Pediatrics slides, pain and agony


Presented to you by Batman and the justice league 🦸🏻‍♂️

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 12:33

Good luck on your finals!
The slides on the final exam are very similar to the end of rotation exam, so keep calm and keep child abuse as a ddx in your mind 🌞

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 08:56

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony pinned «⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ First file ..»

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 08:56

Pediatric slides usually follow a pattern, if you are lucky enough you can predict it. Generally the group on day two will get the opposite of what day one got

1- genetics or developmental milestones
2- some sort of a syndrome (down, Edward, patu)
3- a very stupid and easy question that will make you doubt your self
4- infections plus torch
5- x ray of the chest mostly (dont forget to throw tb if u dont know what is going on)
6- abuse.. not to you this time but to a child from his parents. Always keep in mind bruises on the medial aspect of limps and broken ribs/bones suspect child abuse
7- every thing you’ve seen during your rotation can show up but think common stuff

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 08:56

First file ..

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 03:35

Pneumoniatis intestinalis
Pathognomonic of necrotizing enterocloitis

Risk factors:
1- prematurity
2- antibiotics use
3- formula feeding

Tx: supportive, AB, surgery

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 03:29

Situs invertus
There’s dextrocardia and malrotation of the intestine
Associated with kartagenar syndrome

(Kartagener's syndrome is a rare, autosomal recessive genetic ciliary disorder comprising the triad of situs inversus, chronic sinusitis, and bronchiectasis. The basic problem lies in the defective movement of cilia, leading to recurrent chest infections, ear/nose/throat symptoms, and infertility)

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 03:13

بالنسبة للسلايدات
1-Erythema infectiosam slapped cheeck appearance parvo b19
2-Sever dehydration complication give 3 example don't give s&s give disease like menangitis ,dehydration ,acute renal failure
3-MDI with spacer all age group can use it advantag and disadvantag (difficulty in cleaning )
4-3ddx of cough and fever in 6 month old child ( Bronchiolitis , bronchial pneumonia ,...)
5-Picture of growth chart below the mean then become on the mean give 3 causes
(Induction by growth hormon,...)
6-what is the diagnosis ?Muccopolysaccaridosis give 4 feature and how to confirm it
By detecting enzyme level
7-bone marrow biopsy microscopic picture of leishmanian body infiltration there was in the hx fever and HSM
8-ealy sign of syphlis infection you choose picture of snuffles
9-autossomal dominant give 3 condition
10-4 pictures of cranial nerve
abnormality ( ptosis of oculomotor nerve palsy ,up ward eye of trochlear nerve palsy , bilateral facial palsy failure to closure both eyes , 6th cranial nerve palsy) for optimam answer say right or left

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 02:27

1- 2 pictures ... one of normal tongue and the other is smooth tongue (glossitis) ... give diagnosis and 2 causes
Ans.\ IDA ... Vit. B9 deficiency
(تقريبا اي micronutrient deficiency ترهم بس ذني يمشن)

2- xray of skull ...finding and 2 causes
Ans.\ hair on end appearance ... 2 causes ( thalassemia major and sickle cell disease )

3- female (يمكن school age) present with hair loss and normal physical exam what is the diagnosis?
Ans.\ الدكتور كال medical child abuse بس هي جان عدهة فراغات بشعرهة اغلبنة عبالنة الوبيشيا

4- newborn with low platelets والصورة طفل وعندة عالجهة اليسار فدشي مثل الهيماتوما جبيرة فوك السبلين what is the dx and what is the mechanism
Ans.\ kasabach merit syndrome ( giant hemangiomatous lesion that sequesters platelets )

5- pictures of child with swelling of his face (parotid and part of his neck ) present with meningitis, csf index ;low glucose high lymphocytes with slightly elevated protein what is the diagnosis and complications
Ans.\ Mumps .. orchitis and pancreatitis

6- pedigree of autosomal dominant,3 examples
Ans.\ نفس صور القنوات جوابها

7-صورة طفلة وكايل عليهة short stature with dark color skin شنو دايكنوسز وشنو كومبلكيشن بس هي جان
عدهةenlargement of the maxilla
Ans.\ Fanconi anemia ( she had microcephaly وطبعا متنحزر هالكيس)

8-chest x ray hilar infiltration with mediastinal widening شنو الفايندكنز وانطو ٣ دفرنشيال
Ans.\ lymphoma ... TB ... sarcoidosis ?

