Swami Sivananda 🕉️


आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः --

"May noble thoughts come to us from all directions

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

22 Oct, 16:45

The Art of Quieting the Mind: Methods from the Vitakkasanthana Sutta ☸️

Vitakkasanthana Sutta is recorded in The Majjhima Nikaya scripture of The Pali Canon. In this Sutta, Shakyamuni Buddha gives Methods on how to deal with distracting or unwholesome thoughts. These methods taught in this Sutta are as below:

Method 1. Replacing the unwholesome thought with a wholesome one – The Buddha teaches us to replace unwholesome or negative thoughts with more positive ones - like swapping a thorn for a flower. For example, if one is consumed by anger, reflecting on compassion can help soften the heart. It’s a subtle but powerful way to shift the mind's focus toward something wholesome.

Method 2. Reflecting on the dangers of the unwholesome thoughts – seeing how they lead to suffering. Just as a fire burns anything it touches, allowing anger, greed, or delusion to persist in the Mind leads only to suffering. This reflection helps us see clearly how damaging certain thoughts can be.

Method 3. Ignoring the unwholesome thought – paying no attention to it, thus letting it fade - like letting a passing cloud drift by. Rather than engaging with every mental disturbance, The Buddha advises us to watch it, but not be drawn into its narrative.

Method 4. Analyzing the origin of the thought – understanding where it arises from helps weaken its grip. Where does it come from? What craving or attachment is driving it? When we investigate our thoughts with this level of curiosity, we begin to see the underlying patterns that keep us stuck.

Method 5. Forcibly suppressing the thought if necessary – using one’s willpower to stop it. If all else fails, The Buddha teaches that we can use sheer willpower to suppress a negative thought. It’s like holding down the lid of a boiling pot. While this may seem forceful, sometimes it’s necessary to regain control of the Mind.

In modern life, these teachings are just as relevant. Whether it's during meditation, at work, or in relationships, we constantly face distractions and unwholesome thoughts. The Vitakkasanthana Sutta offers practical tools to regain inner peace, helping us navigate the stormy seas of our Mind and steer toward the shore of calm and clarity.

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

22 Oct, 12:10

Seeing God without seeing the Self, one sees only mental image. Only he who has seen himself has seen God, since he has lost individuality, and now sees nothing but God.

Ramana Maharshi

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

22 Oct, 12:03

People are prisoners of their phones. That’s why they are called cell phones! 😄

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

22 Oct, 04:19

No anger inside means no enemy outside.

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

21 Oct, 21:25

When we avoid difficult conversations, we trade short-term discomfort for long-term dysfunction.

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

21 Oct, 10:38

The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization demands a very great struggle.


Swami Sivananda 🕉️

21 Oct, 03:45

When you meditate, you go beyond the mind. When you go beyond the mind, you are no more a Christian, no more a Hindu, no more a Jain, no more a Jew.

You are simply a consciousness, a pure consciousness, a mirror-like clarity.

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

21 Oct, 03:17

The Vedas say यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रह्माण्डे - Yatha Pinde Thatha Brahmande means: “As in the microcosm, so in the macrocosm.”

It expresses a key principle in yoga and tantric philosophy. The idea is that whatever exists within the human body (pinda), also exists in the universe (brahmanda). The microcosm of the human being reflects the macrocosm of the cosmos.

This highlights the belief that the structure and principles governing the universe are mirrored in the individual, and understanding oneself is a path to understanding the universe. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of the self and the cosmos.

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

20 Oct, 07:31

Swami Sivananda 🕉️ pinned «30 Ways to Level Up Your Life 1. Declutter your space 2. Meditate daily 3. Practice self-discipline 4. Develop a new hobby 5. Network with others 6. Eat a balanced diet 7. Hydrate well 8. Take regular breaks 9. Visualize success 10. Practice empathy…»

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

20 Oct, 05:21

30 Ways to Level Up Your Life

1. Declutter your space
2. Meditate daily
3. Practice self-discipline
4. Develop a new hobby
5. Network with others
6. Eat a balanced diet
7. Hydrate well
8. Take regular breaks
9. Visualize success
10. Practice empathy
11. Limit screen time
12. Cultivate resilience
13. Spend time in nature
14. Learn new skills
15. Practice patience
16. Travel often
17. Embrace change
18. Prioritize sleep
19. Cook at home
20. Seek feedback
21. Manage stress
22. Stay curious
23. Take on challenges
24. Practice generosity
25. Stand tall
26. Stay organized
27. Maintain a journal
28. Save money
29. Use affirmations
30. Plan your day

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

20 Oct, 05:19

A cat that dreams of becoming a lion must lose its appetite for rats.

To achieve greatness, you must let go of old habits that could hold back your progress.

African Proverb

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

19 Oct, 22:24

Don’t fight – because who will fight? Who are you? Just a thought, so don’t make yourself a battleground of one thought fighting another. Rather, be a witness, you just watch thoughts floating. They stop, but not by your stopping. They stop by your becoming more aware, not by any effort on your part to stop them.


Swami Sivananda 🕉️

19 Oct, 20:10

The mind is Maya. Reality lies beyond the mind.

-Ramana Maharshi

Swami Sivananda 🕉️

19 Oct, 03:16

Short Information about Shri Pandurang Shastri Athavale (Dadaji) of Swadhyay Parivaar on his Birth anniversary celebrated as Manushya Gaurav Din (Human Dignity Day) 🪔🌺🕉️
