Esoteric Dixie Dharma


Archeofuturist Dixie Dharma Space Imperivm HQ

Middle Way Master Race

"To recreate a new aristocracy is the eternal task of every revolutionary project."
– Guillaume Faye

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

21 Oct, 00:25

Massa protectin his house 😎

Dixiecrats in control, trvst the Plan 🇺🇸

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

21 Oct, 00:15

To be vital is to be in a state of becoming—always reaching, always striving—refusing to settle for anything less than greatness.

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

20 Oct, 23:03

“To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's.”
― Dostoevsky

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

19 Oct, 20:29

The truth about the world, he said, is that anything is possible. Had you not seen it all from birth and thereby bled it of its strangeness it would appear to you for what it is, a hat trick in a medicine show, a fevered dream, a trance bepopulate with chimeras having neither analogue nor precedent, an itinerant carnival, a migratory tentshow whose ultimate destination after many a pitch in many a mudded field is unspeakable and calamitous beyond reckoning.

The universe is no narrow thing and the order within it is not constrained by any latitude in its conception to repeat what exists in one part in any other part. Even in this world more things exist without our knowledge than with it and the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way. For existence has its own order and that no man's mind can compass, that mind itself being but a fact among others.

— Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

18 Oct, 02:49

Esoteric Dixie Dharma pinned «This is a pretty good time to address the "elite question" from another aspect as well. The word elite itself clearly has connotations to it that may make it a less effective descriptor of what we're actually going for than something else. In the end, I…»

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

17 Oct, 01:15

"what plan"? WHAT PLAN???

He started strong with the Trust but fell off immediately

Silly poos, Dharma's for Dixie 🇺🇸

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

15 Oct, 23:51

Vampires can’t just barge into your home, they have to be invited in.

Vampires; the Wandering Jew cursed to walk the earth forever with no rest.

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

15 Oct, 23:50


With all of that being said, we need to evaluate the legitimacy of the side of things that attributes blame to the populace.

The key to Revelation of the Method is that the victim is really not a victim because he allowed the crime to happen and while it is obvious that many of those who would seek to manipulate such mechanisms may not be as immune to the karma as they think, there is still definitely something to this.

After all, if someone is telling you they’re about to do something and you do nothing to stop them, is the blame not AT LEAST 50% on you?

Arguably it's even more.

If a train is coming down the track and you choose to not get up off your fat ass and move then is that not on you?

This is the attitude of radical responsibility that we have to take.

We can’t be mad at the snake for being a snake. We can’t complain that nature is functioning in the way that it functions – we simply must account for it.

So when things are happening in society that are being perpetrated by a supposed corrupt elite, we have to ask the question: can they do anything that we don’t allow them to and are they not in some sense a very natural response to an issue latent within the people?

Of course, here we are reminded once again of Codreanu’s famous quote:

A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.

It is imperative that we analyze things along these lines because of how important it is in all facets of life that we take responsibility for our own lot.

Nothing can be accomplished without first owning up to our own part in whatever the issue is.

So when the populace deserves something is it not appropriate for certain actions to be perpetrated on them? Would this not be simply the facilitation of the people’s karma?

If the populace is materialistic and does not care about striving for spiritual attainment and have become apathetic in general, then are they not actually inviting corruption with open arms?

Of course it is not really so clear to put it on either the elite or the populace and I assert that once again the wisdom of the Middle Way or secret third thing is applicable because in truth society is a feedback loop and indivisible whole – clearly on the one hand an elite guides and shapes the populace but on the other hand the populace produces an elite.

So there can be no real single answer to who is at fault, the elite or the people, but what is certain is that without first acknowledging that each one of us is at fault we will never make any headway in getting ourselves out of this mess.

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

15 Oct, 23:25

This works with santa claus too fyi
You can literally get officially licensed Hulk Hands™️ every Christmas with this one simple hack

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

15 Oct, 23:24

So the key point here is intention.

The question is WHY is the elite doing what it is doing even more than WHAT it is doing.

Well, we know why an actual spiritual elite, an order of authentic Arya, does what it does – for the greatest benefit of all. They operate from the pure intention of the awakened mind – bodhicitta.

It is quite clear that with many of these rituals and practices engaged in by our current rulers that there is some other motivation going on other than what we would call pure intention.

The engagment in such things in many cases is clearly out of worldly or egoic reasons, which is the literal opposite of the motivation of an Ariya class.

It is the affirmation of selfish desires above wisdom and acting out of attachments and aversions instead of a center of awakened fullness and outcome independence.

Otherwise, why do you engage in actions all year that you know (under your own paradigm) are wrong as decreed by God and then need to purify yourself at the end of the year with a loophole?

Same way with the wire around the city blocks in NYC – you have to find a loophole in the legalism of God’s law so that you can do what you want to do anyway.

This betrays an incredibly short-sighted view of how reality functions and an aggressively conniving ethos.

It is a complete ignorance and unwillingness to look at what the actual teachings behind God's words and focusing only on the letter of the law.

The application of such a hyper legalistic view of spirituality and reality points to the dominance and reign of the ego over the awakened mind and when we look at the condition of the world under such leaders I think this becomes very obvious to see.

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

15 Oct, 23:17

What we see in all of this is obviously an extremely legalistic view of the structure of reality (remember they are doing all of this for spiritual reasons – they don't only do revelation of the method just to flex though some surely do) that says as long as you know the rules, you can weasel your way around them and do whatever you want.

Loopholes, loopholes, loopholes!

There is a reason so many Jews are lawyers – because their mind thinks in these terms because it is what is encouraged by their religion.

But isn't this attitude kind of like Tantra?

No and the reason is because a Tantric Bodhisattva acknowledges the inherently empty nature of all acts while holding pure intention and operating from the state of the awakened mind whereas Jews or anyone else who abides by this sort of legalistic framing IS asserting an absolute value to certain acts, sin, but then takes steps to tip toe around being liable for that sin.

So the key point really is coming down to intention and the state/level of realization from which one acts.

It is here that I think we can draw the distinction between authentic spirituality vs. inauthentic spirituality, which could in some sense be seen as “ego dominated” vs. “bodhicitta realized.”

Because it must still be acknowledged that this is a form of spirituality these people are practicing with an obviously very high level of efficacy in terms of worldly impact.

After all, there are certainly what we may frame as laws to reality, which can be manipulated as a means in order to bring about certain conventional level ends.

Tantra also is a very ritualistic path that has very many means towards ends but the difference is that the tantrika is doing whatever it is that he is doing out of Bodhicitta.

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

15 Oct, 23:10

It's the same logic behind Kapparot

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

15 Oct, 23:08

The big reason is consent.

If you consent to something - then you’ve asked for it - which, to the stupid - takes away wrongdoing from me.

So for example - if I hold out my arm and say, “you can have this apple, it is poisonous and it will kill you”.

And you take it and eat it - well, that’s your fault not mine.

The idea is that by doing that - the karma isn’t negative, because you gave them fair warning of the consequences of the action, but they consented and brought it on themselves.

Secondly, in the same way that God allowed Satan to test and tempt Job - the idea is that the forces of Good can’t really intervene against the forces of Bad, if you have willingly gave into temptation and accepted Bad.

So again, consent, but with the added element of losing your own protection by consenting.

Esoteric Dixie Dharma

15 Oct, 23:08

Why do they do this?