9- skin lesion over the legs with oral lesions and picture of hair ديكولون كواشيوركر وفلاك ساين بس ماعرف
و جان يريد ٣ كومبليكيشن اللي هن نفسهن اسباب الموت المفروض

10- left sided abducens n palsy and mention 3 causes
Increased ICP ... meningitis ... trauma ?

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 02:22

هاي الصورة نفسها يريدون اسم الحالة وشنو العلاج

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 02:22

هاي الصورة نفسها وكاتبين الطفل bleeding from everywhere and is now dead
اسم الحالة
How to prevent it

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 02:22

1) X-ray
Dx : Diaghragmatic hernia
Mx : surgery
2) X-ray
Dx : Either lobar pneumonia or abscess
(( I think both of them could be right ))
Mx : ABs and surgical drainage of the abscess
3) Neonatal jaundice
Ddx : biliary atresia and choledochal cyst
Ix for synthetic function of the liver :
PT/PTT and serum albumin
4) Intraosseous device
Indication : Obese child and failure of other routes
Contra : Bleeding and Skin infection
5) Erb’s palsy
Level of the lesion : brachial plexus
6) Napkin dermatitis
Causative agent : Fungal ( candida )
7) Rash slide
Dx : I think rubella
Other answer: eruthema infectiousm
Causative agent : german measles
Sequel in pregnancy : congenital rubella syndrome
8) Mode of inheritance
X-linxed recessive
2 examples : G6PD and hemophilia
9) Gower’s sign
Cause : proximal muscle wasting
10) Huge mass in the mouth slide
Case: associated with abdominal distention
Dx : Burkitt’s lymphoma
Ix : Tissue biopsy

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 02:22

•Twin to twin transfusion slide
-complication for both
•Testicular swelling slide
-2 ddx
•3 pics of Infective endocarditis signs
- name them
splinter hemorrhage, janeway lesion
• Rash
-dx roseola
• lift chest while prone
- age

Pediatrics slides, pain and agony

20 Jan, 02:22

١)سلايد اثنين اطفال وكاتبيلج منو منهم الابنورمال
هو دادون سندروم
وانطي ثلاثة موست كمن سستم انفولفمنت ابنرومالتي ويا الداون
٢) سلايد طفل ديكوم بالگوة من الكاع هاي ال gower sign ويادزيز تصير بيها Duchen جانو رايدين مثالين
٣) سلايد family pedgree وجانت X lincked reccessive وانطي مثالين عليها
4) سلايد طفل عمره بحدود ثلاث سنوات ديگمز ف تكتبين شنو هوة شديسوي ولحد ياسنة او ياسنة هو النورمال مايل ستون مال هاي الحركة مداتذكر السؤال بالضبط😂
٥) سلايد جان محير وومدداتذكره بالضبط جان واحد عنده لفموما وجاي عنده هايبوكالسيميا ورينال فيلر اعتقد هيج شي
المهم اني كتبت tumer lysis syndrom لان اتذكر مرة حسنين كال تصير بالاطفال الي ياخذون كيمو ثيوابي ويكونون highly sensetive بس ممتأكد الصراحة من صيغة السؤال والاجابة لان صار كومة😂
6) napkin rash
مال كانديدا وشنو الترتيمنت مالتها
7) جانت اكس ري للابدومن شنو الانفتكيشن وشنو اندكيشن يمكن وشنو الدايكنوزز اعتقد جان باريوم مداتذكر همين