Sri Anandamayi Ma


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Sri Anandamayi Ma

23 Oct, 01:24

As you love your own body, so regard everyone as equal to your own body. When the Supreme Experience supervenes, everyone's service is revealed as one's own service. Call it a bird, an insect, an animal or a man, call it by any name you please, one serves one's own Self in every one of them.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

22 Oct, 04:37

This is the photo of Sri Anandamayi Ma manifested in the locked suitcase of Swami Ramananda some 45 years ago. Swamiji has carried this photo with him all over the world. Now we keep it on MA's vyasana in the temple. Everyday Vibhuti manifests on MA's photo literally dripping from the frame. Even if we clean the frame, it will form during the night. Some who were ill, took this vibhuti internally and found it to be a wonderful cure.
JaiJai Ma!

Sri Anandamayi Ma

22 Oct, 01:24

Religious practices carried out mechanically, without deep emotion are like foreign flowers: very beautiful to look at, but devoid of perfume. 'Kirtana' may be performed in great style, the hall almost breaking with the throng of the congregation, but if the singing is without deep feeling ('bhava'), there will be no response from God. The Deity answers only to the call of the heart.

Therefore, it is imperative to be ever vigilant and make sure that outer observances go hand in hand with single-mindedness and purity of aspiration. Fire kept ablaze with plenty of fuel is bound to shoot up to great heights.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

21 Oct, 01:25

What Sri Anandamayi Ma Says About Death

Hardwar, March 6th, 1962

A couple from Calcutta, grieving the recent loss of their son, sought to understand the purpose behind a child's death before living a full life.

Sri Anandamayi Ma gently explained: "Everything happens according to one's karma. It was your karma to serve your son for a few years, and his karma to accept your service. When it was over, God took him away. It is all God's play.

Some flowers fall off without bearing fruit. Similarly, the child was given to you by God for a time. This is the way of the world. There is bound to be loss and bereavement."

In his sorrow, the father asked: "From where is one to take strength to bear all these troubles and tribulations?"

Sri Anandamayi Ma replied: "Remember that the Atma of the child and your own Atma are one. The Atma was neither born nor will it die; it eternally is. The body, like a worn garment, falls away.

Endeavour not to be attached to the body and not to cry for it. Cry for God alone. Remember Him, repeat His holy Name, contemplate Him, regularly read scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita, the Shrimad Bhagavatam, the Ramayana, and so forth, and you will feel comforted. Your grief will become much lighter. Let your life be a dedicated life.

The householder's ashram is also an ashram. Blows come in order to remind you to turn your mind to that which is Real. Someone who had lost all his six sons found much solace in reading the Bhagavata."

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

20 Oct, 00:48

This is what Sri Anandamayi Ma says concerning Service (Seva) - If you serve human beings or animals as such, it is not pure service. But if you serve them with the thought that there is only the ONE, that by serving whomsoever, you are serving God in that particular guise, then and then only does it become real service.

Since nothing exists really but the Supreme Being, one should serve THAT alone.

Purity means Truth, that which IS. Essentially, whatever aids towards the realization of Truth may be called pure and whatever is apt to retard it, impure.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

19 Oct, 01:22

What man wants is divine love. From whom you are created, from whom are manifested mother, father, brother, friend, husband, and everything, who has nourished you with breast milk, whatever word you use to address Him, that very word should be remembered with your heart and soul all the time.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

18 Oct, 08:24

Focus on that One Unchanging Reality - Says Sri Anandamayi Ma

Sri Anandamayi Ma

18 Oct, 01:21

What are you afraid of? He is there all the time; let Him do as He wills. Whatever He does is for the good – remember this. Fear and pain are due to desire.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

17 Oct, 01:14

Question - Ma, Does God's grace operate according to laws? Does He consider how much sadhana anyone has performed and accordingly bestow His grace? Or is grace without cause and reason? Is it lavished without strict relation to one's worthiness and entirely dependent on God's will?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - In God's kingdom, everything is possible.

Listen to a story: Lord Narayana was having his meal. Suddenly he got up and hurried away, saying, "One of my devotees is being beaten. I have to go and rescue him." But after a little while, he returned leisurely without having gone to the destination. On being asked why he had rushed away in the middle of his meal and then returned so quickly, the Lord replied, "My devotee was invoking me in dire distress. I rushed to his help. But when I saw that he had started defending himself, there was no need for me to help him, and so I returned."

A lesson can be learned from this. One has to invoke Him and to the very end depend on Him alone. Remembrance of His name, forbearance, seeking His shelter, and complete self-dedication are man's duty.

Although grace has this motive, it still remains without cause and reason. When a devotee receives divine grace, he realizes that it is infinitely greater than what he could have deserved by his devotion and the conscientious performance of his duties.

Thus grace is unmerited divine favor - without motive, cause, or reason. God's whole creation is such. But unless one has attained a certain level of achievement, one will not be able to understand the complete causelessness of grace.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

16 Oct, 01:11

Question - Ma, Is there no justification at all for professional or any other mundane work?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - Occupation with worldly things acts like slow poison. Gradually, without one noticing it, it leads to death: Should I advise my friends and my fathers and mothers to take this road? I cannot do so.

What this body says: Choose the path to Immortality, take any path that according to your temperament will lead you to the Realization of your Self.

Nevertheless, even while working in the world, you can do one thing. Whatever you do throughout the day, endeavor to do it in the spirit of service. Serve God in everyone, regarding everyone and everything as manifestations of Him, and serve Him by whatever work you undertake. If you live with this attitude of mind, the path to Reality will open out before you.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

15 Oct, 01:10

One can apply the mind to both tying and untying the knots. Mind creates knots only on thinking of (sense) objects. The thought of God works for untying the knots.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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