Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused


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This channel is for all who want to speak Italian well. That's the reason why this channel is a little bit more focused on grammar. See also Learn / study Italian — Topic by topic channel ;-)

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

21 Jun, 22:10

Proposition A: basically it means AT or TO, very similar to IN. Let's see some examples:

✳️ At home
🇮🇹 A casa

✳️ At school
🇮🇹 A scuola

✳️ At work
🇮🇹 A lavoro

But it means also TO:

✳️ I want to go home.
🇮🇹 Voglio andare a casa.

✳️ I want to go to school.
🇮🇹 Voglio andare a scuola.

✳️ I want to go to work.
🇮🇹 Voglio andare a lavoro.

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

05 Jun, 19:34

To sum up, these days we have learned the proposition IN. And we learned that if it's in a sentence before a definite article, it changes into NE+definite article (see the table ⬆️ from 26/5/2024)...

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

05 Jun, 18:25

In the offices
Negli uffici

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

05 Jun, 17:05

In the room
Nella stanza

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

05 Jun, 17:04

In the house
Nella casa

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

05 Jun, 17:04

In the water

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

05 Jun, 17:03


Translate and tap to uncover the correct answer:

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

05 Jun, 16:04


✳️ The father
🇮🇹 Il padre

✳️ The eye
🇮🇹 L'occhio

✳️ The sugar
🇮🇹 Lo zucchero

✳️ The mother
🇮🇹 La madre

✳️ The water
🇮🇹 L'acqua

✳️ The cars
🇮🇹 Le macchine

✳️ The shops
🇮🇹 I negozi

And so on....

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

01 Jun, 23:38

There is only one definite article in English: THE.
Unfortunately there are more definite articles in Italian. Let's see the table:

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

26 May, 21:35

There is a problem though, in most cases the preposition IN is merged with definite articles. Let's see the combinations:

In + il ➡️ nel
In + lo ➡️ nello
In + l' ➡️ nell'
In + la ➡️ nella
In + i ➡️ nei
In + gli ➡️ negli
In + le ➡️ nelle

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

24 May, 21:31

Let's start with one of the easiest: IN
The use is similar to English, it means AT, IN but sometimes also TO

Examples for today:

✳️ I live in a rural area.
🇮🇹 Vivo in zona di campagna.

✳️ I live in a three-storey house.
🇮🇹 Vivo in una casa a tre piani.

Let's examine the sentences:
✳️ I
🇮🇹 Io
✳️ To live
🇮🇹 Vivere (conjugation: I live - io vivo, you live - tu vivi, he/she lives - lui/lei vive, we live - noi viviamo, you live - voi vivete, they live - loro vivono)
✳️ Rural area, countryside
🇮🇹 Campagna (feminine - la, plural campagne)
✳️ Area
🇮🇹 Zona (feminine - la, plural zone)
✳️ House
🇮🇹 Casa (feminine - la, plural case)
✳️ Three
🇮🇹 Tre
✳️ Storey, floor
🇮🇹 Piano (masculine - il, plural piani)

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

24 May, 21:15

Ok, your first choice is PREPOSITIONS

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

22 May, 21:13

If you are interested in something else write a comment to the poll, thank you.

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

22 May, 21:07

Since we made a long pause let's start again wherever you wish... Vote in our poll what you want to start with:

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

22 May, 21:04

Hi 😊

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

14 May, 21:36

Usually, the verb "to have" is used with verbs which indicate an action executed by the subject and "to be" is usually used in sentences where the subject is subjected to the action or with verbs of movement. Let's see a few examples to understand it better:

➡️ action executed by the subject:
✳️ Ho parlato - I have spoken
✳️ Ho sentito - I have heard

➡️ subject is subjected to the action:
✳️ Sono nato - I was born
✳️ Sono cresciuto - I grew up

➡️ verbs of movement:
✳️ Sono andato - I went
✳️ È caduto - He fell

Learn / study Italiano - Grammar focused

11 Apr, 22:00

How to create "passato prossimo"?

Simply use a conjugated auxiliary verb "to be" or "to have" plus "part participle".


✳️ Ho parlato
✳️ Hanno ricevuto
✳️ È caduto

When do we use "to be" and when "to have"? Let's see tomorrow...