Folkish Aryan Pagan


A place for Folkish European (Aryan) Pagans to honor the Gods and Ancestral traditions

Folkish Aryan Pagan

22 Oct, 09:07

^ so-called anime aesthetics are just Asians making themselves look European. One of the best examples that all other races hate us because they can't be us.

Folkish Aryan Pagan

22 Oct, 06:38

The purpose of menhirs (standing stones) is as enigmatic as that of the stone circles. Some suggest that they may have marked burials sites, while others explain them as markers along prehistoric trackways.

Many have been removed, either for superstitious reasons or as a source of readily quarried stones. In most cases, only the very largest dolmens and menhirs have survived the wonton destruction. Sometimes their remote location saved them from being dismantled.

Brad Olsen

Folkish Aryan Pagan

21 Oct, 17:59

An ordinary "russian" family in an advertisement for the Dolgoozerny market buying milk they can’t drink.

Folkish Aryan Pagan

21 Oct, 12:43

Westerners today, panicked by the conviction they have lost their spirit's deepest roots and have been deceived by a form of Christianity that no longer responds to their aspirations, have a tendency to seek refuge in the philosophies of nonbeing that play such a large role in Eastern religions.


Folkish Aryan Pagan

20 Oct, 21:41

Folkish Aryan Pagan

20 Oct, 07:45


The Æsir-Vanir War in Germanic legend Is one of the most important and has some profound theological implications.

This War amongst two pantheons of Gods and the subsequent peace gave us the love and ferocity of Freyja, the nobility and fertility of Freyr and the wealth and seamanship of Njord.

In fact, in Skáldskaparmál, Bragi explains the origin of devine poetry originating from this truce. During this truce all participants spat into a vat, kept as a symbol of peace. That from this vat emerged Kvasir who's blood was essential forming the Mead of Poetry which Odin would later acquire.

It is also a War that dispels a lot of goofy modern interpretations about ancient faith. So the next time you read the Eddas, ponder on this War, That even brutal conflict between awesome and fearsome powers can result in profound beauty and truth for many ages afterward.

Folkish Aryan Pagan

20 Oct, 07:45

One way to disprove soft-polytheism, monism and syncretic perennialism is to point to the Æsir-Vanir War
Part 3

Common among syncretists and pie perennialists alike share the idea posited by this post. In short, different ethnic faiths have wars amongst the Gods, therefore they are the same conflict told differently either by the Gods or corrupted by men over time and location. Or in the linked post, "Myths of wars between gods exist in other Indo-European religions, such as the Titanomachy of Greek paganism ... It is not at all unique to Germanic paganism."

Let's put this to the test and compare the Olympian Titanomachy and the Æsir-Vanir War.

T: the titan Kronos ate the Olympians except for Zeus who made Kronos vomit his siblings out, leading a rebellion & punished the Titans, Kronos being cast into Tartarus.

Æ: The Æsir and Vanir fight over territory and supremacy, but ultimately lead to a stalemate and subsequent truce.

Do these two even remotely sound the same? No. Oversimplification isn't theology.

Folkish Aryan Pagan

19 Oct, 19:12

Edgington? Fitting but Cringington sounds more accurate.

Folkish Aryan Pagan

18 Oct, 19:06

E-pagans regularly show an absurd lack of understanding of their own tradition. Thursatru and Rokkatru are even worse than Wicca. At least the latter is just an occult form of feminism and not much more.

Folkish Aryan Pagan

18 Oct, 06:23

Odin's mask

Folkish Aryan Pagan

17 Oct, 16:39

Temple to Venus
Chantilly, France

Folkish Aryan Pagan

17 Oct, 10:42

Make the same argument about human sacrifice in Europe and you’re in for a ride. Not only will christians jump out of the woodwork calling you satanic and whatnot, but ironically plenty of self-proclaimed Pagans would try to convince you that ancient human sacrifice was christian propaganda. Especially funny coming from Americans who literally have executions to this day (as rare and secular as they are).