Special English


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Special English

22 Oct, 14:30

📣📣📣 Ulgurib qoling!

🧡 English Learners! ⭐️ 
🔈 30/40 Day Challenge ga start berishga tayyormiz! 

📚 Kurs barcha darajadagi oʻrganuvchilar uchun: 
👶 Beginner: 30 kun 
🌱 Elementary: 30 kun 
🧑‍🎓 Pre-Intermediate: 40 kun 
🎓 Intermediate: 40 kun 

💸 Ajoyib imkoniyat! O‘zingiz uchun ortiqcha sarflanishlarsiz, sog‘ligingiz va hayotingizga e’tibor bering. Bizda esa➡️ MAKSIMAL SIFAT-MINIMAL NARX

🩶ENG tajribali oliy ma'lumotli (WEBSTER UNIVERSITY'S graduates🎉) öqituvchilar xizmatingizda.
🌱 Main teacher va Support teacher hamrohligida TARGET natijangizga osonlik Nolan erishing!
📈 Bu kurs orqali darajangizni 100% kafolat bilan oshirasiz! 
🔖 Har kuni yangi darslar 
🧠 Yodlash texnikalari va nazorat bilan muvaffaqiyatga tezroq yetishasiz! 
🔥 Siz uchun mos, samarali va jonli feedbacklar bilan yuqori natijalar! 

“Ta’lim — eng yaxshi sarmoya.”
💸 Pulni tejab, ta’lim oling — bu kursni boshlash vaqti hozir! Siz butun koinotga keraksiz, azizlarim! 🌐

💥 Shoshiling! Joylar cheklangan!

🌟 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish va kurs narx haqida batafsil bilish uchun quyidagi havolaga öting⤵️

Special English

22 Oct, 06:20

⚡️ List of Occupations | Job and Occupation Names in English | Job Names List

✈️ @spec_english

Special English

21 Oct, 10:01

➡️ IELTS uchun eng ko‘p so‘raluvchi kitob va qo‘llanmalar to‘plami

Special English

21 Oct, 05:00

English for Beginner & Pre-Intermediate

Ingliz tili o'rganishni boshlamoqchi va davom ettirmoqchi bo'lganlarni Horizon LC "Beginner" va "Pre-Intermediate" kurslariga taklif etadi.

Kursning birinchi 2ta darsi bepul va to'lov sinov darslaridan keyin amalga oshiriladi.

🌐 Dars shakli: Onlayn jonli darslar
Davomiyligi: 2 oy / 22 dars
💰 Narxi: 400,000 UZS
🔖 Instruktorning IELTS natijasi: 8.0
📚 Dars o'zbek va rus tillarida olib boriladi

Kursda o'tiladigan mavzularning to'liq ro'yxatini Horizon LCda ko'rishingiz mumkin.

💬 Kursga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun Horizon LC adminiga murojaat qiling: @HorizonLC_admin

Special English

19 Oct, 07:21

⚡️ Personal Care Products Vocabulary Words in English

✈️ @spec_english

Special English

18 Oct, 09:34


▶️ Breaking news - Ukraine's membership bid will top agenda at upcoming NATO summit

As the war in Ukraine continues with no sign of abating, NATO’s unity will be tested at the upcoming summit this week, when leaders of its member states gather in Lithuania. The issue of whether to let Ukraine join the security alliance is expected to top the agenda. Our foreign affairs correspondent Bae Eun-ji has the details. Russia’s war in Ukraine will top the agenda when leaders of NATO member states gather in Lithuania for two days starting Tuesday for their annual summit.

They will likely discuss Ukraine's NATO membership bid, and security guarantees the country will need to ensure that Russia does not again invade the country when current hostilities end, as well as the issue of how to bring Kyiv closer to NATO without it actually joining. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said he does not expect his country to be given the green light until after the war, but said he hopes the upcoming summit will give a "clear signal" on the intention to bring Ukraine into the alliance.

