Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar


Spreading the salafi da'wah - Qur'ān and Sunnah upon the understanding of the salaf. Wise sayings, books, articles, verdicts, knowledge based refutations & more

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Abū Muḥammad Neẓām

Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

21 Oct, 09:50

🔸️The Response of the Virtuous Shaykh Najīb Bin ʿAbdih al-Aḥmadī al-Sharʿabī حفظه الله ورعاه to the Bayān of Ustādh Abū ʿAṭīyyah حفظه الله in which he defends Muḥammad Hishām Ṭāhirī🔸️

Shaykh Najeeb, Hafidhahullah, after being presented the above bayaan said: “May Allah grant its writer success.

Firstly: The bayaan (of the writer) requires a bayaan itself!

His defense of the so-called Muhammad At-Tahiri, may Allah guide him, requires a bayaan of his position on the partisanship of Al-Halabi and his Irjaa in clear terms.

Secondly: It is not appropriate to publicise the making Tarahhum (asking for mercy) on the two mentioned, as it's known.

Thirdly: Did he mention the observations against Al-Jaabiri when he was addressing what he knows of Al-Jaabiri in his lecture, such as his transgression against our Shaykh Yahya and his students and Darul-Hadith in Dammaaj?! So that it can be warned against and none can be deceived by it.

Fourthly: If only At-Tahiri himself wrote a statement regarding his attendance at the aforementioned conference”. End of speech.


Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

13 Oct, 20:40

➤The Fadeelatush-Shaykh, the Allaamah, Yahya bin Ali Al-Hajoori, Hafidhahullah on ⤵️

The basis being mentioning the misguided or disparaged person by name.

“Is it permissible to mention the name of the innovator when refuting them? Or is it enough to refute the falsehood without pointing them out?”.

“The books of Al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel, and the books of the refutations upon the innovators, and the books of Aqeedah contain naming people, it contains naming sects; the Khawaarij, and the Raafidah, and the Mu'tazilah, and the Qadariyyah, and the Murji'ah, and count the rest of those sects.

They mention the sect by name and refute its beliefs.

And they mention the people
; those that introduced those Innovations, and similarly those that have taken it on board, and they refute it upon them.

And in the books of biography they mention the man and they mention their innovation, and they warn from him.

And this is the way of the Salaf - may Allah be pleased with him.

Because if they were to say: “A misguided sect says that the Qur'an is created!” the people wouldn't know who this sect is.

Or if they said: “A misguided sect insults the companions!” the people wouldn't know who this sect is.

But naming them is incumbent in this situation, so the people can know who this misguided person is who insults the companions, and who this misguided person is that says that the Qur'an is created, and who this misguided person is that rejects the Pre-decree, and who is this misguided person who rejects the Attributes, and who is this misguided person that rejects the Sunnah, similarly the one who rejects the punishment of the grave.

If they were to say this chain of narration contains some weak individuals, sure! Who is this weak individual? This is from deception. But this chain of narration is weak, it contains so-and-so who is ‘Matrook’ it contains so-and-so who is ‘Khadh-dhaab’, this chain of narration is severely weak, fabricated, it contains so-and-so who is ‘Waahi’, it contains so-and-so ‘Yukhti'u Khatheeran’, the likes of this. The books of Al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel and the books of Aqeedah and the books of refutations, the Ummah now have unanimously agreed upon that Al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel is from advice to the Ummah, so they are to be named, and Allah named Abu Lahb in His book, and his wife, and He named many of the Disbelievers and Hypocrites, especially the Disbelievers; Fir'auwn and others.

The sects are named, and the misguided person is named, it's said this one is misguided and he has such-and-such, and he has such-and-such.

In some situations it could be that a person could not be able to mention a name, or he sees that not mentioning has more blessings, and more of a covering, and more benefit, because the person who committed it is a person of authority, because the person that commited it is a righteous person who made a slip up, because if the person who committed that mistake was to be named, they would be harmed, and the likes of this which is taking into consideration by those that are speaking and the caller to Allah who is upon insight. But the basis is mentioning the disparaged individual and mentioning the misguided person, and in certain situations a person could not be able to name, so they clarify the mistake and keep it moving, if they are not able then they clarify the mistake and keep it moving:

(فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ)
"So keep your duty to Allah and fear Him as much as you can".

