ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽 @ididitbezenezena1 Channel on Telegram

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽


Cross-- @d_e_v_1_2

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽 (Amharic)

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽 ምርጥ የቴሌግራም ቻናል የአስተያየት እና መረጃ እንዲሆን ሆኖ ተረጋግጯት የመነሻ ዝባዝንኬ ነው። ለህዝብና ለሚከበረው አካባቢ እንኳን የምትጫንፈውን እንኳን ከአንድ ከእንቅስቃሴ እንስከም ከማንኛውም ሰው ዝባዝንኬ በአለም ላይ ተቀቡ። በዚህ ቻናሎች በእኛ መሆኑን የሚመስል በተለይም ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽 እንደምንቀርብበት ሁኔታ ያለውን አገልግሎት እና እርስዎ ከተመከራው ምንም አልገኝም።

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

18 Nov, 19:52

The day i give a flower for a girl thats the day i lose to that girl and found out she's the one!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

18 Nov, 18:59

ሳራ ደሳለኝ>>>😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

18 Nov, 18:58

She is a 10 but her name is ሳራ ዱባለ😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

18 Nov, 16:04

I love ድንች man😭❤️

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

18 Nov, 13:08

I got this bro, it's my dorm LOL

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

18 Nov, 03:37

Morning lovely ppl

May the Almighty bless our day and keep us safe from all the bad things surrounding us.

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

17 Nov, 19:27

I willl never say "ከኔ የተሻለ ሰዉ ነዉ ሚገባሻ" cuz ik am the best for u!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

17 Nov, 19:18

ቡና በስኳር ምጠጡ ሰዎች ናቹ እንደ ሀገር ችግር የሆናቹብን!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

17 Nov, 18:15

"ያመል ነዉ እንጂ ደሀ የገንዘብ የለም" Brooo wdym am brokkeee😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

17 Nov, 17:04

ልዋም nails>>>>

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

17 Nov, 16:28


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

16 Nov, 20:25


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

16 Nov, 19:33

Damnnnnnnnnn sheeeee isss soooooo finnnneeeeee🔥🔥

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

16 Nov, 19:00

I can do anything አሁን ሲገባኝ ግን im so much better at doing nothing😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

16 Nov, 16:59


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

16 Nov, 14:28

ዴቭ መኪናው መሀል ላይ ለእረፍት ሲቆም እሱ ወጥቶ መኪናው አምልጦት ግማሹን መንገድ በእግሩ ሄዶ ነው የደረሰው አሉ😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

16 Nov, 12:33


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

16 Nov, 12:25


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

16 Nov, 05:19


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

15 Nov, 17:04

አንዳንዴ Most of the time actually ነገራቶች ልክ ስለሆኑ ሳይሆን መሆን ስላለባቸው ነው የሚሆኑት and that makes us muchh weaker thinking that ይሄ ልክ አደለም፣ለምን እንዲ ሆነ and stuff እውነት እና ሀቅ ባልነገሰበት moment መኖርም ሊያስጠላን ይችላል ግን ጥበብ ሁሉ የሱ ነውና ይገባናል ብለን ካሰብነው በተሻለ ይክሰናል።

ሌላ ምን ይባላል👩🏻‍🦯

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

15 Nov, 16:40

"መክበርያሽ ወርቅ ነዉ ብርም አይገዛሽ"

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

15 Nov, 16:14


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

15 Nov, 15:50

It's okay to be sad. Just keep it all inside እንደማንኛውም ሰው and die slowly!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

15 Nov, 15:20

Back to clean cut LOL

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

15 Nov, 11:09

Last ቡና in addis😭🤍

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

14 Nov, 18:52

One day to go😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

14 Nov, 02:40

የልባችን ውስጥ እሱው ነው የሚያውቀው እኛ ካሳየነው ወጪ ሰው ምን ያውቃል? በዚው ብቻ ለመፍረድም ሚዳዳው አለ lwol ይሁና🤚🏼

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

13 Nov, 18:22

Maturity state ላይ ስትደርስ ምትቀርበዉን ሰዉ መመዘን ትጀምራለህ the way she think, the way she speak, the way she respond everything ካልተመቸችህ አታዋጣህም እንዲመችህ ለማድረግ አትሞክር!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

13 Nov, 18:11


Here's why I love Eyob's ደብዝዘሽ. Let's start from the beginning.

መልክን የሻረ
አንቺ ጋ ምን ተሻለ
ከሩቅ ሳትስቢኝ
አየሁ ልቤ ስትገቢ
He’s saying that his old reasons for being attracted to girls (which make him seem superficial, but that's not the point of this post) didn’t apply here. Despite her not being that attractive, he liked her.

