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22 Oct, 21:53


🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


22 Oct, 21:53


🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


22 Oct, 18:40

Pronunciation of ED

Rule 1: the /id/ sound

Rule 2: the /d/ sound:

Rule 3: the /t/ sound

🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


22 Oct, 18:35

These decisions are highly nuanced. Of course we use a lot of data to inform our decisions, but we also rely very heavily on iteration, research, testing, intuition and human empathy. Now, sometimes the designers who work on these products are called "data-driven," which is a term that totally drives us bonkers. The fact is, it would be irresponsible of us not to rigorously test our designs when so many people are counting on us to get it right.


🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


22 Oct, 17:20

✳️ The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Points of Contention:
- traveling in a group
- a tour guide

Another key point that had better be seen in some paragraphs:
- the best way of traveling

Sample 1 (With Noun Phrase):

: the best way of traveling
⚜️N1: group trip
⚜️N2: hiring a tour guide

🔆T2: traveling in a group
⚜️N3: using tour leaders
⚜️N4: the best choice for travel
⚜️N5: a guided tour

🔆T3: a tour guide
⚜️N6: group travel
⚜️N7: guiding travelers
⚜️N8: travel agencies

🔆T4: the best method of traveling
⚜️N9: group-based travel
⚜️N10: tour leaders

Sample 2 (With Sentence):

: traveling in a group might be the best option
🔆ST2: tour leaders can play a crucial role

🔆ST2: traveling on a guided tour should be remarkable
🔆ST1: group-based travel can be considered the best way to travel

🔆ST1: the best way to travel is in a group
🔆ST2: hiring a tour guide could be important

🔆ST2: using tour leaders would be essential
🔆ST1: group travel could be the best method of traveling

🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


22 Oct, 17:20

✳️ The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

توضیحات تکمیلی تمرین



21 Oct, 18:32

The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


21 Oct, 13:23

دوستان عزيز دورهمى امروز ساعت ١٨ كنسل شد


19 Oct, 22:12

🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


19 Oct, 14:01

If you plan to keep a supply of bottled water at home, you should store it at room temperature or colder, out of direct sunlight and far from any chemicals or solvents. For instance, don't put it near any gasoline or paint thinners. Your garage is probably not a good storage place for bottled water.

🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


18 Oct, 18:54

IPH EXERCISE pinned «🗓 برنامه تمرین از تاریخ ۱۴۰۳/۷/۲۸  تا تاریخ ۱۴۰۳/۸/۴ 🟧شنبه: 🟢رضا شكارى ساعت  ١٧:٣٠ تمرين RA 🟧یکشنبه: 🟢کسری نوروزی ساعت ۱۲ ظهر تمرین RA 🟧دوشنبه: 🟢دامون نمازى ساعت ١٤ تمرين RS 🟢سروناز نوبری ساعت ۱۸ دورهمیASQ/WFD 🟢رضا شکاری ساعت ۲۰:۳۰ تحلیل کارنامه 🟢رضا…»


18 Oct, 18:54

🗓 برنامه تمرین از تاریخ ۱۴۰۳/۷/۲۸  تا تاریخ ۱۴۰۳/۸/۴


🟢رضا شكارى ساعت  ١٧:٣٠ تمرين RA


🟢کسری نوروزی ساعت ۱۲ ظهر تمرین RA


🟢دامون نمازى ساعت ١٤ تمرين RS
🟢سروناز نوبری ساعت ۱۸ دورهمیASQ/WFD
🟢رضا شکاری ساعت ۲۰:۳۰ تحلیل کارنامه
🟢رضا شکاری ساعت ۲۲ تمرین ESSAY

🟧سه شنبه:

🟢دامون نمازی و نرگس احمدنژاد ساعت ۲۲ تمرین RA

🟧چهارشنبه :

🟢مریم گل ساعت ۱۶:۳۰ تمرین DI

🟢نرگس احمدنژاد ساعت ١٢ تمرينSWT


🟢فاطمه صالحى ساعت ١٢ ظهر تمرين SST

🟧لینک گوگل کلندر تمرین های گروهی:


🧿🧿🧿دوستان عزیز لطفا لینک گروه رو با دوستاتون به اشتراک بذارین🌹🌹🙏🙏

لینک گروه اصلی:

لینک کانال اکسرسایز:

آدرس سایت:


18 Oct, 12:29

تحلیل تمرین SST شماره 115 ایپ یونی

🖊 Note taking:
cncpt moral objctvsm
universl moral princpl
valid all ppl
all invnm & situatn
guid behvr
consistent acrss all indivi
moral absolutsm
firm right-wrong bndry
non overridble princpl
no exception
Alwys right alwys wrong
nothg sbjt interpretn
nothg depend upon situatn


🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


18 Oct, 12:29

🔆 Transcript:
With the concept of moral objectivism, what we're looking at is the idea that there can be some universal moral principles: some rules, some ideas and guidelines that are valid for all people in all social environments and all situations. The idea that we can essentially have some signposts or a road map to guide behavior is going to be consistent across all individuals. Now if we take a look at this in another perspective, we can come up with a view of moral absolutism. In the area of moral absolutism, basically, what we have is illustrated on the right-hand side of this slide, is a very firm and unyielding boundary between what is right and what is wrong. And so, within moral absolutism, basically what you have are these non-overridable principles. They must be followed. They must never be violated and there were no exceptions. It is always right. It is always wrong. And nothing is subject to interpretation, and nothing is dependent upon the situation.

