The Paganist


Though the word pagan itself a slur, suggesting ancient Greeks were the same as those in ancient China, it's a word we understand and unite upon, albeit thanks to the control of international monotheism.

The Paganist

22 Oct, 04:56

This Celtic shield is a remarkable artifact from the Iron Age, dating back to 400 - 300 BC. It was discovered in the River Witham near Lincoln, England. This shield is unique as it’s the only Iron Age shield made completely from bronze ever to have been found in Britain or Europe.


The Paganist

21 Oct, 06:35

The name Mstivoi later appeared among the Pomeranian (Pomerelian) rulers of Samborides dynasty: Mstivoi the Peaceful and Mstivoi II. Their names are often mistransliterated as Mestwin even though it’s clearly Mstivoi (Polish: Msciwoj).

The Paganist

21 Oct, 06:35

Mstivoi has never been a popular name, but it’s etymology is relatively clear. It can be interpreted as Avenger due to msti- meaning vengeance or to avenge from Proto-Slavic mьstь.

The Paganist

21 Oct, 06:35

Mstivoi (Mistevoj) was a IXth century chief of Obodrites (a confederation of West Slavic tribes). Not much can be definitively said about Mstivoi, but he certainly was a major political figure of his time.
We know that he assumed his father’s throne in young age and inherited a family feud with chief Zhelibor of Wagri tribe. Later, under Mstivoi’s rule his tribes took part in the Pagan Revolt of 983. In 990 Obodrites raze Hamburg targeting christians. Despite all this, Mstivoi was christian himself and as some suggest eventually had to retire because of his unwillingness to abandon christianity. Thietmar of Merseburg wrote that the reason Mstivoi retired was him going mad with guilt he felt after burning down a monastery in 983. A more reasonable theory is Mstivoi simply dying of old age around 990.

The Paganist

20 Oct, 22:15

17. Don’t take with force or with deceitful words that which does not belong to you, for who looks through your eyes is the same with the one that looks through their eyes. Pay attention to this secret.

18. Do not rush anything into being, for pulling on a branch hits back. The ripe fruit is easy to pick, the unripe is hard to harvest and its taste is bad. Thus, don’t rush into gathering before time, for it will bitter your soul. As the frame grows, so does the slat and as the wheel grows, so does temptation.

19. Always remain in the coolness of your soul, but if anger ignites in you, make sure it doesn’t go beyond your word. Anger comes from fear and it hasn’t dwelled in your heart from the beginning; If it does not grow through pride, it returns to where it came from. Pride shuts down the gate to wisdom and the haughty lines himself with the beasts. Wisdom is much more precious than all that eyes can see, it is the gold of your mind and soul, and the fruit of knowledge nurtured by time.

20. Don’t bitter your soul when you feel pain and helplessness, but rather seek to use them to straighten up, for in the fruit is where the seed dwells. It is impossible for a good seed to bear bad fruit. Greed always leads to loss, stealing always leads to sickness, desolate thoughts always lead to wandering, anger always hits back, evil and untruth always bring helplessness, pride always brings about suffering.

21. Go to the spring when your soul heats up, stir the clear water with a stick, and wait for it to clear up again. As the water clears up, so will the heat within your soul.

22. Learn from the seed. For the seed is like your thought, and as the seed cannot be without a shell, so is the fruitful thought of man. The shell of the fruitful thought is the will, and without a will, the thought dries out and becomes useless. But the power lies within the patience of the seed, and will and patience empower the frail offshoot to break through the hard soil.

24. Pay attention to the cause of the poor man, but also to the case of the overnight enriched, for neither one is natural. The poor man has many vain thoughts and changes them with each day that comes by, talks a lot and his arms and legs are wrapped up in laziness. The rich man who earned his fortune too early is either a thief or a cheat, or he sought another’s misfortune and looked to deceit him, that’s where his early fortune comes from.

25. Be kind and patient with those around you, for as you treat them, others will treat you, for their sense is just like your sense, you all come from the same blow, and the light in your eyes is the same with the light in their eyes.

