CrossFit Strongtown


Workout of the Day & Gym Announcements

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:25

Tuesday - 10/22/24

20 Minute AMRAP:

30 Double Unders
21/15 Bike
30 Hang DB Snatch (50/35 lbs) (split reps)

Score = Total Rounds + Reps
Rx1 = 40/25 lbs
Rx3 = 20 Crossover Doubles

Cal Stretch at Rig
3 x 20” Each Side
Samson Stretch
3 x 20” Each Side
Arm Circles
3 x 10 Each Side

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:24

Monday - 10/21/24

Back Squat:

5-5-5-5-5 | Same Weight

3 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations:
Alt. Pistol Squats
Plate Facing Burpees (45#)

Score = Total Reps

Leg Swings at Rig
20x Front to Back
20x Side to Side
Spider Lunge
3 x 20” Holds
Couch Stretch
1 Minute Each Side

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:23

Sunday - 10/20/24

Teams of 2 | For Time:

   60 Partner Med-Ball Sit-ups (20/14 lbs)
   60 Synchronized Walking Lunge
   60 Synchronized Kettlebell swings (Eye Level) (24/16 kg)
   30 Partner Med-Ball Sit-ups (20/14 lbs)
   30 Synchronized Walking Lunges
   30 Synchronized Kettlebell Swings (Eye Level) (24/16 kg)

Score = Total Time
Rx1= 16/12 kg
Rx3= 32/24 kg

Pigeon Pose
  30” Holds x 3
Lower Back Stretch Cross Knee over body
  3 x 20” Holds
Samson Stretch
  3 x 15” Holds

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:22

Saturday - 10/19/24

“Running Cindy”
20 Minute AMRAP:

   5 Pull-ups
   10 Push-ups
   15 Air Squats
   200m Run

Score = Total Rounds + Reps

Walk-outs into Press-up + Child’s Pose + Spider Lunge
  3 x 20” Holds
PVC Pass Throughs
Banded Hamstring Stretch
  30” Up / In / Out

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:20

Friday - 10/18/24

5 Rounds - Not For Time:

180’ Sled Push/Pull (185/125)
10 Power Cleans (Increase)
20 Alternating Single Leg V-up

Score = Weight of Power Cleans

Couch Stretch
1 Minute each leg
Arm Circles
2 x 10
Leg Swings
20x Front to Back
20x Side to Side

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:18

Thursday - 10/17/24

Front Squat:

3-3-3-3-3 | Increasing

3 Rounds - For Time:
20 Wall-Ball (20/14 lbs)
20 Shuttle Runs (20' = 1 rep)

Score = Total Time

Spider Lunge
30” Holds x 3
PVC Head through Window
3 x 20” Holds
Samson Stretch
3 x 15” Holds

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:17

Wednesday - 10/16/24

4 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations | 30” Rest:

Double DB Hang Power Clean (40/25 lbs)
Row (Cals)
Low Plank Hold (every 10" = 1 rep)
Box Jumps/Step-ups (24/20 in)

Score = Total Reps
Rx1= 30/20 lbs
Rx3= 50/35 lbs

Pigeon Pose
30” Holds x 3
Lower Back Stretch Cross Knee over body
3 x 20” Holds
Lacrosse Ball Roll Upper Body
2 Minutes Total

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:15

Tuesday - 10/15/24

For Time:

500m Ski
50 Hang Power Snatch (75/55 lbs)
500m Ski
75 Lunges
500m Ski
100 Sit-ups
500m Ski

Score = Total Time
Rx1= 45/35 lbs
Rx3= 95/65 lbs

Hamstring Stretch with the band
30” Holds up/out/in
Forearm / Wrist Stretch
30” Holds x 3
3 Walk-outs into Press-up/child pose
30" Holds

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:14

Monday - 10/14/24

Strict Press:

7 x 3 | Same Weight

12 Minute AMRAP:
6 Burpees
12/9 Cal Bike
24 Double Unders

Score = Total Rounds + Reps

PVC Pass Throughs
Calf Stretch
1 Minute Each Leg
Foam Roll Legs
2 Minutes Total

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:12

Sunday - 10/13/24

Teams of 2
6 Rounds of 3:00 | 1 Minute Rest:
A) Row (distance)
14 Overhead Walking Lunges with Plate (45/25 lbs)
14 Sit-ups
14 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)

Score A) Total Distance Rowed as a Team
Score B) Total Rounds + Reps Completed of AMRAP as Team

Teams choose who starts on row vs. AMRAP and then alternate

Spider Lunge
30” Holds x 3
Leg Swings
20x Front to Back
20x Side to Side
Lat / Chest Stretch at Rig
1 Minute Each Arm

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:11

Saturday - 10/12/24

10 Rounds - For Time:

200m Run
5 Toes to Bar
5 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)

Score = Total Time
Rx1 = 185/125 lbs
Rx3 = 275/185 lbs


Walk-outs into Press-up + Child’s Pose
3 x 20” Holds
PVC Pass Throughs
Banded Hamstring Stretch
30” Up / In / Out

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:10

Friday - 10/11/24

Bench Press:

3-3-3-3-3 | Increasing

For Time | 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1:
1 Rope Climb after Each Round

