

Truth. Faith. Freedom.

LauraAboli (English)

Introducing LauraAboli - a Telegram channel dedicated to exploring the concepts of truth, faith, and freedom. With the username @lauraabolichannel, this platform aims to provide a space for individuals to engage in meaningful discussions and reflections on some of life's most profound questions. Who is LauraAboli? She is a passionate advocate for authenticity and self-discovery, encouraging her followers to seek truth in all aspects of their lives. What is LauraAboli? It is a channel where like-minded individuals can come together to share their thoughts, beliefs, and experiences in an open and supportive environment. With a focus on promoting spiritual growth and personal development, LauraAboli is a place where individuals can find inspiration, guidance, and community. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and enlightenment - discover the power of truth, faith, and freedom on LauraAboli.


22 Oct, 11:12

They use religion to brainwash the masses into supporting their New World Order agenda and the establishment of a One World Government, (in Israel of course).


22 Oct, 11:06



22 Oct, 11:06

How Zionism infiltrated Christianity to get the support of millions of Christians for the purpose of establishing Israel as a nation and the base of a One World Government.


22 Oct, 10:53

ā€œThe Thirteenth Tribeā€ is a 1976 book by Arthur Koestler that exposes that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical Judeans and Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a Turkic people who allegedly mass-converted to Judaism.


22 Oct, 10:47

ā€œThe Invention of the Jewish Peopleā€ is a study of Jewish historiography by Shlomo Sand, Professor of History at Tel Aviv University. The book was on the best-seller list in Israel for nineteen weeks.

Sand argues that it is likely that the ancestry of most contemporary Jews stems mainly from outside the Land of Israel and that a "nation-race" of Jews with a common origin never existed, and that just as most Christians and Muslims are the progeny of converted people, not of the first Christians and Muslims, Jews are also descended from converts. According to Sand, Judaism was originally, like its two cousins, a
proselytising religion, and mass conversions to Judaism occurred among the Khazars in the Caucasus, Berber tribes in North Africa, and in the Himyarite Kingdom of the Arabian Peninsula.


22 Oct, 10:36

Very good articleā€¦


22 Oct, 10:18

The Scofield Bibleā€”The Book That Made Zionists of Americaā€™s Evangelical Christians

Although the Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is Scofieldā€™s notes that have induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel.

ā€œā€¦someone was directing the career of C.I. Scofield - Wall Street lawyer Samuel Untermeyer.ā€

Scofieldā€™s theology was ā€œmost helpful in getting Fundamentalist Christians to back the international interest in one of Untermeyerā€™s pet projectsā€”the Zionist Movement.ā€

ā€œUntermeyer used Scofield, a Kansas City lawyer with no formal training in theology, to inject Zionist ideas into American Protestantism. Untermeyer and other wealthy and influential Zionists whom he introduced to Scofield promoted and funded the latterā€™s careerā€


22 Oct, 10:18



22 Oct, 10:18

The Scofield Reference Bible & Christian Zionism


22 Oct, 10:18



22 Oct, 10:15

There are a number of reasons why Iā€™m exhausted and feeling depleted from my usual ā€˜mojoā€™ these days; my life is complex, but other than that, what Iā€™ve been feeling lately, is a deep sadness and frustration at the level of indoctrination as it relates to Israel.

After dedicating years of my life to spreading hard truths about almost every aspect of our lives; from politics, to finance, to medicine, education etc, the hardest truths to share, relate to religious beliefs.

Itā€™s baffling to me, to see how the same people that woke up to other hard truths, refuse to understand that in the same way that we were fooled, conned, and indoctrinated in other areas of our lives, religion has been probably the most effective tool of cohersion and manipulation.

Itā€™s particularly painful to me, as a Christian, to understand how Christianity was infiltrated in order to create the largest group of Zionists in the world. This to me is shocking.

How incredibly evil is it, to turn such beautiful people into the defenders of such a horrid political agenda?! An agenda of ethnic cleansing, genocide and destruction. An agenda that goes against everything that Christianity stands for!

I received this email last week, which is not unique, I get many like this, (Iā€™m sure many of you might agree with this manā€™s words). Personally, I feel it captures the level of mind control very clearly:

ā€œLaura, I believe your mojo will return when you cease to criticise the Lord's chosen people. Certainly, women and children are being harmed, as will always happen in war, but it cannot be otherwise when fighting evil. The Lord in the past has even commanded Israel to completely destroy wicked peoples. 

These murderous enemies of Israel are totally influenced by Satan, and are teaching their children the same hatred. By not fully supporting Israel, you are supporting them, and thus foregoing the blessings of the Holy Spirit of God, which Spirit has been evident in your uplifting writings, up until now.ā€

This is what I can say; if your God is one that would ā€˜chooseā€™ some people over others, then that is NOT my God.

If your God can excuse the murder of 20,000 children for any reason, then that is NOT my God.

If your God sets the prerequisite of the establishment of one particular nation for his return and our salvation, then that is NOT my God.

And if your God would make you defend the indefensible at the hands of the same people that killed Jesus, then that is most definitely, NOT my God.

The time has come for many Christians to have the courage to face the fact that we were infiltrated and manipulated to do someone elseā€™s bidding.

Letā€™s wake up to EVERYTHING, not just to some thingsā€¦


22 Oct, 10:00

Iā€™m back. Mojo at 50% but Wifi at 100%ā€¦ wish it was the other way, but Iā€™m getting thereā€¦


21 Oct, 09:30

Hopefully catch you later šŸ™šŸ»


21 Oct, 09:29

Good morning my friends, I hope you had a good weekend.

It was good to take a little break. I did not recover my mojo fully, but Iā€™m ready to keep going! šŸ’ŖšŸ»

Unfortunately itā€™s my wifi thatā€™s lost its mojo today! šŸ¤Ŗ I just called the service provider but apparently itā€™s not my issue, itā€™s a general problem in the area. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
I will get back online as soon as the wifi gets its mojo backā€¦! With my 4G itā€™s impossible to upload videos etcā€¦


16 Oct, 18:17

Good night my friends, catch you again in a few days. I hope you will miss meā€¦ šŸ™šŸ»ā¤ļø


16 Oct, 18:16

Itā€™s been a long dayā€¦ Iā€™ve been down many rabbit holes today, searching for information. There will be more coming on the Vatican, the Pope, the Jesuits, the link between Jesuits and Jewry, the Jewish Popes, Marxism and moreā€¦

But right now Iā€™m truly exhaustedā€¦
My mojo has not returned and Iā€™m thinking I might have to go searching for it.

If thereā€™s one thing life has taught me, is to take a break before I burn out.
I will be back on Monday, please bear with me.
Thank you


16 Oct, 18:03

Who is the Black Pope?


16 Oct, 18:01

Pope Francis is a Jesuit. The Jesuits are Marxistsā€¦


16 Oct, 15:20

In the center of St. Peter's Square in the Vatican you can see an Egyptian obelisk 40 meters high.

This obelisk was erected in the square around 1586 by order of Pope Sixtus V and has an eventful history.

At the very top is a strange ritual: an Egyptian pharaoh kneels before a creature sitting on a chair with a large round head, looking like an alien in a spacesuit.