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📡 کانال اصلی

👩🏻‍💻🧑🏻‍💻کانال تمرین

📅 لینک تقویم تمرینها

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22 Oct, 12:04


The lecture elucidated the non-fiction writing regarding being a novelist and taking a detour in a writing. The speaker initially introduced some determining factors, among which having the no regrets would contribute to the emergence of the realizing a dream. Moreover, she argued that the underlying concept of the risking for art would be highly compelling. Eventually, she concluded that the first chapter could culminate in the book and the secret life of bees.


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22 Oct, 11:30

🟣 proofreading

The lecture elucidated the non-fiction writing regarding being novelist and taking a detour in a writing. The speaker initially introduced some determining factors, among which having the no regrets would contribute to the emergence of the realizing a dream. Moreover, she argued that underlying concept of the risking for art would be highly compelling. Eventually, she concluded that first chapter could culminate in the book and secret life of bees.


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22 Oct, 11:26

🍀درود بر همه ی دوستان عزیز. امیدوارم که حالتون عالی باشه 🍀

👩‍🏫 ناهید هستم و امروز با یک تمرین proofreading در خدمتتون هستم 🤗

🔴🔴🔴🔴 توجه 🔴🔴🔴🔴

🕘 تمرین راس ساعت 15:00 به وقت ایران شروع میشه

در متن تعدادی اشتباه گرامری وجود دارد. پیداشون کنید و متن رو اصلاح کنید.

مدت زمان پاسخگویی ۴ دقیقه می باشد

با آرزوی موفقیت و پیروزی برای همه ی آزمون دهندگان



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22 Oct, 05:46

💬 #Transcription :

Your duties mainly include typing letters and answering the telephone. 10w

Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.

He had worked in the theatre for many years, starting at the bottom.

The manufacturer's name is on the bottom of the plate.

He used to work at night and sleep during the day.

The public has a right to know what is contained in the report.


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22 Oct, 05:35


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22 Oct, 05:16

🤝 سلام خدمت دوستان عزیز 💙

📝 راس ساعت 09:00 با یک تمرین Repeat Sentence در خدمتتون هستم

⌚️ زمان مجاز برای شرکت در تمرین ۶ دقیقه

🔊 لطفا هر 6 عدد RS در قالب فقط یک voice پاسخ داده شود.

🎯 نمره هدف رو مشخص کنید

مشابه شرایط امتحان فقط یکبار به هر بخش گوش بدید

🙏 پیشاپیش از کسانی که بعد از STOP پاسخشون رو ارسال میکنند و فیدبک نمیگیرن معذرت میخوام.

Keep your hopes up 🤞


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21 Oct, 11:24

For hundreds of years, learning meant the formation of associations and was considered the means by which society transmitted its acquired cultural capital. Learning was the.....1.... which lay behind almost every explanation in the social sciences. Increasingly however, the study of learning has been.....2..... into the study of the human mind. Nowadays when one speaks of learning one must speak of representations, of knowledge, and of innate and specific structures of mind. While the new view of learning is still mostly restricted to the cognitive sciences - the social sciences.....3..... have not been affected - one would expect that it will ultimately have a powerful impact on the social sciences.
In philosophy and psychology learning has traditionally been......4..... a potential solution to the problem of knowledge. How is it that a human being comes to have knowledge of the world? In this context, the study of learning has long been central the study of the human mind. Philosophers such as Locke and Hume .....5..... of knowledge as a system of association of ideas.

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21 Oct, 11:24

🙋‍♀ با سلام خدمت عزیزان گروه select PTE

📣📣 امروز با تمرین لغت در خدمت شما خواهم بود.

📌📌 کوئیز شامل پنج سوال و  به صورت چند گزینه ایست.

در انتهای تمرین سوالات و گزینه ها، با همکاری شما عزیزان، آنالیز و رفع اشکال می شود. شرکت در پرسش و پاسخ در این تمرین ها ، برای درک بهتر شما از لغت موثر خواهد بود.

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21 Oct, 08:19


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21 Oct, 05:30

A severe drought in southern Africa is affecting millions of people, leading to a major food crisis, according to the United Nations. The WFP says over 27 million people are affected, including 21 million malnourished children. It is distributing food and cash to some areas but has only received one-fifth of the 369 million dollars it needs for relief. Urgent help is needed to prevent a full-scale humanitarian disaster.


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21 Oct, 05:16

با سلام خدمت همه عزیزان در گروه
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ساعت 09:00 با تمرین مهم و شیرین RA در خدمتتون هستم.

جهت نزدیک بودن به شرایط آزمون سعی کنید متن را ۳۵ ثانیه بررسی کنید
و سپس ویس خودتان را ضبط و ارسال کنید.

⌛️از زمان ارسال متن ۴ دقیقه جهت ارسال پاسخ فرصت دارید.

🔹سعی کنید تحت هر شرایطی فلوئنسی (روان خوانی) خود را حفظ‌ کنید.

🔹تا جای ممکن از سِلف کارکشن و تکرار کلمات بپرهیزید.

🔸پیشاپیش از دوستانی که ویسشون بعد از استاپ هست و امکان بررسی نیست، عذر‌خواهی می‌کنم.


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20 Oct, 15:51

َAnswer key:

The library will be closed during the summer vacation. 9

Students are required to submit their assignments by Wednesday.9

Our professor will review the results of the experiment.9

Environmental changes have significant impacts on agricultural production and food security worldwide today.13

The economic growth of the country depends on various factors.10

Research indicates that exercise is beneficial for mental health.9


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20 Oct, 11:30


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20 Oct, 11:00

سلام عرض میکنم خدمت همه دوستان گروه
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محمد هستم و امروز با  تمرین WFD در خدمت شما هستم.

شروع تمرین: ساعت 15:00

کلیپ صوتی شامل شش تمرین براتون ارسال میشه.

فقط همون بار اول تمرین رو انجام بدین تا شرایط امتحان بازسازی شه براتون.

نمره هدف رو مشخص کنین

با اعتماد بنفس و آرامش تسک رو انجام بدین.

مهلت ارسال پاسخ: 6 دقیقه

پیشاپیش از دوستانی که جواب رو بعد از استاپ ارسال میکنن و جوابشون بررسی نمیشه عذر‌خواهی می‌کنم.

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20 Oct, 05:30


1. Asthma

2. Arthritis

3. Depression

4. Diabetes

5. Insomnia

6. Obesity

7. Pneumonia

8. Tumor