Score = Total Time

Lacrosse Ball Roll Upper Body
2 Minutes Total
Arm Circles
2 x 10
Samson Stretch
3 x 15” Holds

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:08

Thursday - 10/10/24

6 Minute AMRAP x 3 | 3 Minutes Rest:

40 Double Unders
20 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
10 Alt. Single Arm Devil’s Press (50/35 lbs)

Score = Total Rounds + Reps (3 Scores)
Rx1 = 40/25 lbs
Rx3 = 60/40 lbs

Calf Stretch
1 Minute Each Leg
Walk-outs into Press-up + Child’s Pose
3 x 20” Holds
PVC Head through Window
3 x 20” Holds

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:07

Wednesday - 10/9/24

Power Clean:
5 x 2 | Same Weight

2 Rounds - For Time:
2,000m Bike
20 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)

Score = Total Time
Rx1 = 115/75 lbs
Rx3 = 155/105 lbs

PVC Good Mornings
2 x 20” Narrow stance
2 x 20” Wide stance
Hamstring Stretch at Rig
1 Minute Each Leg
Lower Back Stretch Cross Knee over body
3 x 20” Holds

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:05

Tuesday - 10/8/24


Kipping Skill Work
Strict / Weighted
5 x 3

4 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations:
Ski (Cals)
Alt. DB Hang Clean & Jerk (50/35 lbs)

Score = Total Reps
Rx1= 40/25 lbs
Rx3= 60/40 lbs

Pigeon Pose
30” Holds x 3
Passive Hang from Pull-up Bar
3 x 20” Holds
Arm Circles
2 x 10 Each Arm

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:04

Monday - 10/7/24

Back Squat:
5 x 3 | Same Weight

7 Minute AMRAP:
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
7 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)

Score = Total Rounds + Reps
Rx1 = 75/55 lbs
Rx3 = 115/75 lbs

Spider Lunge
30” Holds x 3
Couch Stretch
1 Minute each leg
PVC Pass Throughs

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:02

Sunday - 10/6/24

4 Rounds - 1 Minute Stations | 30” Rest:

Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Bike (Cals)
Reverse Lunge

Score = Total Reps
Rx1= 16/12 kg
Rx3= 32/24 kg

Foam Roll Legs
2 Minutes Total
Walk-outs into Press-up/child pose
3 x 30” holds
PVC Pass Throughs
X 15

CrossFit Strongtown

21 Jan, 00:01

Saturday - 10/5/24

5 Rounds - For Time:

400m Run
20 Push-ups
50 Double Unders

Score = Total Time
Rx$ = Unbroken Double Unders

Calf Stretch
1 Minute Each Leg
PVC Pass Throughs
X 15
Leg Swings at Rig
20x Front to Back
20x Side to Side

CrossFit Strongtown

20 Jan, 23:59

Friday - 10/4/24

Bear Complex:

1-1-1-1-1 | Increasing

3 Minute Stations | 2 Minutes Rest:
• Bear Complex (115/75 lbs)
• Row (Cals)
• Bear Complex (115/75 lbs)

Score = Total Reps (3 Scores)
Rx1= 95/65 lbs
Rx3= 135/95 lbs

Spider Lunge
30” Holds x 2
Lacrosse Ball Roll
Upper body 2 Minutes
Walk-outs to Press-up/child pose
3 x 30” Holds

CrossFit Strongtown

20 Jan, 23:58

Thursday - 10/3/24

6 Rounds - Not For Time:

20” L-Sit Hold
250m Ski
60’ Sled Push (225/155 lbs)
120’ D Ball Carry

Score = Weight of D Ball (6 Scores)

Lower Back Stretch Cross Knee over body
30” Holds x 3
Couch Stretch
1 Minute Each Leg
Neck Stretch with weight
30” Holds x 3

CrossFit Strongtown

20 Jan, 23:57

Wednesday - 10/2/24

20 Minute AMRAP:

10 Toes to Bar
10 Shuttle Run Burpees (30')
15 Wall-Ball (20/14 lbs)

Score = Total Rounds + Reps

Hamstring Stretch with the band
30” Holds up/out/in
Samson Stretch
3 x 15” Holds each side
PVC Head through Window
3 x 20” Holds

CrossFit Strongtown

20 Jan, 23:55

Tuesday - 10/1/24

Hang Power Clean:


For Time

Hang Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
Box Jumps (30/24")

Score = Total Time
Rx1= 24/20" Box Jump
Rx3= 155/105 lbs

Lat/Chest Stretch at the rig
30” Holds x 3
Calf Stretch
1 Minute Each Leg
Forearm / Wrist Stretch
30” Holds x 3

CrossFit Strongtown

20 Jan, 23:54

Monday - 9/30/24

5 Rounds - For Time:

60' Single Arm Overhead DB Lunge (50/35 lbs)
(30' each arm)
15/12 Cal Bike
10 Ring Dips

Score = Total Time
Rx1 = 5 Ring Dips
Rx3 = 70/50 lbs

Pigeon Pose Hold
30” Holds x 3
PVC Pass Through
X 15
Foam Roll Legs
2 Minutes Total