

Join me as we explore the existence of a world that has been kept in the shadows for far too long. A world where the bold and courageous step forward and become Warriors of Light


21 Oct, 12:18

These words just flowed in from the spiritual realm…

At this point it became undeniable, the change that was coming, was imminent. There was no going back to what used to be, although a lot tried to hang on to what little they had within them. It wasn’t no use. It was like a BIG freight train was headed our way barreling down the tracks without any brakes. Truly, there weren’t any brakes on the train. They were removed. So many were scrambling to do what they could to prepare for impact, which could happen at any moment. We all felt it, those of us who were awake enough to feel it. All we could do was hope and pray to withstand the moment of impact and the Great Change that was coming with it. The question now remained, “could we make it through?”, and the answer was “Yes!” It would be extremely difficult for a lot of people but we could and we would make it through! This would go down in history as one of the most difficult times in the history of humanity that challenged our lives in such a way, that brought us to the point of extinction. May the Peace that passes all understanding fill your hearts this day. Love you💞


14 Oct, 10:59


14 Oct, 10:44

Years and years of being able to think for ourselves, were stripped away from us. The very ones that we swore to protect, we didn’t. We failed, and when we did, we fell as a species. We did not uphold the vows that we made, the promises that we swore to keep. Those who watched over us, those who made these vows, also failed. They fell from grace and failed in their responsibilities to govern a nation of people. It just wasn’t one nation of people, it was the whole earth. It was as if the earth itself was slowly taken over, but by what? Some of us knew it was happening, we could see it slowly happening and yet did nothing as a whole. It was as if we were distracted so that we couldn’t do anything. It was as if we were distracted so that we wouldn’t do anything. Yes! That’s what it was! It wasn’t accidental! No! It was on purpose! For thousands of years this was happening and as I looked back and others looked back, they realized this too! We were betrayed and we were fooled. We were sold out to a malevolent force. This malevolent force did not like us and this malevolent force, wanted to destroy us. We were once a prized creation, The Epitone of Perfection, skillfully and perfectly made in the image of God the Creator. The evil and the malice that arose as a result of our creation, became enormous over time. All may not remember this and yet some have memory of this, from a time before this time. We were there and our existence was purposeful and very fulfilling. We thrived as a species but it didn’t take long for the other species to realize that we were set apart and truly loved! How could we not be loved, when we were created with hands of love? This is where it all began,, upon our creation. Here we are now thousands of years later, millennium after millennium. Yes, this is where we find our self at this moment in time. We know what happened and that’s why were here, to right the wrong that was done to our species. We have AWAKENED!


13 Oct, 22:32

The demon was set loose when historic church burnt down yesterday


11 Oct, 12:43


10 Oct, 17:30


10 Oct, 17:30


09 Oct, 13:37


08 Oct, 15:21

Yes you can!


07 Oct, 16:41

Milton is now a Category 5 Hurricane


07 Oct, 13:35


07 Oct, 00:36

Thank you for coming to the Telegram and I hope you have a wonderful night 💞


07 Oct, 00:30


06 Oct, 13:45


06 Oct, 02:34


05 Oct, 18:39