SkillArbitrage Data Science Community


SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

12 Jun, 03:36

What is the recipe for a terrible, sad, unhappy, draining job?

If you live in a paradigm where you get a job first, then someone tells you what to do, and your manager is responsible to extract work out of you - that’s not happening.

Even if you find that job, you will NOT like it. Your labour, effort, time, is merely a commodity for a business like that. It is a recipe for an unhappy, low paid job.

There is another type of job - where you are the leader. What does it look like?

You know how you can help a business in a certain area. You know businesses have a certain problem and you can solve it.

You have solved it before.

You think a lot about how to solve that problem even better.

You have a demonstrable track record on solving that problem.

And that problem is a burning problem for some businesses.

And now suddenly everyone wants to hire you to solve that problem. Not as a commodity, but as a partner, as a saviour, as an answer to their prayers.

That is the position you want to be in.

What would it take to get there? 6 months of being obsessed with learning to solve one problem? What is it going to be? What problem will you solve?

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

11 Jun, 10:01

Learn to do at least one thing god-damn well!

Is there one thing you can do really, really, really well?

If not, no worries. Give yourself 7 months to learn just one skill with high demand.

Not 2, not 3, just one would be enough.

Not any random skill though. Learn to solve a problem.

For 6 months, you think about that problem day and night, you do everything you can to learn that skill, you read everything you can get your hand on, do every course you can find on it, join all the online communities where other such professionals are there, do whatever it takes.

In 6 months, with honest effort, you could be pretty good at solving that problem.

Most people lack the courage, the soul, the intensity, the focus to apply themselves to learning to solve one problem for 6 months.

Doubt seeps in.

Excuses come around.

Temptations distract them.

Discomfort dissuades them.

The uncertainty kills them.

They drop off from the race too soon.

But you will not drop off. You will stick with one problem for 6 whole months.

Then you will give yourself 1 month to work for free or next to free for some small businesses, so you can apply yourself, and create some results.

No results, no track record, no future.

You will figure out how to produce god-damn results with that god-damn skill.

Your life will never be the same again. You will already be ahead of 90% of people for the rest of your life.

You will be in top 10% of humanity. Want to be in top 1%? That is another battle. That is for later. That will take longer and that game is played differently.

Take it from me because I was where you are today, and now I am in that 1%.

I am telling you, because I have seen thousands of my learners go through this grind. This grind will change you forever.

Just 7 months. Do it so you will never be poor again. That is all it takes to break the chains of poverty.

If you will not even do that, you deserve to be where you are.

Your call.

So what skill is it going to be? What problem will you solve?

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

10 May, 10:30

How likely is this person to be successful:

  Sleeps until noon every day

  Watch reality TV for hours

  Gossip with friends on phone for hours

  Scroll through social media mindlessly

  Addicted to video games, plays multiplayer games late into the night

  Watches every IPL match with a tight group of friends, along with beer and chakna

  Swipes right a thousand times every week on dating apps, or got married to a random stranger their parents chose for them

Do you know people like this?

The same people will say that they do not have time to learn new skills, no time to read a book, no time to start a business, no money to invest and so on.

Now here is one more person:

⭐️ Measures their sleep to ensure they get optimal rest, goes to bed early

⭐️ Have no TV at home, or even if they have one do not have time to watch anything other than news

⭐️ Don’t have time for chit chat, will rather cold call prospects or potential business partners

⭐️ Is a producer on social media, not a mere consumer. Posts valuable content every day to grow their personal brand.

⭐️ Addicted to learning new skills, and applying in their workplace and is trying to start a side hustle

⭐️ Makes time to work out, even if for 10 mins per day, and stay away from junk food. Maybe will watch the IPL final, no time for every match. Avoids loser gangs, wants to have friends who are also in mission mode.

⭐️ Very careful about choosing a life partner, wants to find someone with similar values and goals in life

Is this person likely to succeed

Your choices decide the outcome you have in life far more than luck.

You get to create your luck with every choice you make, every single day.

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

08 May, 07:22

“Sweat of success is failure”

If you work out, you sweat a lot

Similarly if you are succeeding, you fail a lot

Failure is just evidence of effort

If you see someone failing a lot and not giving up, back them up because those are the winners

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

07 May, 09:24

Things you don't need to be successful:

1. Unusually high IQ
2. Supernormal luck
3. A rich family

If you have:

1. Drive for excellence
2. Consistency
3. Good values
4. Good mentors
5. A good support system and community
6. Resilience
7. Faith

It takes time to find, accumulate, create these - but you can't show me one person who went after these consistently for 10 years and failed in life

Look at the list and wonder which ones are missing in your life. You need to be on a quest to find those.

