vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty


Elites STOLE ancient symbols representing hidden knowledge of ⚡️ 🧲 🧬 & the true nature of Light / Suppressed Biology & perverted those symbols.

Magnetism / Static Electricity Governs the Universe. Everything is Frequency! : Nikola Tesla

⚡️ϕ 🧲

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 20:30

For those that don’t understand why it had to be this way … why we had to have THE PAUSE, this is exactly why.


vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 20:30



vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 20:29

14 days until we take back our country.

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 18:09

Our oldest daughter who's home schooled has state testing all day today so while we wait, Salias managed to find himself a group of friends to play football with. 🥰

People are truly incredible. Don't believe the media hype that our species is divided amongst each other. The connectedness and love we all have for one another is more ALIVE today than it's ever been, and it's growing stronger each and every day.

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 14:38

Good Morning Beautiful Souls! 😴 🦁

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 14:37

Think about what a Secretary of Defense Liz Cheney would mean for our country and the world.

Compare and contrast here;

President Trump:
"The REAL problem is the enemy from within." - he's implying traitors to our nation sitting in key high level government positions and the Military Industrial Complex.

CNN brought in Mark Esper ahead of the 2024 election to propagandize the citizens into believing President Trump will weaponize our military to kill our own citizens. This is pure propaganda, Election Interference and TREASON, btw.

The title CNN gives Mark here, is President Trump's Former Defense Secretary to try and give Mark's words weight and legitimacy, but Marks title SHOULD actually read Vice President of Government Relations at private weapons defense contracting company Raytheon Technologies - The Military Industrial Complex.

His job is to sell bombs for his company in any way he can, in which as having a position of Secretary of Defense, also includes BY DROPPING SAID BOMBS DURING WAR!

Raytheon weapons "defense" company is the world's largest producer of guided missiles. For instance, the reason we dropped 25,000 missiles on Syria in ONE NIGHT - during Esper's reign - causing our Air Force to "run out of bombs to drop" according to the media, is because Esper's private weapons defense contracting company could sell more missiles to our military to restock their depleted inventory.

See, The Swamp pushed this weapons lobbyist onto President Trump to become Trump's Secretary of Defense because this swamp rat could slide his company's weapons catalogues around the table at NATO meetings like they're girl scout cookie pamphlets.

War is profit.

Those who profit from war and death, profit NO LONGER when President Trump gets into office to END WARS by stabilizing peace in the world.

War Crimes
Crimes Against Humanity

Tick Tock, Deep State.

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 14:11

President Trump's campaign advisor says Liz Cheney is being tapped to be Secretary of Defense by Kamala Harris.

Don't be fooled. Kamala chooses NOTHING. Kamala is a puppet and the product of a coup d'état by the Military Industrial Complex. Liz Cheney has a role in putting Kamala where she is for a reason, other than keeping the Truth about J6 being an inside job, sealed.

The Cheney family has a YUGE financial incentive to ensure they maintain control and fuel the war in Ukraine so their corporation can maintain control to profit.

Corrupt elites that make money by dropping bombs to take the lives of other human beings, will always CREATE situations and boogeymen as an excuse to drop more.

This is why they want to keep President Trump out of Office at all costs.

For the sake of our children's lives, we need to ensure he gets in on November 5th and put these bloodthirsty war mongers out of business.

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 14:00


vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 14:00

🐘 Good morning! 🐘



vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 13:11

“How Sweet The Sound”

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 06:56

This little guy doesn't appear to want to sleep tonight. To be honest, I can't either.

14 days until the 2024 election and manipulation of software, election interference and drop box debauchery is already running rampant in various states.

Is President Trump going to overcome the fraud? I pray to God it be so, for the sake of the future of all our children.

God Bless you all! 🙏 💖 🙏

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

22 Oct, 01:24

🌜 Have a blessed night! 🌜

🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸


vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

21 Oct, 23:59

President Trump is asking you, "ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW THAN YOU WERE 4 YEARS AGO?"

Well, Beautiful Souls, what's your answer?

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

21 Oct, 22:50

And our government couldn't come up with a way to fund disaster relief victims but they found more money to send Ukraine.

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

21 Oct, 22:18

The SMILE on this man's face as the crowd chants "USA" is what does it for me.

Also, I left in "Their ain't no doubt I love this land, God Bless the USA" to trigger the Radical Left because the only thing they hate more than Trump, is God and America.

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

21 Oct, 21:57

Fox News helped seal the steal of the 2020 Election from President Trump.

Fox News' Rupert Murdock's name was in Epstein's little black book too, wasn't it?

What if it's much more than that?
Of course it is.
It always is.


vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

21 Oct, 21:57

🚨 Fox News Alert, The Rig is In!

The Head of Fox News Decision Desk, Arnon Mishkin, tells Politico it will Likely take FIVE DAYS to Determine tha Election Results.

Did you really think Fox News would sit out of The Rigging of the Presidential Election?

Remember when we had one day elections before Donald Trump?

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

21 Oct, 21:36

𝐐 4915 Oct 21, 2020

A deep dark world is being exposed.

The truth won't be for everyone.

Have faith in Humanity.


vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty

21 Oct, 21:35

15 days until we take back our country.