1- surgical treatment of thyroglossal cyst should include: removal of central part of hyoid bone
2- treatment of 2ry toxic goiter is: total thyroidectomy
3- nerve at risk of injury during ligation of superior thyroid vessel: external laryngeal nerve
4- treatment of midcervical esophageal cancer with metastases to liver: stenting
5- intestinal obstruction with fever, leukocytosis...etc: strangulation
6- case with right hypochondrial pain, murphy sign, fever...etc: acute cholecystitis
7- case with jaundice: calcular obstructive jaundice
8- false about anatomy of rectum: lymph drainage by internal iliac LNs
9- not seen in diverticulosis?? I dont recall the answer
10- placing neck collar: by ambulance team before arrival to hospital
11- contraindication for diagnostic laparoscopy in abdominal trauma: unstable patient
12- surgical ttt of perforated duodenal ulcer: repair with omental patch
13- most common site of gut lymphoma: intestine
14- does not reflect the risk of malignant transformation: polyp location
15- liver case: resuscitation, hepatic a embolization and discontinuing ocp
16- management of asymptomatic hemangioma: follow up
17- dyspepsia, one to two hours following heavy meals: US is the next step
18- type of stone in CHA: black
19: does not affect caecum: actinomycosis/gallstone ileus? Im not quite sure
20- not an indication for whipple: cancer body/tail of pancreas
21- imaging of choice in mesentric ischemia: CTA
22- case of appendicitis complicated by post operative pus collectiom: TTT is US guided drainage by pig tail catheter
23- screening tool of choice , regarding FAP: flexible sigmoidoscopy
24- drawback of lay open fistulotomy: incontinence
25- sign in acute pancreatitis: cullen
26- first step in polytraumatized patient: securing the airway
27- bicycle accident complicated by shock: hemorrhage in chest or abdomen
28- FNA in TB LN: spiral, non dependent
29- benign breast pathology resembling carcinoma: traumatic fat necrosis
30- worst anal cancer in terms of prognosis: adenocarcinoma
31- treatment of parotid abscess: local drainage under anesthesia
32- most common parotid tumor: pleomorphic adenoma
33- true regarding treatment of rectal prolapse in adults: abdominal approach is associated with less recurrence
34- speciality has nothing to do with bariatric patient: neonatology !
35- True about breast abscess: biopsy is required in chronic cases affecting non lactating women
36- imaging of choice in differentiating breast scar from recurrence: MRI
37- potato tumor: carotid body
38- hyperparathyroidism: increased PO4
39- woman with free/mobile breast mass of benign histology: fibroadenoma
40- typical symptom of GERD: regurgitation
41- treatment of colon cancer (case): chemo, radio plus anterior resection
42- securing airway is a priority in a patient with: partial thickness facial burn associated with hoarseness and cough.
43- not an indication for surgery in major lower GI bleeding: 2-3 units of blood transfusions
44- investigation of choice in case of acute pancreatitis: mri protocol
45- pseudocyst of the pancreas is anastmosed to: stomach
46- treatment of large pyogenic liver abscees: pig tail drainage
47- True about paget disease: unilateral breast eczema
48- false about treatment of breast abscess: she should discontinue breastfeeding
49- not a DD for cold nodule (case): autonomous nodule
50- patient presenting with post thyroidectomy tetanic convulsions: 25ml of 10% IV Ca
51- classic symptom of esophageal cancer: dysphagia
52- most common abdominal organ to be injured in blunt abdominal trauma: spleen
53- site of intestinal obstruction in patient who underwent recent left hemicolectomy: small bowel
54- case with cyclic mastlagia: diagnosis is fibroadenosis
55- postviral thyroiditis: de quervain
56- False about zollinger ellison: originates from B cells of pancreas
57- hypokalemic diarrhea of large volume: Vipoma
58- lab finding not found in carcinoid: decreased HIAA
59- toupet fundoplication: 270