Pexels API.

Developing this class will teach you how to work directly with service APIs.

Working with the Pexels API (or any other API) typically involves the following steps: obtaining an API key, reviewing the documentation, sending HTTP requests, and handling the responses.

Let's go through these steps using the Pexels API to download videos.

1. Obtaining an API Key

Register on the Pexels website and obtain an API key from your account.

2. Reviewing API Documentation

The documentation provides all available endpoints, request parameters, example responses, and header requirements.


22 Oct, 09:42

After generation, the voiceover files for each scene of each script should be saved in the same folders where the images are saved.


22 Oct, 09:37

Hint 1: Obtain the API key on the ElevenLabs website and save it in a .env file. Then, when creating a VoiceGenerator object in the file, retrieve the API key from environment variables through the Config class attribute (Config.ELEVENLABS_API_KEY) and pass it to the class constructor.

Hint 2: You can get the available voice names on the page or by using the method voices:



22 Oct, 09:32

Data for passing to the execute method can be prepared like this:

1. Read the data from the file(s) where the divided script scenes are saved (script_scenes.csv).

2. Return a list of lists. Each list is a script. Each scene is an element of the list (a string or a dictionary key).

3. Loop through each list (script).

4. Loop through each element (scene) and pass it to the execute method.


22 Oct, 09:27

Method execute:

1. Accept the text for the voiceover.

2. Send a request to generate the voiceover by calling the generate method on the self.client object. Pass the text, voice, and model as arguments (image). Store the result in a variable. You can write a separate method for this.

3. Form the path to the save folder. This is the folder corresponding to the scene of the script where the generated images are stored.

4. Save the file to this folder using the save function (from elevenlabs import save).


22 Oct, 09:08


For generating voiceovers, we will use the ElevenLabs API and its Python library:

Hereโ€™s how this class can be implemented:

Class constructor:

1. Set the API key, voice, and model parameters in the constructor. Set the default value for the voice parameter to, for example, 'Brian', and for the model parameter to 'eleven_multilingual_v2'.

2. Create an instance attribute that contains the client object. To do this, import the ElevenLabs class, create its instance, and pass the API key as an argument:

self.client = ElevenLabs(api_key=api_key)

3. Create an instance attribute self.voice

4. Create an instance attribute self.model
