Загроза застосування КАБів. Негайно прямуйте в укриття!
Welcome to the Telegram channel "єТривога" (translated as "eAlarm")! We are a team of volunteers and developers dedicated to providing real-time alerts and updates. Since the second day of the full-scale invasion, we have been monitoring and informing you about alarms and other dangers 24/7. Our goal is to keep you informed and safe during these challenging times.
📱 Download our app for easy access to alerts and updates:
For any inquiries or assistance, please contact our support bots: @etryvogahelpbot and @sklaboi. Stay connected, stay informed with єТривога!
23 Nov, 22:11
23 Nov, 22:11
23 Nov, 22:00
23 Nov, 22:00
23 Nov, 21:55
23 Nov, 21:52
23 Nov, 21:47
23 Nov, 21:43
23 Nov, 21:41
23 Nov, 21:38
23 Nov, 21:35
23 Nov, 21:35
23 Nov, 21:33
23 Nov, 21:31