IELTS Challenge()| IELTS


IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

09 Oct, 10:38

#Part2 My version

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

07 Oct, 16:00

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS pinned «Do you guys join If we organize ONLINE DEBATE CLUB?(for free of course)»

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

07 Oct, 15:57

OK guys what do I promise to you? The main reason for organizing this kind of club is how to improve your speaking skills. It’s not about IELTS or CEFR or any kind of exam. It’s all about knowing and speaking in English fluently and giving your arguments properly and accurately.

The positive side debate club is that you know how to structure your arguments and the way approaching others contour agreements. It helps to increase your writing skills also.

Next benefit is definitely idea generation. By discussing tons of themes and issues in English, you will gain lots of idea and points from all this club. Ultimately, it gives you a great opportunity to use your own ideas your writing and speaking.

Another positive side is building network with your club mates, it’s also a better way to practice your speaking consistently.

You may welcome to join in club regardless of your level

How it works?

After creating a club, we provide you a full schedule with you and choose 10 of you to help us to maintain the club.
Twice a day we send you topics for discussion and start a live stream with you. So 10 of you can be main admin of a channel and carry the live streams according on your timeline.
Moreover, you may learn topic related vocabulary and note ideas for both speaking and writing we try to provide Wordlist with all of you

If you like please push the emojis

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

07 Oct, 13:35

Assalomu alekum hammaga
Speaking, critical thinking, giving an appropriate argument are not easy.
But I know one way to improve the sharply.Yeah sharply😁

This is discussing and participating in debates. Okay, think we don’t have enough Debate clubs Online. Yeah?

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

07 Oct, 10:15

#Part2 #movie/film🎬🍿

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

07 Oct, 07:51

#Part2 #Movies🎥🍿🎬
Action/Drama/Comedy/Horror/thriller/Romance/Fantasy/Documentary/Animation/Anime/Romcom/Thriller/SciFi/biopic/Documentary/historical movies/Western movies

Titanic/ Deadpool and Wolverine/ Mahallada duv duv gap/Marvel movies/ DC movies

At cinema/ at home/in city mall

Alone/ with my family/ with my friends/ colleagues

A cast is really interesting/ captivating/ really hilarious/outstanding/absorbing/underrated/riveting/ thought provoking/uplifting

absorbing – very interesting, keeps your attention for a long time
action-packed – with a lot of thrilling incidents
captivating – very exciting
controversial – causing a lot of discussions or disagreement
convoluted – overcomplicated
dreary – dull and uninteresting
gripping – very interesting
hilarious – very funny
intriguing /ɪnˈtriːgɪŋ/ – very interesting in a way that arouses your curiosity
moving – causing strong emotions (usually in a good way)
outstanding – extremely good
overrated – overvalued
predictable – pretty obvious what is going to happen in each scene
riveting /ˈrɪvɪtɪŋ/ – keeps you glued to the screen
second-rate – mediocre, unexciting, nothing to write home about
slow-moving – developing very slowly
spine-tingling – enjoyably frightening
spooky – frightening and ghostly
thought-provoking – stimulating you to think about something, often something you haven’t thought of before
thrilling – exciting, action-packed
underrated – much better than what people believe
uplifting – making you feel happy and cheerful

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

01 Oct, 17:37

Til oʻrganish judayam koʻp mehnat talab qiladi…

Siz bu gaplarni koʻp eshitgan boʻlishingiz aniq. A man silarga oʻzimni Journeyimdan ozginasini ulashmoqchiman. 6 sinfdan boshlab (11yoshlarimda) ingliz tilini oʻrganishni boshlaganman. U paytlari bu til unchalik ham mashhur emas, koʻp inson oʻrganmas edi. Beginner va elementary man uchun tilga kirishish (INTRO) bosqichi boʻlgan va hozir oʻtirib shu narsaga amin boʻldimki til oʻrganayotgan inson asosiy fokusni nimaga qaratishni bilsa uni oʻrganish oson kecharkan. Man Alhamdulillah shu fokusni bila olganman, pre intermediate elementary stage larda barcha e’tiborimni tinmay gapirish, ingliz tilida soʻzlashish, fikrlarimni qoʻrquvlarsiz bayon etishga kirishganaman va albatta natijasini ko’rdim mana shuncha yil shu soxada boldim.
Univerni 1 yil Oldin Qizil diplom (yuqori ball) bn tugatdim va teaching sohasidayam 5 6 yillik tajribaga ega bo’ldim.(va boshqa yutuqlar albatta)


IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

01 Oct, 17:27

We grow up with the illusion that success is what's handed to people who are most deserving, talented, or privileged.
When we arrive, however, we realize it is constructed by those who find an intersection of their interests, passions, skills, and a market gap. Sprinkle on a little bit of per-sistence, and the only way to fail is to give up.

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

29 Sep, 10:08


IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

28 Sep, 17:44

IELTS SPEAKING PART2 asosan tasvirga oid desak ham boʻladi.

Main Topics:

Hamma cue cardlar shu mavzular atrofida aylanadi. Agar biza places haqidagi topic related vocabulary, phrase larni bilsak, absalyut Hometown haqidayam yoki travel haqidayam gapirolimiz. Chunki uni asosi Place.
Describe your daily routine
Describe something you did with a group of people

Bu yerda asosiysi Activity ni describe qila olishda gap, shunda ikkta savolga qiynalmay javob berasiz.

Tepada tashlangan videoda esa Places un judayam zo’r so’z va iboralar bor. Oʻzim ishlatib mazza qilaman.

Mana shu kategoriyalar boʻyicha vocab yodlab idea Generation qilib keyin speaking qiling Bombastic boʻladi💣

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

28 Sep, 17:28

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

27 Sep, 16:52


IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

26 Sep, 17:41

And about Speaking🧩

🥷Mind your speech fluency. What you say is not as important as how you say it. Examiners will be evaluating your language skills rather than your ideas.
🥷Demonstrate your vocabulary related to the topic. Use as many words as possible to show your speaking ability. Also, enrich your language with collocations.
🥷Use filler words. They will help you to avoid an awkward silence. Need more time to think over the answer? Paraphrase the question or just say: let me see, let me explain, what do I think about it, well, and in my opinion.
🥷Structure your speech. Make use of linking words. It’s a good idea to say nevertheless, however, moreover, or furthermore while expressing your thoughts.
🥷Don’t panic. Made a mistake? If possible, try to correct yourself. Need extra time to think over your answer? Ask the examiner to repeat the question.
🥷Before you start speaking, take a deep breath. This trick can help calm down and be focused.

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

26 Sep, 17:39

Do you shiver each time you think about a listening test? Indeed, it may seem challenging. Look through the following strategies and get rid of your fears.

🥷Be ready to listen to the recording only once. That’s why you should stay focused during all this time.
🥷Use the break before listening to read and understand all the questions. Keep looking through them while listening to the audio recording.
🥷Be ready to multitask. You need to listen to the text, find the answers, and write them down. Practice doing all these actions simultaneously at home.
🥷Don’t try to grasp all the information.Concentrate on finding the answers to the given questions while listening.
🥷Take notes. They will help you to remember all the essential details.
🥷If you miss some information, don’t focus on it. Just continue listening.
🥷Pay attention to particular words that can help you answer the questions. Sometimes, the speaker may change the wording or use synonyms.
🥷If you don’t know the answer, try to guess it. It is better to write something than leave the field blank. Maybe, your guesses will be correct.
🥷Listen carefully to different accents.British and American accents are the most common ones. Pay attention to the pronunciation to avoid confusing words.
🥷Use the break after the test to transfer your answers into the answer sheet. Mind your spelling and grammar. Any mistakes will result in lowering your score.

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

23 Sep, 17:13

Deadpool Wolverine🥷

IELTS Challenge()| IELTS

23 Sep, 12:39