Sensible Catholicism


Sensible Catholicism

22 Oct, 18:21

"Guard your eyes, since they are the windows through which sin enters the soul" - St Don Bosco

Sensible Catholicism

22 Oct, 17:11

- Joseph De Maistre

Sensible Catholicism

17 Oct, 10:43

“Affliction or consolation, health or sickness, is all one to a heart that loves. Since we wish only to please God, it should be enough for us that His Will is accomplished.” 

-Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Sensible Catholicism

14 Oct, 19:14

I find it hard to understand this thinking. The FSSP is formed of priests who rejected the SSPX’s theology in preference to accept Vatican 2 and the Pope’s authority, making peace with the existence of the Novus Ordo Missae. They are not revolutionaries, and they don’t need to be investigated; they are already subject to the Roman authorities. If anything, they exist to offer an approved alternative to “schismatic” traditionalist groups.

The essential thing to the Modernist is submission to the Modernist theology.

Sensible Catholicism

14 Oct, 13:26

"Doing what all Catholics did everywhere before a committee of men cooked up a new “Mass” in the 1960’s has to be rendered unacceptable in order to enable the creation of a new religion which assumes the place of the perpetual Church and Magisterium with the immemorial Mass handed down together along with everything else that always was Catholic.

Enablers like those who say “Father doesn’t like the pope” or “I’d rather go to a reverent novus Ordo than an irreverent TLM” are perpetuating red herrings and straw men and simply seek to stave off any questioning or slightest doubt that might cause the discomfort that always characterizes the faith with its many crosses which the Lord Himself promised us.

The Catholic Faith is not a protection against the Cross. It is the divine means given us so that we may in a holy and saving way bear our own crosses, which are present in every human life, out of love for God and for the sake of our own salvation. The comfort of the local novus Ordo parish with its liturgical abuses, no matter the panoply of beautiful and reassuringly prosperous physical plant, numerous modern conveniences and heavily bloated lay staff and “ministries”, is displeasing to God and is an avoidance if not outright rejection of the cross which inevitably comes to those who refuse to compromise the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic faith of the Church of Christ.

It is yet another scandal that bishops are closing and selling off church buildings by the score rather than permit priests to offer the immemorial Mass in them. This while accepting blood money from the government to collude in the illegal immigrant scam and DEI agenda.

The modernists find it insufferable that any priest anywhere who is not already “canonically irregular” offers the TLM exclusively and this is why the FSSP must be investigated (read “persecuted”). The Vatican hegemony will as a result of the “investigation” either “find” something wrong or order the priests to also offer the novus ordo. When and if they refuse to follow this unjust order there will be canonical penalties."

Sensible Catholicism

12 Oct, 20:22

"...God loves us far more than we think, especially in times of trial when He appears to desert us; for it is then He bestows upon us His most precious, most profound, most life-giving graces.

At such times as these, let us say with St. Theresa: “Lord, Thou knowest all things, canst do all things, and Thou dost love me.”

Such in essence is the love God has for us, a creative and life-giving love; supremely generous and supremely free."

- Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.

Sensible Catholicism

11 Oct, 21:07

Sensible Catholicism

10 Oct, 14:29

EXHORTATION, 1. In order to avoid the vice of lying, (a) let us be careful in small matters regarding the truth; (b) let us avoid all unnecessary loquacity; (c) let us always remember that insincerity is hateful both to God and man (Ecclus. vii. 14; Wis. i. li; Prov. xii. 22; Ecclus. xx. 26). 2. Parents should train their children to be scrupulously truthful.

Catechism of the Council of Trent, Part III


To all conscientious persons is addressed the divine command that in all their intercourse with society, in every conversation, they should speak the truth at all times from the sincerity of their hearts; that they should utter nothing injurious to the character of another, not even of those by whom they know they have been injured and persecuted. For they should always remember that between them and others there exists such a close social bond that they are all members of the same body.


In order that the faithful may be more disposed to avoid the vice of lying, the pastor will place before them the extreme lowness and disgrace and turpitude of this sin. In the Sacred Scriptures the devil is called "the father of lies"; for as, "he stood not in the truth, he is a liar and the father thereof."(1)

But to banish from amongst the faithful so great a sin, the pastor will add the mischievous consequences of which this vice is the source. These consequences are without number; and the pastor, therefore, must be content with pointing out the chief kinds of evil and calamity that are caused by lying.

In the first place, he will inform them how grievously lies offend God and how deeply a liar is hated by God. "Six things there are," says Solomon, "which the Lord hateth, and the seventh his soul detesteth: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked plots, feet that are swift to run into mischief, a deceitful witness that uttereth lies, etc." (2) Who, then, can protect or save from severest chastisements the man who is thus the object of God's special hate?

Again, what more wicked, what more base than, as St. James says, "with the same tongue, by which we bless God and the Father, to curse men, who are made after the likeness of God," so that "out of the same fountain flows sweet and bitter water."(3) The tongue, which was before employed in giving praise and glory to God, afterwards, as far as it is able, by lying treats the Author of truth with ignominy and dishonor. Hence, liars are excluded from a participation in the bliss of heaven. To David asking, "Lord! who shall, dwell in thy tabernacle?" the Holy Spirit answers: "He that speaketh truth in his heart, who hath not used deceit in his tongue." (4) Lying is also attended with this very great evil that it is an almost incurable disease. For since the guilt of the calumniator cannot be pardoned, unless satisfaction be made to the calumniated person, and since as we have already observed, this duty is difficult for those who are deterred from its performance by false shame and a foolish idea of dignity, it follows that he who continues in this sin perseveres in a course which must ultimately lead to the unending punishments of hell. Let no one indulge the delusive hope of obtaining the pardon of his calumnies or detractions, until he has repaired the injury which they have inflicted, whether this was done in a court of justice or in private and familiar conversation.

But the evil consequences of lying are widespread and extend to society at large. By duplicity and lying good faith and truth, which form the closest links of human society, are dissolved, confusion ensues, and men seem to differ in nothing from demons.

The pastor will also teach that loquacity is to be avoided. By avoiding loquacity the other evils of the tongue will be obviated, and a preventive opposed to lying, from which loquacious persons can scarcely abstain.

Sensible Catholicism

10 Oct, 08:45

St. John Cassian on the demon of dejection