🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧


Təhsil – dünyəvi dil

Kanaldaki paylaşımları götürmək qəti QADAĞANDIR

İngilis dilində ifadələr kanalım: @engewm
Şəxsi inkişaf kanalım: @inkishafvemotivasiya

Contact📩 @eidmin

Bizim danışıq qrupumuz: @imusaev_t_ingilis

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

11 Jun, 11:49

🆘️ DİQQƏT! 🆘️

Hörmətli izləyicilər, Sizlərdən kiçik bir istəyim var.1 dəqiqə vaxtınızı ayırıb aşağıdakı linkə (link məqalə linkidir) keçid edərək sayta daxil olmağınızı xahiş edirəm.Öncədən təşəkkürlər.


🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

17 Mar, 06:16

#Eurovision2024 #Azerbaijan #Fahree #IlkinDovlatov

İsveçin Malmö şəhərində keçiriləcək 2024 Eurovision mahnı yarışmasında Azərbaycanı Fəxri İsmayılov və İlkin Dövlətov "Özünlə apar" adlı mahnısı ilə təmsil edəcəklər.

Uğurlar arzulayırıq♥️

Videonu Eurovision Song Contest rəsmi YouTube kanalından izləyə və bəyənə bilərsiniz👇🏻

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

20 Feb, 14:54

🔅Winner, winner, chicken dinner

🔸meaning: is a phrase that is used to celebrate a victory orner, success, often in a humorous or ironic way.

The Origin
The phrase "winner winner, chicken dinner" has its origins in gambling and is believed to have originated in Las Vegas casinos. In the 1970s, some casinos in Las Vegas used to offer a chicken dinner as a promotional item for winning a bet at the blackjack tables. When a player won a hand, they would receive their winnings and a chicken dinner, leading to the expression "winner winner, chicken dinner."

🔹Example sentences below

- I won the horse races two weeks in a row, winner, winner, chicken dinner!!

When you get three times stikes in a row in bowling, winner dinner. winner chicken dinner! You get a prize!

You can make up a sentence and share it in a comment!

© @learning_english_aze

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📩 @english_learning_discussion

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

16 Dec, 06:46

WhatsApp məntiq qrupu:

Telegram məntiq qrupu:


🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

04 Dec, 14:43

🎬Short Film🎬


© @learning_english_aze

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📩 @english_learning_discussion

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

19 Nov, 12:14

My point of view is following:

Let me express what I think of this problem.

🪂As far as I am able to judge....
🪂As far as I know ....
🪂If I am not mistaken ...
🪂As for me...
🪂To my mind...
🪂In my opinion... It seems to me that...
🪂The thing is that...
🪂The point is that... On the contrary
🪂On purpose
🪂Frankly speaking... Speaking
🪂 personally...
🪂I suppose...
🪂I mean...
🪂I guess...
🪂I suggest...
🪂I wonder...
🪂I bet...
🪂 I hope...
🪂 I believe...

© @learning_english_aze

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📩 @english_learning_discussion

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

12 Nov, 07:10

​​🚩 Don't use "very"

"very" sözünü daha az istifadə etməyi öyrənin!

Bir çox tələbələr "very" sözünü həddindən artıq istifadə etməyə öyrəşiblər. Bu gün biz bu sözü işlətmədən cümlə qurmağı öyrənəcəyik.

Aşağıdakı siyahıdakı sözləri xatırlayın və cümlələr yaratmaq üçün onlardan istifadə edin.

🔶1. Very capable – accomplished
2. Very clean – spotless
🔶3. Very clever – brilliant
4. Very cold – freezing
🔶5. Very dirty – squalid
6. Very dry – parched
🔶7. Very fast – swift
8. Very good – superb
🔶9. Very happy – jubilant
10. Very hot – scalding
🔶11. Very hungry – ravenous
12. Very large – colossal
🔶13. Very light – imponderable
14. Very high – sky-high
🔶15. Very neat – immaculate
16. Very old – ancient
🔶17. Very poor – destitute
18. Very quiet – silent
🔶19. Very rude – vulgar
20. Very serious – solemn
🔶21. Very small – tiny
22. Very strong – unyielding
🔶23. Very tasty – delicious
24. Very tired – exhausted
🔶25. Very valuable – precious
26. Very weak – feeble
🔶27. Very wet – soaked
28. ️Very wicked – villainous
🔶29. Very wise – sagacious
30. Very worried – anxious
🔶31. Very dangerous – malignant
32. Very complex – overspecified
🔶33. Very frequent – continual

© @learning_english_aze

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📩 @english_learning_discussion

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

15 Oct, 14:32

Greeting with people in a polite way.
Write down and learn these sentences📈

© @learning_english_aze

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📩 @english_learning_discussion

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

03 Oct, 07:08

Hello my dear!