She's also not someone with a lot of knowledge or intellect (not someone exceptionally impressive or wise).

ዘፈኑ የተፃፈው በምንም ደምቃ ለማትታየዋ ፍዝ ልጅ ነዉ!!

No matter how much she lacks depth, beauty, or charm ያ ማንነት ስቦት እዛው ቀርቷል እና የሆነ ቀን "ምኔን ነው የምትወደው ግን?" ስትለው አስቦት ይሆናል የፃፈው🥲
She made him change his superficial standards (beauty, intellect ምናምን
ብቻ ነጥቤ ምንድነው? አትረቢም እያላት አይደለም, he's being honest (Sexy...ያበዛዋል ግን)

ደግሞስ ብዙ የማታውቁ የማታምሩ የማታስቁ ሮቦት ሰዎች አትወደዱ ነው? (Insecurity አለሁ አለሁ ሲል)

ብቻ አሳደግዋለች😭
She's emotionally mature ማለት ነው!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

13 Nov, 18:02

ሙዝ በቲማቲም>>>>

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

13 Nov, 17:56

ልፈንቸርልህ እምትልህ አንድም ሴት እንደሌለች ትዝ ሲልህ😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

13 Nov, 16:51

Every particle of love you’ve shared will eventually find its way back to you.
The energy you put out into the world your kindness, empathy, and care doesn’t disappear.
What you seek is also seeking you.
While the love you give may not always return in the form or timing you expect, it does return, often in unexpected and beautiful ways.
Love is a cycle, and even though it may sometimes feel like your efforts go unnoticed or unappreciated, the truth is that love has its own way of finding its way back to you.
Trust that the kindness you’ve given will eventually GOD will give it back to enrich your life in ways you never imagined.
Love given is never lost it always returns, even if it takes a different path to reach you.

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

13 Nov, 16:39

I can't even use my phone man tf is wrong with my internet😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

13 Nov, 03:22


እሮብ will not be cruel if we atleast spread some love and positivity,Enjoy your Day🤎

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

12 Nov, 20:30

Guys who don’t watch anime and clown other guys for watching it think they have PhD in maturity

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

12 Nov, 18:03

Toxicity ain stg to be proud about ሰውን መመረዝ፣ለመከፋቱ ምክንያት መሆን ምኑ ጋር ነው ደስ የሚለው? Unfortunately,we're living with people who try to feel good by letting others feel bad. ሰውን emotionally and mentally የማያልፈው ችግር ውስጥ ሆነ ብሎ መክተት Doesn't make us cool, ሰው ችግርና ጭንቀት አላነሰውም እኛ የምንጨምርበት!
And if some people still think it's cool,May you get treated like you're treating people,May you not move on!
And FYI, 'በሰፈሩት ቁና መሰፈር አይቀርም'

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

12 Nov, 17:31

Idk how y'all hatin ወተት???

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

12 Nov, 17:09

አቢሲኒያ ባንኮች ተነፉ👍🏾

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

12 Nov, 16:45

እኔ ብቻ ነኝ ፊኛ አጠገቤ ሲሆን የሚፈነዳ ስለሚመስለኝ የሚጨንቀኝ lol i hate the sound of it😭😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

12 Nov, 16:31

አንቺ ወላሞ ቆይ🗿🗿👍🏾

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

12 Nov, 10:38

ለ dave ሚስት ተገኝቷል

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

12 Nov, 06:48

What a Wonderful Day🔥

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

11 Nov, 19:25

Tf u mean "Happy single day" መዥገር🗿

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

11 Nov, 16:50

When I was a kid,ልጫወት ከቤት ወጥቼ መሽቶ ስመለስ If my both knees and elbows ካልተላላጡ "ዛሬ በደምብ አልተጫወትኩም ማለት ነው 🤔"

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

11 Nov, 16:46

If i really care abt my self ይሄኔ የት በደረስኩ ነበር, all people in my life taught me selfish መሆን እንደሚያስከብር!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

09 Nov, 19:35

ፍሬዎቼ መትረፋቸዉም አንድ ነገር ነዉ🗿🗿

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

09 Nov, 19:34

Bruv, 🤞ተስፋ መቼም ቢሆን እንዳትቆርጥ ሁሉም 1 ቀን ይሳካል, ይኅው የ ዛሬ man city ቋጠሮም ተሳክቷልና🤞

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

09 Nov, 18:17

Some people actually think that making coffee for your mother is feminine I wish I could make injera for her so she could just relax and enjoy.

