Revit and designer


Unique channel for BIM designers
Admin @Madiyor_architect

Revit and designer

20 Sep, 15:22

Revit ishqibozlari uchun qiziqarli sovg'alar❤️‍🔥🎁

Revit mahoratingizni oshirmoqchimisiz?

1️⃣ Tez qayta ishlash bo'yicha maslahatlar
2️⃣ Bepul Revit ob'ektlar to'plami
3️⃣ Bo'lishi shart Revit plaginlari

Barcha resurslar 100% BEPUL! Hoziroq maxsus kanalimizga qo'shiling va Revit tajribangizni keyingi bosqichga olib chiqing!

➡️Qo'shilish uchun bu yerni bosing:

Exciting Gifts for Revit Enthusiasts

Looking to boost your Revit skills?

1️⃣ Quick Revit Tips
2️⃣ Free Revit Object Packs
3️⃣ Must-Have Revit Plugins

All resources are 100% FREE! Join our special channel now and take your Revit experience to the next level!

➡️Click here to join:

Revit and designer

17 Sep, 18:08

Obunachilardan izohda qaysi mamlakatdan ekanligi yozib qoldirishini iltimos qilamiz. Bu orqali izohlarda eng ko’p yozilgan mamlakatlar ketma-ketligida shu davlatlarga hos shuningdek revit uchun noyob bo’lgan an’anaviy va zamonaviy arxitektura elementlari BIM modelini ishlamoqchimiz

We ask subscribers to leave a comment stating which country they are from. Through this, we plan to create BIM models of traditional and modern architectural elements specific to the countries that are mentioned the most in the comments, especially those unique to Revit.

Revit and designer

17 Jul, 05:16

Qibla finder

Loyiha geopozitsiyasini kiritish orqali qibla yo’nalishi avtomatik aniqlanadi. Ushbu belgini revit legendasiga M 1:2 joylash orqali qulay foydalana olasiz.
Hamkasblaringizga ulashishni unutmang

Semeystva bosh rejada foydalanish uchun mo’ljallangan

The Qibla direction will be automatically determined by entering the geographical position of the project. By placing this marker in the Revit legend in scale 1:1, you will be able to use it conveniently.
Don't forget to share this with your colleagues.

The family is intended for master plan.

Revit 2019

Revit and designer

26 Jan, 12:45

Central Asian door

Revit 2024

Revit and designer

05 Jan, 16:17

Window trim
#trim #exterior

Revit 2024

Revit and designer

31 Dec, 20:02

Now you can follow and support us on instagram

Revit and designer

31 Dec, 20:00

Revit and designer

28 Dec, 11:10

#Outdoor #Furniture #Landscape

Revit 2019

Revit and designer

27 Dec, 16:04

TV Stand

Revit 2019

Revit and designer

26 Dec, 18:57

Milliy ustun

Revit 2024

Revit and designer

26 Dec, 18:44

Grix darvoza

Revit and designer

26 Dec, 18:42

Grix temir darvoza
#door #gate

Revit 2019