Main Points:
⚜️ moral objectivism / the concept of moral objectivism
⚜️ universal moral principles
⚜️ being valid for all people
⚜️all social environments and situations
⚜️ guiding behavior / behavior guidelines
⚜️ moral absolutism / moral absolutism view / a view of moral absolutism
⚜️ a firm right or wrong boundary / a firm boundary between right or wrong
⚜️ non-overridable principles
⚜️ having (no) exceptions / a no-exceptions policy
⚜️ (not) being subject to interpretation / no-interpretation rules / the prohibition of interpretation
⚜️ (not) being dependent upon the situation / Situation-independent rules

☑️ Other Points:
✔️signposts or road maps
✔️being consistent across all individuals / consistent rules for all individuals

🔆 Sample Answer:

The essential feature of this topic was to determine the concept of moral objectivism. Although universal moral principles can perceive being valid for all people as all social environments and situations because of guiding behavior, moral absolutism could associate a firm right or wrong boundary with non-overridable principles. Consequently, a no-exceptions policy may derive being subject to interpretation from situation-independent rules. (61W)


🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


18 Oct, 08:35



16 Oct, 22:25

✳️ Tourism is good for a less developed country, but the disadvantages of tourism can be as great as the advantages. Discuss it.

Points of Contention:
- tourism
- a less developed country

Sample 1 (With Noun Phrase):

: tourism
⚜️N1: Third World countries
⚜️N2: the tourist industry

🔆T2: a less developed country
⚜️N3: ecotourism
⚜️N4: developing countries’ economic growth
⚜️N5: foreign tourists

🔆T3: the tourism industry
⚜️N6: underdeveloped countries
⚜️N7: tourism-based economies
⚜️N8: developing countries

🔆T4: less developed countries
⚜️N9: nature-based tourism
⚜️N10: the economic growth of developing countries

Sample 2 (With Sentence):

: attracting foreign tourists could be essential for Third World countries’ economic growth
🔆ST2: ecotourism would be significant

🔆ST2: the tourist industry should be remarkable
🔆ST1: tourism-based economies could be vital for underdeveloped countries

🔆ST1: tourism is good for a less developed country
🔆ST2: the tourism industry could be crucial

🔆ST2: tourism-based economies might be important
🔆ST1: the disadvantages of tourism for developing countries can be as great as the advantages

🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


16 Oct, 19:54



16 Oct, 18:31

Tourism is good for a less developed country, but the disadvantages of tourism can be as great as the advantages. Discuss it.

🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


16 Oct, 16:13

Main Ideas:
• the advantages and disadvantages of solar power
• high cost and efficiency
• depending on geography
• a renewable and clean source of energy
• decreasing global warming
• being available for collection
• reducing the noise pollution
• having very little impact on the surrounding environment
• reasonable maintenance and repair costs

Sample 1: ( with noun phrase)

Although the advantages and disadvantages of solar power can perceive high cost and efficiency as depending on geography, a renewable and clean source of energy could associate decreasing global warming with being available for collection; moreover, reducing the noise pollution may derive having very little impact on the surrounding environment from reasonable maintenance and repair costs. ( 56 Words)

Sample 2: ( with sentence)

Although maintenance and repair costs are very reasonable because of the advantages and disadvantages of solar power, solar energy is a renewable and clean source of energy as a result of being available for collection; moreover, high cost and efficiency could be crucial due to the importance of decreasing global warming as well as having very little impact on the surrounding environment.( 62 words)

🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖


16 Oct, 14:30

The advantages and disadvantages of solar power compared to other forms of renewable energy have been greatly debated. While obviously superior to some forms of energy, solar power's high cost and efficiency dependent on geography have limited its appeal. However, a large number of advantages also merit further development and even possible adaptation for residences.
Advantages of Solar Power
Solar energy remains popular because it is both a renewable and clean source of energy. These advantages along with the hope that eventually nations can use solar power to decrease global warming ensure its popularity.
Solar energy is a true renewable resource. All areas of the world have the ability to collect some amount of solar power and solar power is available for collection each day.
Solar energy is non-polluting. It does not create greenhouse gases, such as oil-based energy does, nor does it create waste that must be stored, such as nuclear energy. It is also far more quiet to create and harness, drastically reducing the noise pollution required to convert energy to a useful form. Residential size solar energy systems also have very little impact on the surrounding environment, in contrast with other renewable energy sources such as wind and hydroelectric power.
Low Maintenance
Solar panels have no moving parts and require very little maintenance beyond regular cleaning. Without moving parts to break and replace, after the initial costs of installing the panels, maintenance and repair costs are very reasonable.


🎖Together we persevere, Together we can 🎖