Bu gün sizə gözəl kombinasiya öyrətmək istəyirəm

İcbar növ

Have something done (bir şey edin)


Have + object + past participle

• Bu zaman hərəkət işi görən şəxs tərəfindən deyil, başqa şəxs tərəfindən həyata keçirilir.

I haven't had my eyes tested for years. (İllərdir gözlərimi yoxlatmıram)

• Kimsə sizin xoşunuza gəlməyən bir işi görəndə də bu strukturdan istifadə edə bilərsiniz.

He had his nose broken in a rugby game. (Reqbi matçında burnunu sınmışdı)

📌Siz də şərhlərdə 2 cümlə yazın👇


© @learning_english_aze

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📩 @english_learning_discussion

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

27 Sep, 06:57

100 Ways to Say "Great!"🤩

Admirable! Amazing!
Arresting! Astonishing!
Astounding! Awesome!
Awe-inspiring! Beautiful!
Breathtaking! Brilliant!
Capital! Captivating!
Clever! Commendable!
Delightful! Distinguished!
Distinctive! Engaging!
Enjoyable! Estimable!
Excellent! Exceptional!
Exemplary! Exquisite!
Extraordinary! Fabulous!
Fantastic! Fascinating!
Finest! First-rate!
Flawless! Four-star!
Glorious! Grand!
Impressive! Incomparable!
Incredible! Inestimable!
Invaluable! Laudable!
Lovely! Magnificent!
Marvelous! Masterful!
Mind-blowing! Mind-boggling!
Miraculous! Monumental!
Notable! Noteworthy!
Out of sight! Out of this world!
Outstanding! Overwhelming!
Peerless! Perfect!
Phenomenal! Praiseworthy!
Priceless! Rapturous!
Rare! Refreshing!
Remarkable! Sensational!
Singular! Skillful!
Smashing! Solid!
Special! Spectacular!
Splendid! Splendiferous!
Splendorous! Staggering!
Sterling! Striking!
Stunning! Stupendous!
Super! Superb!
Super-duper! Superior!
Superlative! Supreme!
Surprising! Terrific!
Thumbs up! Thrilling!
Tiptop! Top-notch!
Transcendent! Tremendous!
Unbelievable! Uncommon!
Unique! Unparalleled!
Unprecedented! Wonderful!
Wondrous! World-class!


© @learning_english_aze

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📩 @english_learning_discussion

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

22 Sep, 16:12

🔰Read and answer true and false questions below 👇

© @learning_english_aze

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📩 @english_learning_discussion

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

18 Sep, 10:10

Oxford English Grammar Course Advanced

Grammatika üçün!


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🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

12 Sep, 07:42

İngiliscə riyazi simvollar


🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

09 Sep, 15:27

️Informal & Formal VERBS

1. say sorry apologize, apologise
2. go up increase
3. go down decrease
4. set up establish
5. look at examine
6. blow up explode
7. find out discover
8. bring about cause
9. put off postpone, delay
10. rack up accumulate
11. make up fabricate
12. stand for represent
13. find out discover, ascertain
14. leave out omit
15. point out indicate
16. go against oppose
17. get in touch with contact
18. It’s about It concerns, It’s in regards to
19. need to required
20. think about consider
21. get obtain
22. put up tolerate
23. deal with handle
24. seem appear
25. show demonstrate, illustrate, portray
26. start commence
27. keep retain
28. free release
29. get on someone’s nerves
30. ring up call
31. show up arrive
32. let permit
33. fill in substitute, inform
34. block undermine
35. give the go ahead, greenlight authorize, authorise

© @learning_english_aze

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📩 @english_learning_discussion

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

07 Sep, 17:29

🎬 Subtitled video.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Harry in detention🪄

🎧 Diqqətlə dinləyin və sinxron olaraq siz də eynisini təkrar etməyə çalışın.

© @learning_english_aze

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📩 @english_learning_discussion

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

17 Jul, 09:29

The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If it remains inactive in the next 9 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

05 Jul, 20:44

The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If it remains inactive in the next 20 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.

🇬🇧İngilis Dili🇬🇧

27 Jun, 08:00

The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If it remains inactive in the next 29 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.