In a recent interview with ABC News, the Ukrainian leader said Ukraine would be a valued NATO partner, with the strongest armed forces in Europe, and added 90 percent of Ukrainians want to be a part of the security alliance. "We are also working on helping our partners to make some conclusions for this upcoming NATO summit meeting. And I'll be doing whatever I can in order to --so to speak --'expedite' that solution to have an agreement with our partners."

While some eastern European NATO members are suggesting an early timetable to welcome Ukraine, some states, such as the U.S. and Germany, remain cautious, partly because of fears that moving too quickly on NATO membership could provoke a direct conflict with Russia. In fact, U.S. President Joe Biden told CNN on Sunday, ahead of his critical trip to Europe, that Ukraine was not yet ready to enter NATO, adding that Moscow's war against Kyiv must end before this can be considered. He said he does not think there is unanimity in NATO on the issue at the moment, as the war is still ongoing.

Instead, he said he has told the Ukrainian leader that Washington would keep providing security and weapons for Kyiv, as it does for Israel.

📢 @spec_english

Special English

17 Oct, 06:24

⚡️ Extreme Sports | List of Adventure Sports in English

✈️ @spec_english

Special English

15 Oct, 06:44

⚡️ List of Professions | Jobs Vocabulary and Job Names in English

✈️ @spec_english

Special English

14 Oct, 14:16

💖 Learn English through Story
📊 Level 3
📣 Albert Einstein

00:10 Chapter 1: "Young Albert"
07:44 Chapter 2: "The Path to Physics"
16:04 Chapter 3: "The Breakthrough Year"
23:53 Chapter 4: "Einstein and the General Theory of Relativity"
32:06 Chapter 5: "Einstein's Later Years"
40:07 Chapter 6: "Einstein's Legacy"

📢 @spec_english

Special English

11 Oct, 06:20

⚡️ Medicine Names List | Medical Vocabulary in English

✈️ @spec_english

Special English

09 Oct, 08:15


🎙 ​​Taylor Swift - London Boy

We can go driving in, on my scooter
Uh, you know, just round London
Alright, yeah

I love my hometown as much as Motown, I love SoCal
And you know I love Springsteen, faded blue jeans, Tennessee whiskey
But something happened, I heard him laughing
I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent
They say home is where the heart is
But that's not where mine lives

You know I love a London boy
I enjoy walking Camden Market in the afternoon
He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet
Darling, I fancy you
Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true
You know I love a London boy
Boy, I fancy you (Ooh)

And now I love high tea, stories from Uni, and the West End
You can find me in the pub, we are watching rugby with his school friends
Show me a gray sky, a rainy cab ride
Babes, don't threaten me with a good time
They say home is where the heart is
But God, I love the English

You know I love a London boy, I enjoy nights in Brixton
Shoreditch in the afternoon
He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet
Darling, I fancy you
Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true
You know I love a London boy
Boy, I fancy you

So please show me Hackney
Doesn't have to be Louis V up on Bond Street
Just wanna be with you
Wanna be with you
Stick with me, I'm your queen
Like a Tennessee Stella McCartney, on the Heath
Just wanna be with you (Wanna be with you)
Wanna be with you (Oh)

You know I love a London boy, I enjoy walking SoHo
Drinking in the afternoon (Yeah)
He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet
Darling, I fancy you (You)
Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true (Yeah)
You know I love a London boy (Oh)
Boy (Oh), I fancy you (I fancy you, ooh)

So please show me Hackney
Doesn't have to be Louis V up on Bond Street
Just wanna be with you
I, I, I fancy you
Oh whoa, oh, I
Stick with me, I'm your queen
Like a Tennessee Stella McCartney, on the Heath
Just wanna be with you (Ooh)
Wanna be with you
I fancy you (Yeah), I fancy you
Oh whoa, ah

📢 @spec_english

Special English

09 Oct, 06:06

⚡️ Parts of a House: Learn Different Parts of the House in English

✈️ @spec_english