The New Columbia Movement


Christian fraternal group seeking to uproot the lie of modernism and restore order to this world under traditional Christian moral principals

The New Columbia Movement

22 Oct, 20:23

Spread the word.


The New Columbia Movement

22 Oct, 14:07

Make food healthy again.

Make architecture beautiful again.

Make culture virtuous again.

Make families stable again.


The New Columbia Movement

22 Oct, 03:57


The New Columbia Movement

21 Oct, 17:40


The New Columbia Movement

21 Oct, 13:22

“I strive always in all things to understand as clearly as possible and follow the will of God, and this in the most perfect way.”

- Blessed Karl of Austria


The New Columbia Movement

20 Oct, 21:47

Just as iron sharpens iron, potent charity makes our nation stronger.

Learn more:


The New Columbia Movement

20 Oct, 15:39

Remember to go to church today.

Photo credit: St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, TX


The New Columbia Movement

19 Oct, 23:41

Our enemies can try all they want, but they will never crush us.

“If God is for us, who can be against us?”
- Romans 8:31

Credit: Jeff B. Harris


The New Columbia Movement

19 Oct, 20:41

Cope and seethe, secularist.


The New Columbia Movement

18 Oct, 22:22

Members of our Southwest Chapter recently joined with a local parish for the Three Hearts Pilgrimage.

Thousands of pilgrims marched in penance for three days to Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey, Oklahoma, in defense of the traditional family and the sanctity of life.


The New Columbia Movement

18 Oct, 16:37

“We must return to our roots, to the foundations of our being, and therefore to metaphysics. It is good to go back and reflect again on the meaning of existence, of family life, of life in society and in the world. The human mind needs a realist philosophy to serve as a basis for its understanding of the mysteries of the faith. God alone is the goal of our quest, and everything must lead to Him. Contemporary man will recover from the current situation only with this theocentric perspective.”

-Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke


The New Columbia Movement

18 Oct, 02:00


The New Columbia Movement

17 Oct, 19:15

You may think we have it bad here, but across the ocean, the faithful are persecuted for committing thought crimes against the Left’s Moloch holy sites.

Never think that prayer isn’t powerful. If it wasn’t, our enemies wouldn’t try to stop us.


The New Columbia Movement

17 Oct, 14:59


The New Columbia Movement

17 Oct, 03:57

"And He (Christ) showed me that it was His great desire of being loved by men and of withdrawing them from the path of ruin that made Him want to manifest His Heart to men, with all the treasures of love, of mercy, of grace, of sanctification and salvation which it contains, in order that those who desire to render Him and procure Him all the honour and love possible might themselves be abundantly enriched with those divine treasures of which His heart is the source."

- St. Margaret Mary Alacoque


The New Columbia Movement

17 Oct, 00:20

Correction: They’re defending the family from the abominable practice of womb renting, which also happens to be exploited by sodomites.

It’s more than time to stop this evil practice in the states as well.


The New Columbia Movement

16 Oct, 16:04

America’s future is creedal. The false fruits of the Enlightenment are no more.

Church and state must work for the spiritual good, temporal good, and condemn error. Among the people, a culture of virtue shall triumph over vice. Liberty for the good, not libertine for perversity.


The New Columbia Movement

15 Oct, 22:23

Missionaries of old braved the harsh wilderness to spread the cross and plant the seeds of a future civilization. We in the modern world should not pray for more comfort, but rather, for that same strength in order to rebuild such a civilization.


The New Columbia Movement

15 Oct, 17:19

When leftists talk about freedom, they're really wanting moral anarchy.

To them, the freedom to murder their babies and promote gay sex among your kids is more important than modesty and safe streets.


The New Columbia Movement

15 Oct, 03:40

Never give up, for your life has a great purpose.
