Boburmirzo English | 8.5


• Vaziyat o'zgarsa qilaman, deb yurgan hamma ishingizni, vaziyat o'zgarsa ham qilmaysiz.
• Aqliy mehnatga toqati yo'q xalq, jismoniy mehnatga mahkumdir.
Administrator: @inomovichb
IELTS score: 8.5

Boburmirzo English | 8.5

23 Oct, 06:09

Does Chat GPT know you?


Boburmirzo English | 8.5

22 Oct, 08:36


The tables show how sales of coffee and bananas labelled as Fair Trade changed in five countries in Europe in two separate years, namely 1999 and 2004. Overall, there was a rising trend in coffee sales in all the countries, while banana sales had a mixed success. Notably, the leading country in each table was significantly higher than the rest.

With Fair-trade coffee sales, all of the countries saw increases. The biggest growth in sales was experienced by the UK, increasing from 1.5 million in 1999 to 20 million euros in 2004, and dominated the table. Although Switzerland had the highest sales with 3.0 million euros in 1999, it was outnumbered by the UK despite a two-fold increase (to 6 million Euros).In comparison, the remaining countries (Denmark, Belgium and Sweden) experienced growth in the category albeit small. They all stayed under 2 million euros.

Regarding banana sales with the same label, trends were mixed. Switzerland dominated in both years with 15 and 47 million euros respectively. The figures for the UK and Belgium followed a similar trend, both seeing a roughly five-fold growth to 5.5 and 4 million euros in 2004 from the initial 1 and 0.6 euros. In contrast, sales of bananas labelled as Fair Trade in Sweden and Denmark more or less halved to 1 and 0.9 million euros.


Boburmirzo English | 8.5

22 Oct, 08:04


A table


Boburmirzo English | 8.5

21 Oct, 15:14

Bugun men eshitgan eng ajoyib gap:

Mo’minning maqsadlari, uning ehtiyojlaridan oliy bo’ladi!

•Abdulloh domla


Boburmirzo English | 8.5

20 Oct, 05:18

Shadowing website


Boburmirzo English | 8.5

19 Oct, 12:31

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Boburmirzo English | 8.5

18 Oct, 10:58

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Boburmirzo English | 8.5

15 Oct, 06:41


Saydullo tabriklayman ukam! Juda hursandman! Meni xonamda seni ikkita sertifikating ilinadi.

Do’stlar Saydulloni 6.5 lik sertifikati ham bor!


Boburmirzo English | 8.5

07 Oct, 18:29

“Hobby”ingiz nima deb so’rashsa, she’r eshitish desam mubolag’a bo’lmasa kerak!

Kor qilmaydi unga hech himmatingiz,
O’zin ado qilar jonini yeya
Ayting sekingina Muhammadingiz,
Ketdi Muhammadning yoniga deya



Boburmirzo English | 8.5

03 Oct, 23:39

• Darslarimizga olib kelgan har bir do'stingiz uchun sizga chegirma beriladi!

• Do'stlaringizni Ingliz tiliga undaganingizda, uning hayotida o'zgarish yasabgina qolmay, siz EVERESTda chegirmaga ham ega bo'lasiz!

• Masalan:
500➡️450 (1 o'quvchi uchun)
500➡️400 (2 o'quvchi uchun)
500➡️350 (3 o'quvchi uchun)
500➡️300 (4 o'quvchi uchun)
500➡️000 (5 o'quvchi uchun)

Har bir talabani kamida 1 Ingliz tiliga qiziqadigan do'sti bo'ladi. Chunki, inson o'ziga o'xshaganlar bilan do'st bo'loladi xolos.


Boburmirzo English | 8.5

03 Oct, 23:37

Men 9 soniya yugurish uchun 4 yil mashq qildim.

©️Useyn Bolt

Men 15 daqiqa Speaking exam topshirish uchun 6 yil Ingliz tili bilan shug’ullandim😎.

© Boburmirzo ibn Inom Ibn Jo’raqo’zi Al-Farg’oniy Al-Everestiy.


Boburmirzo English | 8.5

03 Oct, 17:22

I recently read something:

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.

Just a joke)


Boburmirzo English | 8.5

03 Oct, 07:46


Assalamu Alaykum!

➡️New BEGINNER (Dush/Chor/Juma: 09:30)
➡️New BEGINNER (Dush/Chor/Juma: 18:30)
➡️New ELEMENTARY (Sesh/Pay/Shan: 09:30)

Hamma guruhlarimga qabul ochiq. Qo'shilmoqchi bo'lganlar @Inomovichb ga murojaat qilinglar.

👁Postni tarqatib tashlaylik do’stlar!


Boburmirzo English | 8.5

02 Oct, 13:52

Menimcha, odamlar dangasalikdan hayotlarida qanchalar qashshoqlik va baxtsizliklar paydo bo‘lishini tushunmaydilar.

©️Chingiz Aytmatov

Boburmirzo English | 8.5

02 Oct, 13:10

Boburmirzo English | 8.5 pinned «Bizga ham nasib qilsin!»

Boburmirzo English | 8.5

02 Oct, 13:02

Bizga ham nasib qilsin!

Boburmirzo English | 8.5

02 Oct, 13:01

Mashinalar tayyor!
Biz ham tayyormiz! 😁

😍Yaqin kunlarda shov-shuvli voqeaning eng kulminatsion qismiga guvoh bo'lasiz!

🫵🏻Siz 4 - Tracker egasini topib turing, tez kunda qaytamiz! ⚡️

❗️P.S. Faqat birinchisi emas balki barcha IELTS overall 9.0 qayd etgan ustozlariga avtomobil sovg'a qiladigan yana qaysi o'quv markazini bilasiz? O'zi bormi shunaqasi?! ;) Izohlarda yozib qoldiring!

Batafsil: @everestofficial

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