AIP Blueprint Channel


AIP Blueprint Channel

23 Oct, 08:23


In the past, you needed to come from a wealthy family or have big connections to succeed in life.

And that's not a bad thing — it still governs how the world works today.

It can be summarised in one word:

→ Leverage!

What you leverage will determine the outcome of your life.

Imagine this:

Two people decide to travel from an African country to an Asian country.

One uses an airplane.
The other uses a car.

What do you think will happen?

The person with an airplane will get there long before the person who uses a car.

Sadly enough, you can't even get to Asia from Africa by car — it's not possible.

Rich parents, uncles, big connections — these are all forms of leverage.

If you have them, they'll make life easier for you.

But what happens when you don't?

You manufacture your leverage!

That's how you gain access to life-changing opportunities without big connections.

There are many ways you can go about manufacturing your leverage, but here's one that has worked for me and many others:

“Building a personal brand through social media.”

Social media is a massive form of leverage that has changed the lives of millions.

People who started with nothing have built brands that have drastically changed their lives for the better.

How do you build a personal brand that you can leverage to transform your life?

Here are three tips that should help:

1. Figure out what you want to share with the world

It could be:

• A skill – baking.
• A profession – nursing.
• A passion – love for football.

2. Pick a platform that works for you

Twitter (now X)?

My advice here is to find a balance between:

- what works for you (videos? writing? graphics?),
- and where others doing what you want to do are getting the best results.

3. Share value

People follow others for value.
People buy from others for value.
People recommend others for value.

When you share value:

• Your community grows,
• You become well-known,
• You get opportunities more easily.

It's all about leverage.

If you build your personal brand to attract people interested in what you have to share with the world, it becomes leverage that helps you attract life-changing opportunities.

Day by day, commit to building yours.

And if you don't know where to start, I run a one-month coaching session to teach you how to build a profitable personal brand.

Send me a message with the word BRAND to get started.

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Lucky James

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AIP Blueprint Channel

23 Oct, 08:05


1. Become a personal brand

How? Optimize your page to showcase yourself as a pro in your field

2. Grow your authority

How? Create and share content that pushes a narrative

3. Make Money

How? Sell your Products and Services here on social

4. Build a Community

How? Network here. Build connections. Find and connect with good people.

5. Learn, Grow, Relax and Have Fun

How? Using the content that others share

The Problem however is when you are using social media only for some parts of number 5.

You miss out on Numbers 1 to 4.

That's a whole lot.

But it's not too late to get started with 1 to 4.


AIP Blueprint Channel

20 Oct, 18:01

Today is DAY 112 of the AIP BLUEPRINT Sales Challenge 5.0

July 1st - October 31st 2024

How many sales can of the AIP BLUEPRINT can be make within the next four months?

20, 35, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 1100+

It's very achievable if you're committed to it. Your effort in winning this Sales Challenge will decide that

-- The AIP Blueprint still SELLS for #22,500, 487ghc, 24,375 Cfa etc on all affiliate platforms where it's listed you earn 60% commission for every sale you make

This will literally be the easiest challenge anyone can win but it still depends on you..

Would you rather win or make excuses?

The choice is YOURS!

Here's the promotional materials you need to make your promotion easy

Here's the link to the super high converting VSL to help nurture and convert your leads

So, proceed!!!

Meanwhile, join the AIP Channel on Telegram here

We wish you the best

AIP Blueprint Channel

20 Oct, 16:32

It's only a man that's alive that can behold the future. Don't be deceived!


AIP Blueprint Channel

20 Oct, 16:32

I read this scripture and it changed my thinking about financial resources

II Corinthians 9:10, “Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness”

God is too benevolent

He's indeed a wise God

We have heard all kinds of teachings, gotten series advice about money but most of the times, we haven't been taught about the BREAD and the SEED

This scripture is an eye opener

I'll explain!

Now, you have been told to always make investments and prepare for the future which is NEVER a bad advice

But the same God who gives you the resources for tomorrow also gives you the one for today

So, from that N50,000 salary you earn, there's one for today's bread and the other for tomorrow's seed

If you sow the bread, you'll be hungry today

If you eat the seed, you'll be hungry tomorrow

Eat the bread today

Sow the seed for tomorrow

We've heard stories of people who have properties worth tens and hundreds of millions but can't comfortably feed their family or at least send their children to a good school

We have heard of people who have structures in different locations but don't have a system built for healthy living

It's a proof that they are both sowing their seeds and bread.

The scripture tells us that, the bread is for today while the seed is for tomorrow

So, why are you sowing your bread and seed for tomorrow?

Why are you eating both your bread and seed today?