But the basis is warning them by name.”. End of audio.



Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

11 Oct, 21:45

𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳

Sufyān ibn ‘Uyaynah :

❝The deceased scholars used to exchange these sayings: ‘Whoever corrects his inner self, Allah will correct his outward self. Whoever amends his relationship with Allah, Allah will correct his relationships with people. Whoever works for his Hereafter, Allah will suffice him in his worldly affairs.’❞

(Ibn Abī Dunyā, Al-Ikhlāṣ)

Abū Muḥammad Neẓām


Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

07 Oct, 20:07

Loyalty of the Rāfidhah to the Jews and the Christians

Shaykh-ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله):

❝ These coastal Muslim lands were under Muslim rule for over three hundred years. The Christians and Europeans did not conquer them except through the Rāfidhah. Remnants of the Rāfidhah lived among the Christians. As for the state of Tatār, Allāh knows that those who reconciled with Hulegu, the Tartar king, and aided him in spilling the blood of Muslims, in the demise of their state, in taking their women captive, in wrecking their homes, and in capturing their wealth were none other than the Rāfidhah. They always sided with the Jews, Christians, or polytheists. ❞

(Jāmi'ul Masāil Ibn Taymiyyah, Vol. 8, Pg 214)

Abū Muḥammad Neẓām


Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

03 Oct, 19:28

➤Fadeelatush-Shaykh, Jum’aan Lahmar, may Allah preserve him, on ⤵️

Rabee’ Al-Madkhali, may Allah guide him.

➢As authentically narrated from Imam, Ibn Sireen, Rahimahullah, as found in the introduction of Sahih Muslim, that he said: “Indeed this knowledge is religion so look at he whom you take your religion from!”.

Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

21 Sep, 22:04

🆕 *Dars in Urdu starting this Sunday 19 Rabī'-ul-Awwal , إن شاء الله*

📘 *Al-Uṣūl-ut-Thalātha*

🎙️ Mudarris : Abu Muhammad Nezam (وفقه الله)

✈️ Join WhatsApp room and Telegram channel to receive live link and study materials



Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

16 Sep, 07:21

May Allāh ﷻ reward the brother for this immensely and increase him in the duniyā and ākhirah

Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

11 Sep, 14:26

Commentary on Taysīrul 'Allām Sharh 'Umdatul Aḥkām [Arabic]

By Shaykh Nawwās Al-Hindi (May Allāh preserve him)

Book of Prayer (completed)
137 Lessons

Download here


Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

09 Sep, 15:20

Yemen, a country situated at the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula. Home to the Salafi Da'wah from Yemen - and all praise is to Allah. One of the strongest, if not the strongest Salafi Da'wah in the world! Headed by the esteemed Shaykh, the Allaamah Yahya bin Al-Hajoori - may Allah preserve him, and supported by a number of elite Mashaayikh and superb students of knowledge who spend their lives in service of Islam and the Muslims - may Allah preserve them.

From the distinguishing factors of the Salafi Da'wah in Yemen is that the teaching is taking place in the Masjid far away from the worldly temptations of certificates and diplomas. And these Masaajid wherein the religion of Allah aza wa jala is being taught are many, and all praise is to Allah for facilitating this.

From the distinguishing factors of the Salafi Da'wah in Yemen is that those aforementioned Mashaayikh and their students dedicate a large portion of their days to teach multiple lessons in various fields of knowledge without asking the people for something in return! Yes for free! Here attending public lessons, private lessons, one on one tutoring, cultivation by Scholars and Shaykhs and Students; who have been recommended and appraised by those that are qualified, is for free!

May Allah preserve for us this good and allow us to pass this good on to others, in the manner it has been received!


Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

08 Sep, 19:24

The Prophet ﷺ has two great pools

#Ibn_Qayyim (رحمه الله):

❝The Prophet ﷺ has two great pools. A pool in this world: It is his sunnah and whatever he was sent with. Hence, the ones who drink from this pool, they are the ones who are going to drink from his pool (Al- Kauthar) in the Hereafter. The people are divided into those who will drink and those who will be deprived, and into those who will drink abundantly, and those who will drink scarcely. ❞

[Ijtimā'-ul-Juyūshil Islāmiyah Vol. 2 Pg. 85]

Abū Muḥammad Neẓām

Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

02 Sep, 19:55



✒️Ibnu-l-Qayyim رحمه الله said:

"سائرُ اللذَّات تبطلُ بمفارقة الروح البدن، إلا لذَّةُ العلم والإيمان، فإنها تَكْمُلُ بعد المفارقة"


📙Miftahu Dari-s-Saa'dah 1/400

🟡We advise our brothers and sisters to put utmost of their efforts in seeking knowledge and adhering to Imaan with its branches, before they lose their opportunities.

