The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree


💎 Spreading the knowledge of our Shaykh Abul-Yamān Adnān Ibn Hussein Al-Masqarī—may Allāh preserve him—from legislative rulings, advice, recitations, and more.💎

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The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

20 Oct, 18:17

┉༻ تلاوة مختارة جميلة༺┉

       🔹أول سورة الإسراء 🔹         
          ▪️برواية السوسي▪️

🎙 القارئ ↜ الشيخ أبو #اليمان عدنان المصقري
أعد توجيهها #لأخيك في الله.

دار الحديث بدار الســـلام مركز الألباني رحمه الله
┉༻Beautiful Selected Recitation༺┉

From Salatul-Maghrib

🔹The Beginning of Surah Al-Israa🔹

▪️In the Recitation of As-Sousi▪️

🎙 The Reciter ↜ Ash-Sheikh Abul-Yamān Adnān Al-Masqarī, may Allaah protect and preserve him.

Link to the Sheikh's Arabic channel:

Dar Al Hadeeth, Al-Albāni Center, may Allaah have mercy on him, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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📢 Please share. Whoever guides to good will have a reward like that of the one who does it.

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

19 Oct, 16:26

📌 بث مباشر

Live Class Now

From Masjid Imaam Albāniy of our Noble Shaikh Abu Alyamān Adnān Almasqari May Allah preserve him.

درس عام بين المغرب والعشاء لفضيلة الشيخ أبي اليمان عدنان المصقري حفظه الله وبارك فيه.

للإنضمام اضغط هنا ⤵️

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The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

14 Oct, 16:33

📌 بث مباشر

Live Class Now

From Masjid Imaam Albāniy of our Noble Shaikh Abu Alyamān Adnān Almasqari May Allah preserve him.

درس عام بين المغرب والعشاء لفضيلة الشيخ أبي اليمان عدنان المصقري حفظه الله وبارك فيه.

للإنضمام اضغط هنا ⤵️

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The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

12 Oct, 23:51

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

12 Oct, 07:34

▫️New Recitation From The Beginning Of Sūrah Al-Isrā | In The Riwāyah Of As-Sūsī▫️

🎙️By The Noble Shaykh Abul-Yamān 'Adnān Al-Masqarī May Allāh Preserve Him

💿 HD Quality

🔗 English Channel Link:

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

26 Sep, 13:51

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

▪️Working For The Tax & Customs Department

Answered By Ash-Shaykh Abul-Yamān Adnān Ibn Hussain Al-Masqarī - May Allāh Preserve Him

📩 Question:

Is it permissible for a man to work as an employee with the tax and customs authorities?

✏️ Answer:

It is not permissible, as it involves taking people's wealth unjustly and wronging them, which is prohibited. It is not permissible to assist in wrongdoing. Cooperating in wrongdoing is forbidden.

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The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

07 Sep, 22:03

▫️ The Outcome Of Following One's Desires ▫️

📂Ash-Shaykh 'Adnān Al-Masqarī May Allāh Preserve Him Said Regarding The Statement Of Allāh:

"Have you seen him who takes his own lust (vain desires) as his ilāh (diety)? And Allāh knowing (him as such), left him astray, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and put a cover on his sight." (45:23)

"All of these punishments are due to following one's desires."

📓| Explaining The Statement Of Allāh: "But if they answer you not, then know that they only follow their own lusts". (28:50)

🔗English Channel Link:

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

07 Sep, 21:54

▫️ Following Desires▫️

📂Ash-Shaykh 'Adnān Al-Masqarī May Allāh Preserve Him Said:

"Following one's desires is oppression of oneself."

📓| Explaining The Statement Of Allāh: "But if they answer you not, then know that they only follow their own lusts". (28:50)

🔗English Channel Link:

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

07 Sep, 21:49

▫️Following One's Desires Is A Reason For Not Being Guided ▫️

📂Ash-Shaykh 'Adnān Al-Masqarī May Allāh Preserve Him Said:

"Allāh may turn a slave away from guidance due to him following his desires."

📓| Explaining The Statement Of Allāh: "But if they answer you not, then know that they only follow their own lusts". (28:50)

🔗English Channel Link:

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

07 Sep, 21:47

▫️Not Responding To The Truth▫️

📂Ash-Shaykh 'Adnān Al-Masqarī May Allāh Preserve Him Said:

"Whoever does not follow the truth, then he is only following his desires."