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

09 Nov, 17:23

ብዙ ጊዜ i try to treat low income ያላቸዉን ሰዎች በትህትና ፣ like መፅሀፍ አዟሪዎች ፣ የኔ ቢጤ ፣ ዕቃ እያዞሩ የሚሸጡ ሰዎች ... ሁሉንም ገዝቶ ማስደሰት አይቻልም ግን በክብር ጊዜ ሰጥተህ ስታናግራቸዉ ወይም excuse me ስትላቸዉ በተወሰነ percent ሙዳቸዉ ሲፈካ ታየዋለህ ...
i wonder, በትንሽ ትህትና ነገር ሁሉ የከበደዉን ሰዉ ትንሽ ጥሩ energy ታጋራዋለህ & it matters a lot to them ,

"society can be rebuilt by collective consciences of individuals"

ሁሉም ትንሽ ቀናነት ዉስጡ መፈለግ ቢችል our environment could be a little bit better place to exist...it makes my day አንድ ሰዉ ደስ ብሎት thank you ሲለኝ

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

09 Nov, 15:04

የሰው መውደድ ይስጣችሁ።❤️‍🔥😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

09 Nov, 14:16

We got two typpa friends when they above us(ከኛ የተሻለ ቦታ ላይ ሲሆኑ) :

One like the sun ከላያችን ከሆነ የሚያቃጥል እና በጣም ካየነው የምንታወር and the other one is like the moon በጨለማ ውስጥ የሚያበራ እና ጥልቅ ውበትን የምናይበት so moral of the saying is ይገባቿል መቼስ👩🏻‍🦯

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

09 Nov, 09:32


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

09 Nov, 09:30

ሲጀመር Anime Dubbed የሚያይ ሰው ስለ Anime እንዳያወራ!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

09 Nov, 04:53

መልካም ቀን!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

08 Nov, 18:50

ሰው እያየኝ ነው ብለሽ በፍፁም እንዳታስቢ, ምክንያቱም ሰው ሁሉ ሰው እያየኝ ነው ብሎ እያሰበ ስለሆነ::


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

08 Nov, 18:33

Manipulation fits me perfectly!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

08 Nov, 18:23

These foods would never agree with my stomach🤷‍♂️😂

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

08 Nov, 18:05

Ig ላይ በ Note ምታወሩ ሰዎች እንደምን ዋላቹ🗿🗿👍🏾

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

08 Nov, 16:48

Tomorrow is:

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

07 Nov, 20:23

ፀደንያ ገ/ማርቆስ🎧🤍

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

07 Nov, 19:23


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

07 Nov, 18:56

Ayo my ጊቢ ተወዛግብዋል fr😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

02 Nov, 09:46

Me: runs for 2mins
My heart: ታቆማለህ ወይስ እኔ ላቁም


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

02 Nov, 08:28

Avocado is underrated fr.

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

02 Nov, 07:47


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

02 Nov, 05:03

"ማመስገን" gotta be included in our daily routine.


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

02 Nov, 03:20

Morning ppl🤎

Have a nice day🤚🏼

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

01 Nov, 22:40

I mean what do you call a ረሀብ that comes after midnight?🚶🏻‍♀

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

01 Nov, 19:48


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

01 Nov, 17:25

በጣም ነዉ እንዴ Halloween ያማራቹ?

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

01 Nov, 16:00

Anytime ምግብ እየበላሁ የማውቀው ሰው ድምፅ የሰማሁ ሲመስለኝ My heart starts beating faster! ሊበላ😑

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

01 Nov, 13:07

በ አንድ ፍሬ ሙዝ ቀይራታለዉ🗿👍🏾

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

01 Nov, 11:55

Converting the -VE energy in you to +VE just to not let people have a bad day is crazy and tiring ASF!🚶🏻‍♀

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

31 Oct, 18:54

Hermella ተብሎ አስቀያሚ ሴት የለም tf is goin on😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

31 Oct, 17:59

ቀይስር Is not hated on enough.

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

31 Oct, 17:57

ምግብ ልጋብዝሽ ብለህ ሀዬ የሆነ ቤት ወስደህ ደና አድርገህ ካበላሀት በኃላ የኔ ስልክ ዘግትዋል ባንቺ ልደዉል ብለህ ስልኳን ይዘህ እልም እቃ አጣቢ አረካትም ማለት አይደል🗿👍🏾

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

31 Oct, 17:31

U have a big sis 5 year older than U, እና ማታ ወደ ቤትህ ገብተህ ከ fam ጋር ገራም እራትህን በላህ, then በ ለሊት ስለምትወጣ በጊዜ ተኛህ, ከመተኛትህ በፊት ግን ኪስህ ውስጥ የቀረህ 100birr ነበር, "ለ transport ይበቃኛል" ብለህ ተኛህ.