26. Where the strength of a man lies, that’s where his weakness lies too, that which lifts him up brings him down; stay within the clearness of your mind and sense and you will see all of this. The small is above the big, the light is above the heavy, the gentle is above the ferocious. May your mind and sense be clear to take note of all these things.

27. The strength of the mountain comes from its patience, from its peacefulness; the rock is only its cover. But its strength is probed by the wind, by the calm running water. Gather your power from patience and silence and use it through the clearness of your thought, for it’s not the troubles of the spring that carves the rock, but it’s purity.

28. The work done in fear does not have a long life and its strength is that of short-lived water flow. So it is with man’s unrest, it comes from outside, but it is drowned inside through his fear, yet fear comes from unknowing, and unknowing gathers strength through falsehood, laziness, and haughtiness.

29. Sip the knowledge from those with white bears, unpainted by red wine, and allow for time to cloth this knowledge in wisdom. Don’t look at their weakened, round-shouldered bodies, for this is the price they paid for the knowing of things and the gathering of wisdom.

The Paganist

20 Oct, 22:06

I came across a quite funny discovery, notice this guy’s name’s and bio.

Some backstory; back on Twitter when I still had it, there was some non-white from South America who larped as some sort of wannabe mediterranean nationalist. Trying to get me banned, and had several accounts where he blocked me and spent a laughingly amount of time to comment and quote my posts in horror of my Germanic values and ideals. Now, recently I came across this image of this same guy, who now apparently is trying to copy my name, bio and what looks like, my account’s theme and instead making it mediterranean and anti-White. This account is obviously not me. I do not have Twitter anymore.

Coming across this and seeing the impact I have on some, is both hilarious and complimentary. But also a prime example of how completely wicked, unoriginal, incompetent and how utterly pathetic our enemies are and how they harbour such a diabolical hatred and jealousy towards our White Race and especially us Germanics.

The Paganist

19 Oct, 05:32

”Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”

- Gustav Mahler

The Paganist

18 Oct, 17:37


I've had this piece in the works since 2020. Circumstances prevented me from finishing it sooner, but at long last it is finally done! I'm very pleased with how it turned out and I hope She will be as well.

The Paganist

18 Oct, 10:27

Once, adults told children not to get tattoos so as to help gain employment and maintain a society of high culture. Now, companies will be ridiculed for rejecting a person with face tattoos. We were told not to swear and that it was rude to whisper. If you're actually angry with the state of the world, then it's time to accept our part in its tacky decline. It was once "cool" to be intelligent and classy. But, we've allowed negative influences to convince us that embarrassing behaviour makes one popular or edgy? Either our ancestors had no class, or we've let them down. All it took was a few fads, and we sold our suit jackets for a world of classless muck. For shame.

The Corruption of Western Tradition - A summary of how yobbish behaviour became the new "cool."-

The Paganist

17 Oct, 19:34

🌲🌲ꑭ 𝔑𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔞𝔩 🌲🌲 𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔭𝔶 ꑭ🌲🌲

🌲🌲ᛟ @NaturalTherapy ᛟ🌲🌲

The Paganist

17 Oct, 14:50

Some people will tell you they love you a million times without meaning it. A dog can not verbally profess its love. But, it will show you, and mean it.

The Paganist

17 Oct, 07:20

Halloween 2024 Is On Friday The 13th For The First Time In 666 Years



The Paganist

15 Oct, 11:55

The Paganist

15 Oct, 09:54

7. Look at the river and pay attention to its teaching. In the beginning, it is just a trickle of water, but it grows larger and larger because it springs from what is larger; and so things need be fulfilled, through their nature. The same with the good and righteous thought, it grows through rocks and cliffs, and doesn’t take anything into account, it follows its course and nothing stands in its way. Water with water comes together, and together the strength is even greater.