🟢Narrated Yazid bin 'Umairah:

"When death was upon Mu'adh bin Jabal, it was said to him: 'O Abu 'Abdur-Rahman, advise us.' He said: 'Sit me up.' So he said: 'Indeed, knowledge and Imaan are at their place, whoever desires them shall find them.' He said that three times. 'And seek knowledge from four men: 'Uwaimir Abu Ad-Darda, with Salman Al-Farisi, with 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, and with 'Abdullah bin Salam who used to be a Jew and then accepted Islam. For indeed, I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saying, "Indeed he is the tenth of ten in Paradise."

📗Transmitted by Tirmizhi & authenticated by AlAlbani and AlWadi'i

🔵Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:

"and he who treads the path in search of knowledge, Allah would make that path easy, leading to Paradise for him"

📗Transmitted by Muslim

✒️ Abu Abdir-Rahman Nawwas Al-Hindi As-Seylani


Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

31 Aug, 18:44

Tazkiyyah (Praising) of the one who deserves it is a sunnah

Our Shaykh Abū Bilāl Al-Ḥadhrami (حفظه الله):

❝ Praising (the one worthy of praise) is a sunnah from the sunan. The Prophet ﷺ said, «Do not abuse my companions for if anyone of you spent gold equal to the weight of Uhud, it won't be equivalent to a mudd or even half a mudd spent by one of them.» and he said, «Will you not then leave harming my companion for me». When Imām Aḥmad was asked regarding reporting ḥadīth from Aḥmad Ibn Yūnus, he said, «Narrate from him. Indeed, he is Shaykh-ul-Islām». He said to his son, «My son, As-Shāf'i, was like the sun to the world, and like well-being to the body».❞


Dars of Ṣaḥiḥ Al-Bukhāri
Thursday Night,
25th Ṣafar, 1446

Abū Muḥammad Neẓām

Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

18 Aug, 09:06

Ascribing the statements of the elders of deviant groups to their groups

Shaykh Abū Bilāl Al-Ḥadhrami (حفظه الله):

❝There is no issue in ascribing the statements of the elders of a group to their whole group if they affirm it (without rejection). Allāh, The Most Perfect and High , blamed the people of the book for that which their elders had done before them, like killing the prophets - may Allāh’s Peace and Mercy be upon the them, since they affirmed it. ❞

[Dars of Ṣahīh Al-Bukhārī - 7th Ṣafar 1446]

Abū Muḥammad Neẓām

Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

16 Aug, 03:35

The Religion is for Allāh, but the nation is for all

Shaykh Bakr Abū Zaid (رحمه الله):

❝ "The Religion is for Allāh, but the nation is for all" is a statement that necessitates apostasy.❞

Mu'jamul Manāhil Lafẓiyah pg. 262

Abū Muḥammad Neẓām

Ahlul Ḥadīth Wal Athar

14 Aug, 11:32

It is not permissible to stand in honour for any national anthem or flag

The Permanent Fatwa Committee of Saudi Arabia:

❝It is not permissible for a muslim to stand in honour and glory of any national flag or anthem. Rather, It is from the evil innovations which neither existed in the time of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ, nor in the time of his rightly guided caliphs (May Allāh be pleased with them)

It contradicts the mandatory completeness of tawhīd and contradicts sincerely glorifying Allāh alone. It is a means to Shirk and it is an imitation of the disbelievers and blindly following them in their bad habits and it in being in their accordance in excessively honoring their chiefs and their customs. Indeed the Prophet ﷺ has prohibited from imitating them.

And Allāh is the One who grants success and May Allāh's peace and blessings be upon our prophet, his family and his companions. ❞

[The Permanent Fatwa Committee of Saudi Arabia (headed by Shaykh Ibn Bāz) (Fatwa No. 2123)]

Abū Muḥammad Neẓām