For me, finding the mentors and the community has been the hardest, even at a personal level.

But I cherish what I got, life is beautiful.

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

03 May, 10:59

Things that slow down and eventually destroy even best of the people:

1. Negative, dishonest, pessimistic, addict friends

2. Broken and querulous family

3. Terrible, oppressive and no-appreciation work environment

4. Working with dishonest, corrupt and unscrupulous people

5. A life partner with no goals, no ambition, no initiative

6. Depressing weather, no sunlight, communist or socialist government, broken and crime infested society

7. Educational institutes that brainwash you saying that you are a victim, you have no responsibility only rights, or indoctrinates you into identity politics or socialism

There is only one way to save yourself

Run in the other direction very fast

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

30 Apr, 05:07

Not all smart people crack difficult exams and get into top institutions.

Not all diligent people find the right opportunity or environment where their diligence is valued. They are rather berated as too fastidious.

Not all determined people get the fruits of their focus. Many are shunned as too stubborn because they never met their match.

Not all people who work out of passion and vision are appreciated. They are called delusional fools by the ordinary people around them.

There are massively talented people in places where there talent is not valued.

I have been able to build a great team in a modest budget because I could see potential in those people and called them to action.

This is one of my biggest secrets.

I realised that most organisations around the world are poor at finding, recognising and training talent. But this is a great opportunity for all you rebels and misfits to build your service export businesses and consulting companies.

Build your consulting companies from where you are, and take advantage of the inefficiencies of todays HR systems that recognise people by labels and fail to recognise our intrinsic value.

There is a reason why I made Skill Arbitrage my business. This is the future.

Share your thoughts about this in the comments. -

Ramanuj, CEO, Skill Arbitrage

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

17 Apr, 07:08

Be the person who puts duty over comfort & self-interest

Be the person who goes on warpath not to protect his empire but to rescue his loved ones

Be the person who will raise an army and march to the end of the known world to right a wrong

Happy Ram Navami

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

23 Dec, 12:15

LawSikho's FREE bootcamp on International Career in Data Protection and Privacy Management is live now.

We are LIVE now for Day 2️⃣ and we've got some fantastic skill training scheduled for today!

Joining link:

Details for the event:

Date : 2️⃣3️⃣ December 2023
Time : 6.00 PM to 9.00 PM IST

Today you will learn:

What is the 6-month plan to build a career from scratch

What are the problems faced by Indian professionals who want to build an international career

How to start building your track record and outreach from the first month itself

How to draft/review/find gaps in a privacy policy from a Personal Data Protection Act/ GDPR perspective

5 important data protection and privacy concepts for CIPP preparation

We are looking forward to meeting you at the Bootcamp

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

23 Dec, 10:25

Here is a video giving:

1. A Recap of Day 1 of the Bootcamp

2. Agenda for Day 2 of the Bootcamp

Watch Now:

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

22 Dec, 12:40

🔥🔥🔥 We are LIVE 🔥🔥🔥

❗️You can still join ❗️

Here is your Joining Link:

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

22 Dec, 07:21

What is the work performed by a data protection and privacy management professional?

Is it easy to learn?

Is it very difficult to learn how to do this work?

Absolutely not.

Here is a video of one of the most crucial tasks that a data protection and privacy professional must perform - handling a data breach

Watch this video:

Do you want to know what is the roadmap to get started

How to use AI in the process

Join us in the free 3-day live online bootcamp where we will show you how to do this.

Register Now, if you haven't already:

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

22 Oct, 05:14

🔥🔥🔥 15 Minutes to go 🔥🔥🔥

❗️Join Right Away❗️

Joining Link:

Webinar ID: 858 3693 6836

Webinar Passcode: 996426

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

22 Oct, 04:00

These projects are already available online. You can literally start earning today itself once you learn the skills from the bootcamp.

Join our FREE & Online (LIVE only) 2-Day bootcamp on Data Science & AI skills for Senior Marketing Professionals: How marketing is changing with big data & AI, today 11.00 am-2.00 pm to know the roadmap which is followed by our students to get such salaries.

Here is your Joining Link:

Webinar ID: 858 3693 6836

Webinar Passcode: 996426

Make sure you login 10 mins before 11 AM, seats can max out anytime.

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

22 Oct, 04:00


SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

22 Oct, 03:59

Here is a marketing automation project

SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

22 Oct, 03:59


SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

22 Oct, 03:59


SkillArbitrage Data Science Community

22 Oct, 03:58