8. Remember this teaching and do not forget it, the trickle of water knows where it will end up because it is one with the earth and all that comes before it cannot stop it until the end of its journey. Pay attention to your thought, to where it should reach and you will see that nothing stands in its way. May your thought be clear until the end; a lot will come before it because the nature of the things around is flowing like water. Water with water comes together, the earth with earth, and mountain with mountain.

9. Acknowledge the bad thought, beware of it as of lighting, allow it to go as it came because it makes you take inhuman actions. Acknowledge the vain and the untrue words; they are as the dust covering your eyes, like the spider’s web for your mind and soul. They urge trumpet, deception, thievery, and shedding of blood and their fruits are shame, helplessness, poverty, sickness, bitterness, and death.

Ancient Secret Laws - Getae God' Zalmoxis' 45 Belagines
11. The hot iron used to be cold and cold it would be again; the pot used to be soil and thus shall be again; the earth that used to be barren is now fruitful and barren will be again with the passage of time. The greed of man makes all these things change. But greed turns man’s joy into sadness and peacefulness into restlessness. Iron and fire help man but also harm him. And the same greed urges him to walk on unknown paths that no one ever stepped foot on before him. It is also this greed that makes man gather fortunes, gain power, and measure his strengths with other people. Beware of this doing, cause this is how vainglory is born; it will lower you beneath the beasts and it will break you apart from your brother and your seed.

12. The unwise is led by his eagerness, while the wise overcomes his zeal. The unwise suffers when his zeal leads him to loss and fall, but the wise will always find riches in his loss and upliftment in his fall.

13. Pride cools the love in the heart and turns it into animosity, and there is no other beast more destitute than the man who no longer bears love in his heart. For love is the first power and its face is the light. Your thoughts shall not be surrounded by conceit, for you will put yourself below the beasts.

14. The good thought and the wise word can soothe your trouble, can cool your heart, but will not cure you, for man suffers from the measure that vanity has grown inside him, for suffering is the shadow of pride.

15. Don’t tie your soul to anything worldly, to things, to beasts, to silver or gold, cause as they come, they go. After each day the night falls, and after winter there will be spring, for this is the way it is meant to be, that is the nature of things. All that can be seen is born, grows, and then returns to where it started. Only the nature of things is eternal, and it has very many endless branches, just as the springs of your mind and soul, they don’t show themselves. For a blow and a fire make everything grow: grass, trees, beasts, and men – and from the same hearth they come and to that hearth, they will return, and this hearth is eternal.

16. As the tall tree grows near the sapling without doing it harm, so shall you be with each other. The big shall not hit the small and bitter his soul, cause he will have a great debt to pay, as the one who steals. Throw a piece of wood in the river and more will flow towards you from downstream. Give thanks to your neighbor, bring light to his face, and in his soul, and you will find all of this later blooming in your heart.

The Paganist

15 Oct, 09:43

No matter how physically impressive you become, never allow one's character to become summarised by it. Training, like endurance, is to be part of our life, not its entirety.

The Paganist

15 Oct, 08:33

«Man in Apple Tree in Danger of Falling Out», by Michiel Mosijn after Adriaen Pietersz van de Venne between 1640 and 1655.

The Paganist

14 Oct, 14:12

To be honest, the Other World of the Celts is neither above, nor below; it is elsewhere, to the side. And it is often possible to enter it, as the inhabitants of the Other World can come to the human world.

It is believed that there live Tuatha De Danaan, the peoples of the goddess Dana, already lords of Ireland before the arrival of the Gaels. Their universe, however, has nothing comparable to the gloomy districts of the Erebus.


The Paganist

14 Oct, 10:00

I often wonder if many men hide how much they care for the world as much as I do. Or, if I really am just the odd one out.

The Paganist

14 Oct, 05:21

𝙎𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙖, 𝙄𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙮 🇮🇹

🌲🌲ꑭ 𝔑𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔞𝔩 🌲🌲 𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔭𝔶 ꑭ🌲🌲

🌲🌲ᛟ @NaturalTherapy ᛟ🌲🌲