እና sis ደሞ😂 ስትተኛ ጠብቃ ኪስህን ስትፈትሽ 100birr ስታገኝ ትወስደዋለች.(የወሰደችው ስላገኘቺው ነው እንጂ ቸግሯት አደለም😅)

በለሊት እወጣለሁ ያልከው ልጅ ይረፍድብህና ተጠዳድፈህ ልብስህን ቀይረህ ወጣህ. ከዛም😂 taxi ውስጥ ገባህ. ሂሳብ ስትባል 4ቱም ኪስህ, ዋሌትህ ውስጥ ብትገባ ከየት ይምጣ ያ 100 birr. ያው ሰዉ አዝኖልህ ከፈለልህ አቤት የያዘህ shame ተዋረድኩ ብለህ ወረድክ.

ማታ ስትገባ "ማነው ትላንት ከኪሴ birr የወሰደው?"ስትል sis ፈገግ ብላ እኔ ነኝ አለችህ

What's ure next move? 😂😂

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

31 Oct, 16:56

What does it feel like putting ice ፍሬዎችህ ላይ ብላቹ ብትጠይቁኝ... its like talking to a girl who is inconsistent and gives you የተለያየ vibe አንዴ ጄሎ black opium ተቀብታ .....አንዴ አበራሽ በሻሽ...ቁጡ.. ወግ አጥባቂ ትንሽ ተጉዛ ሃሳቧን የምትቀይር !!

Inconsistency turns me off !!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

31 Oct, 16:45

The way Alex Abrham Loves ጠይም ሴት😭🤍

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

31 Oct, 15:22


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

31 Oct, 14:42

ምግብ አፋችንን ዘግተን እንብላ please (አለማውራት + ሲያኝኩ አለማሳየት)🗿👍🏼

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

30 Oct, 10:36


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

30 Oct, 03:36

Morning ppl

May the ALMIGHTY protect ur happiness 🤎

And pray for yourself and me😭😭

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

29 Oct, 18:32


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

29 Oct, 18:32

If I can convince የሰፈራችንን የዕድር ሊቀመንበር that I'm dead inside, can I get half of ስሞት የሚሰጠኝን የእዝን ብር?👨‍🦽


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

29 Oct, 18:03

ይሄ ህብረተሰብ ጤነኛ መስሎሀል😂👍🏾

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

29 Oct, 16:07


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

29 Oct, 14:43

I hate ugly twins like hw u ugly twice👨‍🦯😭


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

29 Oct, 14:17

Don't tell your childhood traumas to people unless you wanna have them back ሰው ዘንድሮ የሚቀልድበትንና የማይቀልድበትን አያውቅም🗿🤚🏼

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

29 Oct, 08:57


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

29 Oct, 03:02

Morning people🤎

May the blessings fall today and make our day better🫶🏼

And as always pray,complain less and smile much, throw sum positivity every where you go let ur day and other ppls day be bright🤚🏼

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

28 Oct, 18:46

I don't do revenges i just ignore ur whole existence!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

28 Oct, 16:46


ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

28 Oct, 16:38

ማትፈልጊዉ ከሆነ why don't you block him" i hate this conversation but we've to talk abt it. U just askin her for a date then she rejected u ከዛ "relationship ባይሆንም we just have to be together like friends" ayoo move on መሞት ካልፈለክ ሴቶች double chance ይመቻቸዋል!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

28 Oct, 14:38

Btw. Tennhag ተባረረ. 😂😂

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

28 Oct, 14:30

Rodri ይገባዋል!!

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

28 Oct, 04:03

Morning ma ppl

May all ur prblms start to disappear and may the ALMIGHTY color our day bluee🤚🏼

Have a good day y'all🤎

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

27 Oct, 19:17

I saw this tiktok video እና like how howw?

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

27 Oct, 19:04

Tems being a real obsession.

ዝባዝንኬ thought🗽

27 Oct, 19:00

"ከዛስ ብለህ እንዳትጠይቅ" ur biggest downgrade እሚጀምረዉ ከዛስ ማለት ስትጀምር ነዉ sometimes እግዝአብሔር ያዉቃል ማለት ልመዱ we r creation not the creator👊🏾