Public Information Hub


Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:25

This is what happened today in Mozambique’s Tete province.
Mozambicans refused to be intimidated by the army and police, the soldiers ended up running for dear life.


Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:25

Zimbabwe purchased fire engines at an inflated price from Belarus.
Since Belarus is under sanctions, the fire engines were seized by Lithuania on that basis.
Now, Nick Mangwana is lying, claiming they were seized due to sanctions on Zimbabwe.
This is a blatant lie.

The story πŸ‘‡πŸΏ

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:25

This is so hilarious, I have put together a Twitter thread with three of SADC’s presidents at their airport.
It is as ridiculous as it is comical🀣🀣🀣

Videos hereπŸ‘‡πŸΏ

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:25

Yesterday, I reported on the consequences of the Zambezi River drying up for electricity generation at Kariba.
Today, authorities at the Zambezi River Authority, which manages Kariba, informed me that the usable storage for water required to generate power is now at 5%.
Last year it was at 20.3% at this time of the year.


Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:25

It is a mess too in Tanzania

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:25


Mozambican security forces attack opposition leader in front of global media cameras creating pandemonium at a press briefing.

Full video of eventsπŸ‘‡πŸΏ

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:24

Mozambican capital is empty after opposition calls for a stay away.


Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:24

As the ZANUPF infighting rages on, don’t be distracted, these fights have nothing to do with us, unless you are a member of ZANUPF.
We have political prisoners, that should be the number one matter of concern to us politically.
Treat the ZANUPF infighting as a mere spectacle, nothing more, nothing less. It is a snake shedding its skin.


Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:24

Look at what is happening in the DRC, ladies and gentlemen.
Why are prominent African voices quiet about this, yet they write acres of words about Gaza and other conflicts but do not care about their own backyard?


Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:24

Former CIO Deputy Director General Lovemore Itai Mukandi, in a video, claimed that Emmerson Mnangagwa had been planning the 2017 coup for years, with the roots of the plot taking hold after the Gukurahundi massacres.

He says Mugabe told him that his chosen successor was Dr Sydney Sekeramayi and that Mugabe’s imminent departure triggered the coup because Mnangagwa, Chiwenga, and Shiri were worried that if power was handed over to someone they didn’t trust, they could be prosecuted for the Gukurahundi massacres.
Mukandi has released his autobiography where he makes more revelations.

Watch him talk via this linkπŸ‘‡πŸΏ

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:24

The ANC Leadership poll result.

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:24

Another new book by another CIO Director who now lives in Canada is now out.

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:24

Just in case you want participate in this pollπŸ‘‡πŸΏ

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:23

What can we do to make people read to comprehend and to generally learn to read everything before they comment?

More hereπŸ‘‡πŸΏ

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:23

This painful video is of the mighty Zambezi River, reduced to rocks and boulders.
A delegation from the Zambian Parliament and the Central Bank of Zambia is inspecting the situation and contemplating the economic damage it could inflict on Zambia. This issue also applies to Zimbabwe, as both countries rely on hydroelectricity from Kariba, which gets its water from the Zambezi River.
What went wrong for these two countries to depend on a power utility that is 65 years old?


Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:22

Which ANC would you vote for?

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:22

Another question for you guys;

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:22

Should we be stuck in practices that were meant for ancient times? What are your views?

Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:22

As South Africa lays to rest its illustrious son, Tito Mboweni, his life, well lived, serves as a teaching moment for African political elites.
Respect is not demanded, it is earned.
He was a towering figure in South African politics and the business sector, yet when I posted an idea on social media, he personally wrote to me, acknowledging what I had posted and promising to consider it. A rare display of humility in our African politics.


Public Information Hub

21 Jan, 00:21

*Politics failed Zimbabwe when ZANU refused to unite with ZAPU in 1980, only to do so seven years later after bloodshed.
*The refusal to teach other languages, particularly Ndebele, across the country not only cost us an opportunity to build unity, but also ironically deprived Shona-speaking people of the chance to learn a language already spoken by 12 million people and understood by half of South Africa.
*The notion that teaching French is a form of emasculation is as backward as refusing to use a tool that could help you grow economically.

More*Long read πŸ‘‡πŸΏ