📓| Explaining The Statement Of Allāh: "But if they answer you not, then know that they only follow their own lusts". (28:50)

🔗English Channel Link:

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

07 Sep, 21:40

▫️ An Excerpt From Sūrah Ash-Shu'arā ▫️

🎙️By The Noble Shaykh Abul-Yamān 'Adnān Al-Masqarī May Allāh Preserve Him

💿 HD Quality

🔗 English Channel Link:

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

29 Aug, 16:15

بث مباشر
محاضرة الشيخ سليم الهلالي حفظه الله تعالى

من مسجد الصفا بدار الســـلام تنزانيا 👆👇👇

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

09 Aug, 21:05

"My Lord! You have indeed bestowed on me of the sovereignty, and taught me something of the interpretation of dreams - the (Only) Creator of the heavens and the earth!"

From Sūrah Yūsuf

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

06 Aug, 09:10

#انجليزي_عربي #حالات_واتساب

{ رَّبَّنَاۤ إِنَّنَا سَمِعۡنَا مُنَادِیࣰا یُنَادِی لِلۡإِیمَـٰنِ أَنۡ ءَامِنُوا۟ بِرَبِّكُمۡ فَـَٔامَنَّاۚ رَبَّنَا فَٱغۡفِرۡ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَكَفِّرۡ عَنَّا سَیِّـَٔاتِنَا وَتَوَفَّنَا مَعَ ٱلۡأَبۡرَارِ }
[سُورَةُ آلِ عِمۡرَانَ: ١٩٣]
بصوت القارئ 
أبي اليمان عدنان المصقري
حفظه الله تعالى

📢 *انشر* فمن دل على خير فله كأجر فاعله.

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

29 Jul, 08:16

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

27 Jul, 20:34

▫️Full Recitation Of Sūrah Al-Ahzāb▫️

🎙️By The Noble Shaykh Abul-Yamān 'Adnān Al-Masqarī May Allāh Preserve Him

💿 HD Quality

🔗 English Channel Link:

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

27 Jul, 20:31

▫️Full Recitation Of Sūrah As-Sajdah ▫️

🎙️By The Noble Shaykh Abul-Yamān 'Adnān Al-Masqarī May Allāh Preserve Him

💿 HD Quality

🔗 English Channel Link:

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

27 Jul, 20:29

▫️Full Recitation Of Sūrah Luqmān ▫️

🎙️By The Noble Shaykh Abul-Yamān 'Adnān Al-Masqarī May Allāh Preserve Him

💿 HD Quality

🔗 English Channel Link:

The Official English Channel Of Shaykh Abul-Yaman Adnan Al-Masqaree

27 Jul, 02:57

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

▪️Will The People Of Innovation See Allāh On The Day Of Resurrection?

Answered By Ash-Shaykh Abul-Yamān Adnān Ibn Hussain Al-Masqarī - May Allāh Preserve Him

📩 Question:

Will the people of innovation see Allāh on the day of resurrection?

✏️ Answer:

The affair of the people of innovation is with Allāh.

{ إِنَّ ٱلَّذِینَ فَرَّقُوا۟ دِینَهُمۡ وَكَانُوا۟ شِیَعࣰا لَّسۡتَ مِنۡهُمۡ فِی شَیۡءٍۚ إِنَّمَاۤ أَمۡرُهُمۡ إِلَى ٱللَّهِ }

"Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you (O Muhammad) have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only with Allāh.
[Sūrah Al-An'ām: 159]

Those from them whose innovation removes them from Islām, such as Ar-Rāfidah, Al-Jahmiyyah, and Al-Ismā'īliyyah, will surely not see Allāh. 

{ كَلَّاۤ إِنَّهُمۡ عَن رَّبِّهِمۡ یَوۡمَىِٕذࣲ لَّمَحۡجُوبُونَ }

"Nay! Surely they (evil-doers) will be veiled from seeing their Lord that Day."
[Sūrah Al-Mutaffifīn: 15]

Whoever from them is a Muslim and a person of Tawhīd, then his affair is with Allāh. Undoubtedly, with his Tawhīd, he will enter paradise. 

Translated by:
Abu Yunus Nassime As-Saint Lucee

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