Salafi Homeschooling Network


Welcome to the Salafi Homeschooling Network!

This channel aims to share useful resources for homeschoolers and help parents with homeschooling.

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Salafi Homeschooling Network

21 Jan, 00:16

A nice way of saying "No" |
Abu Sulaymān Faisal ḥafidhahullāh

Salafi Homeschooling Network

21 Jan, 00:09


A new initiative dedicated for the Muslim community in and around London.

Spread the word!

Salafi Homeschooling Network

21 Jan, 00:08

Starting TOMORROW إن شاء الله

PDF 1⃣

Salafi Homeschooling Network

21 Jan, 00:04

Early bedtime

Qurrah ibn Iyās raḥimahullāh used to say to his sons after they had offered the Isha prayer:

"O my sons, sleep early, for perhaps Allāh will bless you with goodness during the night."

(Meaning, sleep early so that you may wake up and perform the night prayer).

[Al-Zuhd of Imām Aḥmad, 1040]

Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 23:59

Be careful!

Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 23:53

Math vs Maths

The correct spelling of the word depends on the region, with "math" being the preferred spelling in the United States and Canada, and "maths" being the preferred spelling in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and other English-speaking places.

Mum vs mom

Mum" and "mom" are both terms used to refer to a mother, but the correct spelling of the word depends on the region, with "mom" being the preferred spelling in the United States and Canada, and "mum" being the preferred spelling in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and other English-speaking places.

Program vs programme

Both words refer to an outline or agenda. The correct spelling is "program" in American English, while "programme" is the preferred spelling in British English. However, "program" is often used in computing contexts in British English.

Center vs Centre

Both words refer to the same thing. The correct spelling is "center" in American English, while "centre" is the preferred spelling in British English.

Check vs cheque

The main difference between "check" and "cheque" is that "check" is the American English spelling, while "cheque" is the British English spelling. Both words refer to a document used to make a payment:

Airplane vs aeroplane

The preferred spelling in the UK for the word for an aircraft is "aeroplane". "Airplane" is the preferred spelling in the US. The word "aircraft" refers to anything that can fly, including airplanes, helicopters, and hot air balloons

Other spelling differences:

Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 23:36

BENEFIT 246: Regular Lessons Vs. Intensive Short Courses

The origin is to study Islamic sciences with a Salafi teacher in a regular, consistent manner.

Az-Zuhrī raḥimahullāh said:
«إن هذا العلم إن أخذته بالمكاثرة غلبك، ولم تظفر منه بشيءٍ، ولكن خذه مع الأيام والليالي أخذاً رفيقاً تظفر به»
"Indeed, if you approach this knowledge with a desire for rapid accumulation, it will overwhelm you, and you will gain nothing from it. However, if you take it gradually over the days and nights with patience and care, you will attain it."
[الحلية (٣/٣٦٤)]

He also said:
«من طلب العلم جملة فاته جملة، وإنما يدرك العلم حديث وحديثان»
"Whoever seeks to acquire knowledge all at once will miss much of it. Knowledge is attained gradually, one or two ḥadīths at a time."
[الجامع للخطيب (رقم٤٥٢)]

Regular lessons are intended for students studying the book for the first time. It is appropriate for them to have a detailed explanation to fully understand the book and grasp each topic thoroughly.

On the other hand, intensive courses are primarily designed for students who have previously studied the book but wish to review it in a quick, thorough, and comprehensive manner in a short period of time. The main purpose of intensive courses is for a fast and complete review, allowing the student to cover the entire book in a very short time.

Additionally, intensive courses can be used by students who have not studied the book before but want to gain a general understanding of it—its structure, topics, and issues—before beginning a detailed study. This way, they have prior knowledge of the book’s content and are better prepared for its detailed study, in-shā-Allāh.


Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 23:31

Important Spelling Rules [English]

'CVC' & 'RABBIT' rule ⤵️

Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 23:25

Hitting a child should be the final recourse in discipline

Sheikh Faiṣal Al-Ḥāshidi ḥafidhahullāh said:

«الضرب غير المبرح للطفل عند الحاجة جائز، لكن اجعله الوسيلة الأخيرة في العقاب؛ حتى لا يفقد الضرب مفعوليته والمربي هيبته؛ لأن تعود الطفل على الضرب عند كل خطأ لن يصبح له تأثيرًا، ولن تفلح معه بقية الوسائل كالهجر، والحرمان والزجر والعبوس، وغيرها من العقوبات النفسية»

"Non-severe physical discipline may be permissible when necessary, but it should be used as a last resort. Overuse diminishes its effectiveness and undermines the authority of the cultivator. If a child becomes accustomed to being hit for every mistake, it will lose its impact, and other methods, such as isolation, deprivation, reprimands, frowns, and other psychological forms of discipline, will no longer work."


Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 23:22

Why does a human’s fist remain clenched when they enter the world and open when they leave it?

Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allāh have mercy on him, explained:

"The clenching of the fist upon entering the world symbolises the inherent eagerness and greed which one arrives with, while the opening of the hand upon leaving signifies departing from the world empty-handed."

[At-Tibyān fī Aymān Al-Qur'ān, p. 545.]


Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 23:19

Advice to parents specifically regarding their young children

Do not be among those who, when their young children have memorised the Qur'ān and some ḥadīth, showcase them here and there, taking them around to various masjids to give talks or lectures, or appointing them as imams. If any of you does this with your child—without safeguarding them—you are exposing them to dangers, such as being affected by the evil eye. Furthermore, it plants in their heart a love for public recognition from an early age, which may stay with them into adulthood, affecting their sincerity. Likewise, it makes them vulnerable to both human and jinn devils who might focus on them to lead them astray. Many fathers have been overjoyed by their child's memorisation, intelligence, and confidence, only to expose them to these harms, resulting in their child being afflicted by the evil eye to the point of serious harm, abandoning knowledge altogether, or worse. Therefore, protect your child, for if you present them to the eyes of others, they will be harmed; and if you leave them to the corrupt and bad company, they will be ruined.

Abū Ḥudhayfah ’Abdullāh Al-’Abdaliyy


The advice above is a general guidance and not to be taken in the absolute sense

Abū Anas Nu’mān Ibn Muḥammad commented:

"We have heard of scholars who began delivering sermons and practicing this affair from a young age, as well as leading prayers, and they are now among the memorisers of the Qur'ān and imams of masjids, through whom Allāh has brought great benefit. They are also known for their sincerity in calling people to Allāh, as we perceive, and Allāh is their ultimate Judge.

In fact, in some Salafis centres, they train young children how to deliver sermons. For example, Sheikh Hussein Al-Hateebi's Center in Salah Ad-Deen (Aden), and Sheikh Bassam in Al-Subaiha...

Things are going well, and in some cases, these young people return to their villages as preachers due to the community's need for them, despite their young age.

Sheikh Shu’aib As-Subaihi has even authored a small book on teaching young boys how to deliver sermons and train them in this skill.

And if some have been afflicted as a result, it should not lead us to limited and restrict something expansive.

In fact, some children hear their peers delivering sermons and are motivated to seek knowledge to become like them. Some fathers may even encourage their sons and send them to a Salafis center after hearing a sermon delivered by one of these young preachers.

If the concern is the evil eye, teach the child to recite the prescribed supplications and place reliance on Allah.

And if the concern is about seeking fame, then it is possible that a person might begin an action not purely for the sake of Allah, but Allah does not refuses except that it is done solely for Him. With continuous pursuit of knowledge and learning the importance of sincerity and the dangers of showing off and self-admiration, Allah will grant them sincerity."

Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 23:17

The Diligence The Salaf Had For Their Parents & Children's Guidance

Shaykh Abdullah Al-Khawlaani

Translated by Abu Haaruun Muhammad

For more beneficial audios:

Salafi Homeschooling Network

20 Jan, 23:16

Sharī’ah Compliant Clothing For Boys

Long Sirwaal
Ages 5-6, 6-7, 8-9
Colour: black
