
We share daily Koinonia sermons to bring all men close to God.


20 Jan, 18:59

Before you stone me, Please listen || Apostle Paul Made wrong Statements in the Bible- Joshua Selman

Video below 👇👇


20 Jan, 18:59

How Apostle Michael Orokpo inherited the spirit of Apostle Arome Osayi || Apostolic Message TV

Video below 👇👇


20 Jan, 17:54

Heavenly Father, as I embark on this new day, I meditate on your words in Proverbs 3:5-6. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

Grant me the strength and discipline to take your instructions seriously. Help me to trust you wholeheartedly, recognizing that your wisdom far surpasses my understanding. I submit every aspect of my life to you, seeking your guidance in every decision and step I take. Join this morning prayer using the link 👇👇


20 Jan, 17:53

Heavenly Father,

As the sun rises and the world awakens to a new day, I come before you with a heart that seeks your divine protection and safety. Your Word reassures us in Psalm 121:7-8, "The Lord will keep you from all harm—He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Lord, I find solace in the promise of your vigilant care.

I pray for your protective hand to cover me, my loved ones, and all those who are in need. Shield us from the unseen dangers that may lurk in the shadows and guard us against both known and unknown threats. Your love is a fortress, and in you, we find safety. Join this morning prayer>>> https://youtu.be/CbzicTqc_dE


20 Jan, 17:51

The Great Harvest

Apostle Michael Orokpo


20 Jan, 17:51

(1st Service of the Year 2024)
Apostle Joshua Selman

Koinonia Abuja Sunday Service
21st January, 2024


20 Jan, 17:51

Heavenly Father,

As I stand before you in the quiet moments of this morning, I come with a heart open to your guidance. Your Word teaches us in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Today, Lord, I seek your wisdom and discernment in making decisions, and I place before you the choices I will face throughout the day.

Grant me, O Lord, the clarity of mind to understand your will and the courage to follow it. In the midst of the various decisions that lay before me, whether big or small, I invite your Spirit to be my guide. May your light illuminate the path I am to take, and may your wisdom direct my steps. Join this morning prayer>> https://youtu.be/e485oXF7MNQ


20 Jan, 17:50

Heavenly Father, in the midst of challenging times, I turn to You with a prayer for guidance. Your Word promises in Psalm 32:8, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." Lord, guide me through these difficult moments.

As I navigate through uncertainties and trials, I seek Your wisdom to light my path. Be my counselor, O Lord, and lead me in the way that aligns with Your purpose for my life. May Your loving presence be a beacon of hope, reassuring me that I am not alone. Join this morning prayer using the link 👇👇


20 Jan, 17:47

Heavenly Father,

As I stand before you in the dawn of a new day, I recognize the challenges and uncertainties that may lie ahead. Your Word reminds me in Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Lord, I come before you seeking the strength and courage that only you can provide.

Grant me, dear Father, the strength to face challenges head-on. When obstacles arise, empower me to stand firm, rooted in your promises. May your strength be my refuge, and may I draw from it the resilience needed to overcome whatever comes my way. Join this morning prayer using the link >>>> https://youtu.be/P7cFpVkhBgk


20 Jan, 17:46

Dear Heavenly Father,

As I stand before you in the quiet moments of this morning, I am compelled to pour out my heart in gratitude. Your Word in Psalm 136:1 declares, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever." How true and steadfast is your love, O Lord, and for this, I am profoundly thankful.

In the vast tapestry of my life, I see the threads of your blessings woven intricately throughout. I am grateful for the monumental blessings that have shaped my journey—those moments of triumph, joy, and abundance that reflect the grandeur of your providence. Thank you for the people you've placed in my life, the opportunities you've granted, and the experiences that have shaped my character. Join this morning prayer using the link 👇👇


20 Jan, 17:44

Heavenly Father, as I embark on this new day, I humbly come before Your presence with a simple yet sincere plea: stay with me, O Lord. Your Word assures us in Hebrews 13:5 that You will never leave us nor forsake us, and I cling to that promise.

In the midst of the challenges and uncertainties that may unfold, I seek Your comforting and abiding presence. Be with me in every decision, every interaction, and every moment. May Your Spirit guide my thoughts, words, and actions throughout the day. Join this morning prayer>>> https://youtu.be/Kct7ksJjpWM


20 Jan, 17:43

Heavenly Father, in the quiet of this morning, I turn my heart toward You with thanksgiving, recalling the timeless wisdom of Psalm 100:4, which invites us to enter Your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise.

Lord, I come before Your presence with a heart full of gratitude, acknowledging Your goodness and faithfulness. As I step into this new day, I choose to enter Your gates with thanksgiving, recognizing that every breath is a gift from You, and every moment is an opportunity to express my gratitude. Join this morning prayer >>> https://youtu.be/knMSTle94LE


20 Jan, 17:41

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we bow before Your glorious presence, acknowledging Your sovereignty over our lives and the dawn of this new week. As we embark on the journey ahead, we surrender our plans, dreams, and desires to Your divine guidance.

Lord, grant us the discernment to recognize Your voice amidst the noise of the world, that we may walk in the path You have set before us. Illuminate our minds with Your wisdom, and let Your Spirit be our constant companion, leading us in every decision we make. Join this prayer>>> https://youtu.be/fl9UW-Rn2ys


20 Jan, 17:40

Heavenly Father, grounded in the assurance of Psalm 37:5, which invites us to "commit our way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this," I come before You in the morning light. Lord, I commit my ways to You and trust that You will make my paths straight and easy today.

In this moment of surrender, I lay before You the intricate details of my day—the plans, the challenges, and the opportunities. With a heart anchored in trust, I release my grip on control and entrust every aspect of my journey into Your capable hands. Join this prayer>>>> https://youtu.be/fVjA_UDnlKs


20 Jan, 17:35

Heavenly Father, as I approach Your presence in the stillness of this morning, I am reminded of the powerful truth that my background or current situation cannot dim the light You have placed within me. Your Word declares that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that Your plans for me are for good and not for harm.

Lord, I come before You with a heart that is ready to arise and shine. I acknowledge that my circumstances do not define my destiny, for in You, I find my true identity and purpose. Just as Joseph shone in slavery, just as he shone in prison, and David in the forgotten places of the wilderness, I trust that Your light within me can radiate in any situation. Join this prayer>>> https://youtu.be/XlWmbaxWWhg


20 Jan, 17:31

Gracious Father, as we stand in Your presence at the threshold of a new week, we humbly submit ourselves to Your divine will. We recognize that Your plans for us are good, and Your purposes are higher than our understanding.

I submit my plans, aspirations, and desires to Your sovereign authority. In every decision I make, may Your will be my guide, and Your wisdom my counsel. I yield my ambitions to Your perfect timing, trusting that You orchestrate all things for my good. Join this prayer>>> https://youtu.be/x9sNPmqYen4


20 Jan, 17:28

Gracious Father, as I approach Your presence, I am anchored in the timeless truth of Psalm 119:105, which declares, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." In the vastness of Your Word, I find not only guidance but a profound source of strength, wisdom, and divine illumination.

As I embark on this new day, I recognize the complexities and challenges that lie ahead. Yet, I stand on the assurance that Your Word is a lamp, casting light on the intricacies of my journey. Your promises, like radiant beacons, pierce through the darkness, dispelling doubts and instilling confidence. Join prayers >>> https://youtu.be/DGKgbB_Ba24