Seeking Jannah


Seeking Jannah

23 Oct, 03:23

More Than 25% of Your Bones Are in Your Feet:

The human foot is a biomechanical wonder, containing 26 bones per foot — a total of 52 bones between both feet.

That’s more than a quarter of the 206 bones in the entire human skeleton, all packed below the ankles. This concentration of bones plays a crucial role in enabling the complex movements that allow us to walk, run, jump, and balance with precision.

Without this intricate network, everyday activities would be far more difficult and less stable.

The dense arrangement of bones in the feet is essential for shock absorption and weight distribution. Each bone, along with the surrounding joints, ligaments, and tendons, works in harmony to adapt to uneven surfaces and support our body’s movements.

This design allows the foot to act like a spring, storing and releasing energy with each step. Such structural complexity ensures we can move with both agility and endurance, whether we're sprinting or simply walking down the street. So, the next time you take a step, remember you’re standing on a finely-tuned engineering masterpiece that bears a greater share of the skeletal load than you might have imagined.

“There are ˹countless˺ signs on earth for those with sure faith, as there are within yourselves. Can you not see?” (Quran Translated Meaning 51:20-21)

Seeking Jannah

23 Oct, 02:23

Shaykh Muhammad bin Sālih al-‘Uthaymeen, [may Allāh have mercy on him], said:

I sincerely advise myself and all of you to actively promote the dissemination of [beneficial] knowledge, never underestimate anything. When you instruct someone on a matter, and they put it into practice, passing it on to others, you shall reap rewards for guiding people toward similar actions.

Liqā al-Bāb al-Maftūh, 14/86 | Shaykh Muhammad bin Sālih al-‘Uthaymeen [may Allāh have mercy on him]

Seeking Jannah

22 Oct, 14:01

Prophet Yusuf A.S spent 7+ years in jail, but he didn't think that those years were being wasted.
He didn't ask Allah that ya Rabb, I'm a prophet.
Why have you put me in this jail where I'm unable to preach your Deen to the masses? I have such important work to do, why am I locked away?
He didn't for a moment think that his time as a prisoner was wasted. He knew Allah had a plan for him, and He trusted that plan.
He preached to the prisoners and did what he could. He was content in the jail, as he was content outside of it when his time as a prisoner was over and he became ruler of Egypt. What's true for Prophet Yusuf (as) is also true for you and I - whatever situation and life circumstance Allah has decreed for us, that's where we are meant to be.

So remind yourself that your
years of struggles aren't wasted.

Your years of grief aren't wasted.

Your years of waiting aren't wasted.

Your years of illness aren't wasted.

Allah SWT has a plan for you, Trust Him. 🤍

Seeking Jannah

22 Oct, 08:57

The Best of Companions

A person may either have a companion who speaks or a companion who remains silent. The best speaking companion is a scholar, and the best silent companion is a book. One should test oneself by experiencing one's comfort with books.

If your comfort with books reaches the same level as your comfort when going out to vast, open spaces and retreats, then you have taken a step forward.

If your comfort with books surpasses your comfort with being in solitude, then you have taken yet another step.

When nothing else equals your comfort with books, you have reached the ultimate goal.

This is because the greatest gardens where the heart can wander are the gardens of knowledge found in books. One moves from one pleasant garden to another; reading at times in interpretation, at times in hadith, and at times in jurisprudence, encountering the minds of others and diversifying one’s knowledge, finding comfort in this. Sitting with books becomes more precious to the person than meeting someone who gives them great wealth every day, because the joy found in books and reading brings comfort to the heart, while wealth usually brings comfort only to the body. How excellent are the words of Abu Tayyib al-Mutanabbi when he said:

“The noblest place in the world is the saddle of a swift horse,
And the best companion in all time is a book.”

المرءُ إِمَّا أَنْ يكون جليسه جليسًا ناطقا وإمَّا أن يكون جليسه جليسًا صامتا، فخير جليسٍ ناطقٍ هو العالِم، وخير جليسٍ صامتٍ هو الكتاب.
وينبغي أن يمتحن المرءُ نفسه بأنْ يُجرِّبَ أُنسَهُ بالكتب، فإذا بلغ أُنسكَ بالكُتب مثلَ أُنسِكَ بخروجك إلى الفلوات والخلوات فإنَّك قد خطوت خطوةً واحدة، فإذا كان أُنسُكَ بها أعظم مِن أُنسِك بالخروج إلى الخلوات فقد خطوت خطوتين، فإذا كان أنسك بها لا يعدله شيءٌ فقد بلغت الغاية؛ لأنَّ مِن أعظم الرياض التي يُنقَّلُ فيها القلبُ : رِياضُ العلومِ مِنَ الكُتب ، فينتقل المرء من الروضة الفيحاء إلى روضة غنَّاء؛ يقرأُ تارةً في التفسير وتارةً في الحديث وتارةً في الفقهِ، يَرَى عقول النَّاسِ ويُنوِّعُ على نفسه في المعارفِ فيأنس بهذا، ويكون جلوسه إليها أعظم عنده من أن يلقاه كلَّ يومٍ رجل فيعطيهِ مِنَ الأموال شيئًا عظيمًا؛ لأن تطلَّعه إلى الكتب وقراءته لها فيه راحة قلبه، وأمَّا الأموال فعامَّةُ ما تجني على العبد راحــة بدنه، ومـا أحسن قول أَبي الطَّيِّب المتنبي إذْ قال :
أعز مكان في الدُّنا سرج سابح
وخيرُ جَليس فِي الزَّمانِ كتابُ

📃 إرشاد الطلاب إلى فضيلة العلم والعمل بالآداب للعلامة ابن مانع رحمه الله

Seeking Jannah

22 Oct, 02:50

📚 [Some enter into trials, critical issues, and destructive situations without having the necessary qualifications; the important thing is: Here I am, so recognize me!]

Our Shaykh, the scholar Abdullah Al-Bukhari - may Allah preserve him - said, speaking about the necessity for a person to know their own worth:

A man asked Imam Abdullah ibn Al-Mubarak: “O Imam, advise me.” He replied: “Know your worth.” This is the advice: “Know your worth.” If you know your worth, matters become easier, and you will know where to stop. However, if you are ignorant of your worth, you will throw yourself into destructive situations and dare to engage in calamities, and it is rare that you will come out unscathed.

These trials and disturbances are like fires. Don’t you see that a firefighter wears special protective gear, yet even with his knowledge, care, and protective clothing, something might fail, and he might get hurt? So, what about the one who enters these destructive situations, trials, and calamities without being qualified for it? He is neither from the people of knowledge, nor does he know the clear truth from the clear falsehood. But the important thing is:
“Here I am, so recognize me!”

A trial arises in Algeria, and he involves himself in it! A trial arises in Morocco, and he involves himself in it! A trial arises in Yemen, and he involves himself in it! While Allah has spared you, why do you bring these fires upon yourself? And if only there were some return (from these actions), after it has become clear that these trials are invalid! Instead, people keep engaging in them. We ask Allah for safety and well-being.”

ℹ️ Summarized benefit from a lecture titled: [Knowing the Truth and Acting Upon It].

Seeking Jannah

22 Oct, 02:46

My Condolences to You for the Death of Your Time... Shaykh Sa'd al-Shithri حفظه الله

Seeking Jannah

21 Oct, 05:36