From that N10,000 your mum send to you as pocket money, there's one for bread and the other for seed

The seed goes in form of savings and investment and there are two major conditions why we save:

1. For emergencies

2. For investments

For every money that comes to you, it's brings a letter that rainy days are coming too

If you don't keep resources for tomorrow, you'll be stranded when tomorrow comes

I understand that our sufficiency is of God but we still have a part to play to making things work in our favour

Don't just assume that things will operate in your favour by default when you haven't built a system to propagate that belief

One major difference between the poor and the rich is that - The poor has deficiencies in managing resources while the rich knows how to manage resources

The poor have not learned how to reduce their expenses whereas the rich have learned how to overcome their appetite

The poor don't believe in savings and investments but the rich understand and practice savings and investment

This is a law you should work with.

There's bread for today and there's seed for tomorrow

Don't spend all you have today

Don't invest all you have for tomorrow

Take care of today's needs but make reservations for tomorrow because sooner or later, you'll meet rainy days

We're not praying for the worst but I believe we should prepare for anything if it shows up

More so, note that everything in life is built twice - in the mind and then physically

It's not just about the state of your pocket or purse but the state of your mind

If you don't build it in your mind and it comes to you either by favour or inheritance, your archaic mindset will force those things to leave you

Most of the times, many people who rise in high levels today and returns back to zero overnight didn't build those things twice

Their mindset didn't capture the reality

They just acquired properties physically then their depreciated mindsets forces those things to leave them


Why do you think people can't handle 10M profitably without thinking of buying the latest iPhone or acquiring liabilities instead of thinking about profitable investments?

What happened to investment in stocks, crypto, real estate, agriculture or even saving in dollars?

What happened to being a stakeholder in companies and businesses?

What happened to acquiring more university and professional degrees if you're opportune to do so?


There's more to do

To this end, eat your bread today. Sow your seed for tomorrow

AIP Blueprint Channel

18 Oct, 07:55

Anyone can start investing no matter their income level. Don't think Investment should happen when you have lots of money, No bro, it happens when you start making a commitment to grow whatever you have, no matter how little.

The earlier you start, the more time your investments have to compound and grow.

So, begin by saving a small portion of your income, learn about investment options, and invest consistently. Investment is still the only best way to ensure that your money works for you, creating a future where you have the freedom you desire.

I love you.


AIP Blueprint Channel

16 Oct, 11:01

Think about making investment as you make money from information marketing and/or affiliate marketing.

Investment like:

- Crypto
- Real Estate
- Shares

If you have interest in buying Real Estate properties, you can reach out to me via DM for a proper guide.

However, focus on income from your business before you think of expanding

AIP Blueprint Channel

16 Oct, 06:16

With the way the Nigerian economy is behaving, many of us have gotten into the habit of starting the day by focusing on the negatives and the struggles.

We wake up and our minds immediately jump to different problems, our high bills, the fuel and transport wahala, the stress at work, and everything that could possibly go wrong.

But let’s be honest, starting the day like this just sets a bad tone for everything that follows. It’s like waking up and choosing to have a rough day before it even begins.

You see eeh, I have adviced myself that positive thinking matters now ooh, I know some might say, "How can we think positive with all this economic hardship?"

Trust me bro, focusing on the negative won’t change your situation. It will only make it harder to deal with. What we need to do, especially in these challenging times, is make it a habit to start our day with the positives.

Yes, I know there is a lot going on, but let’s try something different. Instead of stressing over what’s wrong, let’s think about what’s going right.

When was the last time you started your day by appreciating your achievements, your goals, or even the little things you are grateful for?

Starting your day with this mindset is powerful. It sets you up to face whatever comes your way with more strength and positivity.

What matters so much to me now is the way I start my day which influences how the rest of it will unfolds.

If I start with thoughts of "Ah, this economy is too hard, business is tough and nothing is working," I will carry that energy with me. But if I wake up this morning and think, “I have been through tough times before and I am still standing. Today, I am going to make progress,”

This kind of mindset is a solution-focused one, and that is what we need to survive the markets and the challenging economy.

We dont need to allow the economy control our emotions. Yes, it’s tough. But if we can start our mornings by focusing on the positives, we are setting ourselves up for a better day, no matter what’s happening around us.

So, I challenge you this morning as you are reading this, Dont start your day thinking about the struggles, take a moment to focus on something good. It can be small or big but just let it be positive.

I am still the Billionaire Mechanic, I am not ignoring the reality but staying positive to empower myself to face the economy.

I love You.


AIP Blueprint Channel

16 Oct, 04:48

Watch this.

