Hinduism As It Is


This channel propagates the profound wisdom of Sanatan Dharma. Words of scriptures & sages are posted here, to guide the seekers towards the Truth. #Hinduism #Hindu
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Hinduism As It Is

21 Oct, 04:45


🌿1 Hour Om Meditation Chanting🌿

Experience the divine power of Om, the sacred sound of cosmos and the source of all creatuon, in its purest form with this 1-hour Aum chanting in the original voice of Paramahansa Yogananda

By: Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

•Duration - 1 hour

👉Video Link - https://youtu.be/XsL2fnjfzxg

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Hinduism As It Is

19 Oct, 05:31


Question: But isn’t the idea to lead a sāttvic life?


Question: So what is the purpose of leading a sāttvic life?

SWAMIJI: Sāttvic life? To discard these rajoguṇa and tamoguṇa. When this rajoguṇa and tamoguṇa, you don’t allow your mood of sāttvic activity to step in rajoguṇa or step in tamoguṇa at all, then what happens? You’ll rise above sāttvic guṇa. You have to maintain that sāttvaguṇa for the time being so that you cross that sāttvaguṇa. The avenue for crossing the cycle of guṇa is through sāttvaguṇa. It is not through rajoguṇa, it is not through tamoguṇa. This cycle, it has got three openings: one opening is sāttvoguṇa, another is rajoguṇa, and another is tamoguṇa. By this opening [of rajoguṇa], you will fall in the pit. By this opening [of tamoguṇa], you will fall in the pit. By this opening [of sāttvaguṇa], you will rise in the cycle of guṇātīta, above the guṇas. So, masters have preferred to maintain sāttvaguṇa all the time.

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup

Hinduism As It Is

14 Sep, 17:12


🌿How to Stop Anxiety and Worry?🌿

In this powerful video, we learn to calm the mind, release fears, and embrace a life of happiness and inner peace. Whether you're struggling with stress, fear, or uncertainty, or whether you're seeking guidance on dealing with stress or looking for inspiration to stay positive and happy, this video is for you.

Explained By: Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj

•Duration - 4:25 minute

👉Video Link - https://youtu.be/yfGd6-JNHVg?si=67CzyDFE17y-TBga

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Hinduism As It Is

13 Sep, 22:05

Namaste everyone! 🙏

You can now follow our new "Ramana Maharshi | रमण महर्षि | ரமண மகரிஷி" channel on Whatsapp by clicking the link below👇🏻:-


❗️Please note that your privacy is completely going to be safe and your contact details or personal info won't be accessible for anyone. It's a "Whatsapp Channel", not "Whatsapp Group".❗️

We will be posting Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings regularly as well there. You can share it with all your contacts on whatsapp, so that the timeless and eye-opening wisdom of Sri Ramana reaches everyone.

✈️@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi

Hinduism As It Is

11 Sep, 07:02

🌿☀️ Wishing you all a very auspicious Radha Ashtami! ☀️🌿


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Hinduism As It Is

10 Sep, 14:59


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Hinduism As It Is

07 Sep, 13:58

🌿☀️ Wishing you all a very auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi! ☀️🌿


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Hinduism As It Is

13 Aug, 14:56

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

Hinduism As It Is

21 Jul, 04:35


Wishing a very Auspicious Guru Purnima to everyone! 😇 May the Grace of the all-pervading Guru, continue to bestow blessings and guidance upon us and drive us towards wisdom, realization of the highest truth and everlasting bliss! 🙏

❗️MUST WATCH video to know more about "Guru Tattva", how to find the "Guru", how Guru's Grace works and many other details about the "Guru" - https://youtu.be/TLKlhUKzMC0?si=UG-wN3KyR49JtvqD

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup

Hinduism As It Is

20 Jul, 08:38

🌿God shines everywhere, in stone and earth and water, but those who have not overcome their ego fail to find the resplendent one anywhere. See God everywhere; know all creatures, big and small, to be forms of God, and therefore treat them with love. Never deviate from truth, duty and good conduct - this is true spiritual life.

Swami Tapovan Maharaj


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Hinduism As It Is

17 Jul, 04:41

🌿यदा न कुरुते भावं सर्वभूतेष्वमङ्गलम् । समदृष्टस्तदा पुंसः सर्वाः सुखमया दिशः ।।

When a person does not foster an attitude of inauspiciousness towards all living beings, then, because of [one's] equal vision, all directions are filled with happiness.

📚Srimad Bhagavatam, 9.19.15


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Hinduism As It Is

07 Jul, 09:41


​​A Vaishnava devotee, who was a high official at Simla, brought all the idols [murtis] that he worshipped daily, and handed to Sri Bhagavan, probably desiring the sanctity of Sri Bhagavan's touch. Sri Bhagavan seemed much interested in examining them.

The devotee said, "Bhagavan, people scoff at me, calling me a superstitious idolater."

Sri Bhagavan told him, "Why don't you retort by calling them worse idolaters? For, do they not wash, dress, embellish, feed and thus 'worship' their body so many times every day? Is not the body the biggest idol? Then who is not an idol worshipper?"

~From: Sri Ramana Reminiscences


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Hinduism As It Is

01 Jul, 06:24


🌿अहिंसा सत्यमस्तेयमकामक्रोधलोभना । भूतप्रियहितेहा च धर्मोऽयं सार्ववाणिकः ।।

Non-injury [to other creatures], truthfulness, freedom from theft, lust, anger and greed, and an effort to do what is agreeable and beneficial to all creatures - this is the common duty of everyone [all varnas].

➡️Lord Krishna to Uddhava 🕉
📚Uddhava Gita, Chapter 12, Verse 21


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Hinduism As It Is

28 Jun, 19:12

~Paramahansa Yogananda


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Hinduism As It Is

21 Jun, 08:52

Happy International Yoga Day

🌿 योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः ॥ १.२ ॥
🌿 तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम् ॥ १.३ ॥

Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations [modifications] of the mind. Then [in the state of yoga] the observer [practitioner] abides in his own nature [Self i.e. Atman].

~Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 1.2-3


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Hinduism As It Is

15 Jun, 11:42


🌿DO THIS if you want to SEE God🌿

How to get a vision of God and what stops us from seeing God? Do this one thing and God will be revealed to you.

Explained By: Sri Ramakrishna

•Duration - 1 minute

👉Video Link - https://youtube.com/shorts/wYqCcpVDugQ?si=s8V-k-UEdeyIxeaD

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Hinduism As It Is

09 Jun, 08:30

All the power of the Lord truly resides in His name. "Name" and the "one who has that name", are one and the same. So if a devotee holds onto the Lord's name [and chants it repeatedly], he's literally holding Him only. 🩷


Hinduism As It Is

09 Jun, 08:29

One suffers because one takes seriously what I made just for fun.


Hinduism As It Is

07 Jun, 13:25


🌿ALWAYS Remember THIS Valuable Life Lesson🌿

An ancient Hindu Sanskrit scripture reveals an important lesson of life that everyone must be keep in mind.

Taken From: Hitopadesha

•Duration - 0:35 minute

👉Video Link - https://youtube.com/shorts/38lx9K_08Ws?si=nwcECvi8eeQmaOzF

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Hinduism As It Is

06 Jun, 15:30


🌿Sacrifice Everything For THIS One Thing!🌿

What is that precious and ultimate thing for which one must be ready for sacrificing everything?

Taken From: Mahabharata

•Duration - 0:44 minute

👉Video Link - https://youtube.com/shorts/F0gGXYbSOx0?si=FFr5mP7lTyh8qXq-

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