🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍


Diligere ex toto corde, et in tota anima...ƸɜƷ

🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

21 Oct, 03:52

“It takes little to make a wise man happy, but nothing satisfies a fool; that is why the majority of mankind is unhappy.”

- François de Rochefoucald


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

21 Oct, 03:50

"Millions of people never analyze themselves. Mentally, they are the mechanical product of the factory of their environment…busy with breakfast, lunch and dinner, work and sleep, going here and there for amusement.

They do not know what they are seeking, and why they are seekers. Nor, because they have never attained full happiness and lasting satisfaction. By avoiding self-analysis, people remain robots, conditioned by their environment.

True self-analysis is the real art of progress.

- Paramahansa Yogananda


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

21 Oct, 03:29


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

21 Oct, 03:26



🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

21 Oct, 03:17

You can start small…

The jug fills gradually, drop by drop.

Ralph Emerson said, “Every master was once an amateur.”

We all start small…don’t neglect the small things. If you are consistent and patient, you will succeed.

No one can become successful overnight; success comes to those who are willing to start small and work hard until the jug is full.


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

21 Oct, 03:13

"I don't understand these people who are constantly seeking everyone's approval. How nice it is to be disliked for your common sense, your own judgment, and your honesty."

- Maria Jimenez


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

21 Oct, 03:09

"When two souls fall in love, there is nothing else but the yearning to be close to the other. The presence is felt through a held hand, a voice heard and the sight of a smile. Even through a simple touch. Souls do not have calendars or clocks, nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not around. Your soul feels their absence— it doesn’t realize the separation is temporary."

- Lang Leav


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 23:27

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 23:27

Noice ride
Skittle's Corner

🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 23:19

I demand that you pay attention to me at all times! 😂


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 23:19

One spring, the grandson and grandfather were weeding the garden. Suddenly, the child asked,

“Grandpa, why do the weeds we didn’t plant grow so well, while what we plant requires our attention, care, and work?”

The grandpa replied ,
“Here, grandson, thanks to your powers of observation, you have made an important discovery for yourself. Everything that is valuable and significant to man requires considerable effort from him, while harmful and unnecessary things grow by themselves.”


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 22:34


Happiness is not so rare,
Happiness is everywhere.
Many things can be considered happy for us…
what life teaches us.

Happiness is every new morning.
Happiness is colorful flowers.
Happiness is days without worries.
Happiness is laughing happily.

Happiness is rain, when it is hot.
Happiness is the sun.
Happiness is a child eating ice cream.
Happiness is also a dear greeting.

Happiness is warmth, when it is cold.
Happiness is a beach, with a blue sea.
Happiness is the peace that is in the forest.
Happiness is in the hand of a friend.

Happiness is a quiet hour.
Happiness is also a good book.
Happiness is having fun, in happy company.
Happiness is friendly guests.

Happiness is never tied to one place.
Happiness knows no season…
It it always possible to find happiness and enjoy life.

- Clement of Brentano


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 22:31

"There is no point in looking for a place where you will be happy. It is worth learning to create this goodness anywhere."

- Omar Khayyam


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 22:28

“The modern man is a prisoner who believes he is free because he refrains from touching the walls of his dungeon.”

- Nicolas Gómez Dávila


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 22:26

It takes a tremendous amount of courage to see this journey of life through, from start to finish! We are tossed around in a stormy ocean for years – without an anchor to hang onto or an Oracle to understand or see into – we simply ride the waves the best we can. God does not calm the seas or let up until we have understood our own self-worth.


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 22:23

Skittle's Corner

🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 22:22



🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 22:17


🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 22:16



🤍 LOVE over FEAR 🤍

20 Oct, 22:14