Take it as another lesson today

AIP Blueprint Channel

14 Oct, 05:39

Today is DAY 106 of the AIP BLUEPRINT Sales Challenge 5.0

July 1st - October 31st 2024

How many sales can of the AIP BLUEPRINT can be make within the next four months?

20, 35, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 1100+

It's very achievable if you're committed to it. Your effort in winning this Sales Challenge will decide that

-- The AIP Blueprint still SELLS for #22,500, 487ghc, 24,375 Cfa etc on all affiliate platforms where it's listed you earn 60% commission for every sale you make

This will literally be the easiest challenge anyone can win but it still depends on you..

Would you rather win or make excuses?

The choice is YOURS!

Here's the promotional materials you need to make your promotion easy

Here's the link to the super high converting VSL to help nurture and convert your leads

So, proceed!!!

Meanwhile, join the AIP Channel on Telegram here

We wish you the best

AIP Blueprint Channel

14 Oct, 05:37


Dear business owner, you can't run your business like a hustler and expect CEO/Business owner results.

Let me share some differences between a hustler and a business owner, and the end you tell me which one you are.

1. A hustler has no LONG-TERM VISION.

Everything is about what to make and eat today.

A business owner knows where he/she is going.

It is written down and constantly reviewed.

2. A hustler has no PLAN or STRATEGY.

Anywhere belle faces, he/she moves.

A business owner sits down, creates plans, executes the plans, reviews them, and improves on them.

3. A hustler must CONTINUE to HUSTLE if not, no money comes in.

If he/she is sick, no money comes in.

A business owner chooses the days and time they want to hustle.

Even without them, their business makes money.

4. A hustler DOES THE WORK. He/she must bake or no cake is available.

A business owner bakes cakes through other people.

5. A hustler has NO CLEAR WAY of doing things.

If he/she tries to get people to help, everyone is confused and so many mistakes are made.

A business owner has systems and structures.

Everyone knows what to do, and how to do it.

So tell me, are you a business owner or a hustler?

I used to be a hustler, and there is no shame in it.

However, if you are a hustler, expect hustler results and not CEO results.


AIP Blueprint Channel

13 Oct, 15:46

The internet has created new job titles.

Content creator

WhatsApp marketing consultant.

Full stack digital marketer

Web developer

UI/UX designer

Course creator

Social media manager

Community manager


Opportunities oppporrrr

All these things were not available 30 years ago

AIP Blueprint Channel

09 Oct, 22:43

If you cannot watch a 20 minutes YouTube video without checking social media or scrolling through WhatsApp, it could mean you have a “focus” problem.

You lack the ability to stay focused on something at a time and see it through.

There are people who cannot watch a 10 minutes video on YouTube, without quickly checking social media or WhatsApp.

This is not normal. It’s an addiction and you need to break free from it.

I’m talking to you. Don’t scroll off. Why can’t you stay focused for only 20 minutes?

AIP Blueprint Channel

09 Oct, 11:38


We'll continue to lay emphasis on this..

Don't fall to the hands of those who are here to reap you of your money in the name of helping you set up ads or landing page by sending DMs

If you're in need of any of the following services and you need recommendations, please send a DM now

- Facebook ads
- Instagram ads
- YouTube ads
- Landing page design
- Domain name
- Sales funnel build-up
- Canva Pro
- Premium sales pages

We'll recommend proven and quality guys that'll deliver great jobs. You can send a DM to me here +2348166748738 for recommendation

Please, don't fall for scammers. Your actions should be guided with wisdom and discretion

Stay paid.

AIP Blueprint Channel

09 Oct, 11:38

Sequel to our last class,

If you're interested in getting the book, CLOSE MORE SALES WITH FOLLOW-UPS, go here now

It contains 30-scripts that'll guide you on following up your prospects using WhatsApp groups and WhatsApp broadcast

It's not a script for Whatsapp status. Just WhatsApp group and broadcast


This contains proven strategies to sell out your products/services using WhatsApp and make lot of money

Highly recommended for affiliates!!

AIP Blueprint Channel

09 Oct, 07:13

Luck doesn’t happen when you sit at home, scrolling endlessly on the phone, wishing and whining.

Luck happens when you go somewhere the universe can reward you. Luck happens when you do something the universe can reward you for.

Wanna get lucky?

Make a move. Step out. Take action. Do something consistently.

AIP Blueprint Channel

08 Oct, 19:01

No marketing, no inquiries.
No inquiries, no sales..
No sales, no money.
No money, no profit.

Big Business.
Growing Business.
Small Business.
New Business.

It doesn't matter.

Prayer can't fix this.
Hope can't fix this.

You MUST market.
The end.