Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C @hayoleeducationproject2017 Channel on Telegram

Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C


Quality Education For all!


Contact 👉👉 @duyedagi

Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C (English)

Are you passionate about quality education for all? Look no further than the Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing resources, information, and support for individuals who believe in the power of education to transform lives. With a mission to ensure that every individual has access to quality education, Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C is a valuable resource for students, educators, and advocates alike.

At Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C, you can find a wealth of educational content, including articles, videos, and interactive discussions on various topics related to education. Whether you are looking for study tips, teaching strategies, or information on educational policies, this channel has you covered.

The channel is managed by @duyedagi, who is passionate about empowering individuals through education. With a background in education and a commitment to social impact, @duyedagi ensures that the content shared on the channel is relevant, engaging, and informative.

For more information and to join the conversation on quality education for all, visit https://hayoleeducationproject.com and contact @duyedagi. Together, we can make a difference in the world through education!

Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C

28 Jan, 14:57


Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C

27 Jan, 03:38

Dear Students,
As you embark on your exams, remember that this is a moment to showcase all the hard work, dedication, and knowledge you’ve gained throughout this journey. Each of you has shown resilience and determination, and we are so proud of how far you’ve come.
Exams can feel overwhelming, but take them one step at a time. Stay focused, manage your time wisely, and don’t forget to take care of yourself. Believe in your abilities, stay positive, and trust the preparation you’ve done.
Remember, these exams do not define who you are; they are just a part of the learning process. You have the talent, the capability, and the strength to overcome any challenge that comes your way.
We are confident that your hard work will pay off and that you will shine brightly. Know that your teachers, family, and friends are cheering you on and wishing you success every step of the way.
You’ve got this! Go forward with confidence and give it your best.
Warmest wishes for success,
Gech, Physics teacher

Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C

25 Jan, 15:26

Fast summary Vector questions for G-12.[ Leul . Ab ] Math

Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C

24 Jan, 03:09

የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ የአቃቂ ክ/ከተማ የ2017ዓም 1ኛ ሴሚስተር ሞዴል ፈተና
- High quality exam paper

Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C

20 Jan, 14:35

Maths Final Exam 1st sem self test For
G -12(LEUL Ab.)

Hayole Education Project 2017 E.C

18 Jan, 08:50

ወድ የሀዮሌ ትምህርት ፕሮጀክት ፉራ ሞዴል አካዳሚ ትምህርት ቤት ወላጆች እና ተማሪዎች በሙሉ የከበረ ሰላምታችንን እያቀረብን።መጪውን የአንደኛ ሴሚስተር ማጠቃለያ ፈተና በአግባቡና በተሟላ ሁኔታ ለማከናወን ይረዳን ዘንድና የተማሪዎችንም መጉላላት እንዲያስቀር ሁሉም ተማሪ ወይም ወላጅ የወርሃዊ የት/ቤት ክፍያ እስከ ጥር ወር ያለው አጠቃሎ እስከ 14/05/2017 ዓ.ም ማለት እስከ ቀጣዩ እሮብ መክፈልና የክፍያ ኮፖን ከት/ቤቱ ገንዘብ ቤት መቀበልና መያዝ ይኖርበታል።ይህን ማስታወቂያ ችላ ብሎ የተባለውን ኃላፊነት ያልተወጣ ወላጅም ሆነ ተማሪ ለሚፈጠረው ችግርና የተማሪ ከፈተና ላይ መጉላላት ወይም ፈተና ላይ አለመቀመጥ የት/ቤቱ አስተዳደር ኃላፊነቱን አይወስድም ።

ጥራት ላለው የትምህርት አገልግሎት፣ የተረጋጋ የመማር ማስተማር ሂደት እንዲሁም የትምህርት አከባቢ እንዲፈጠር የወላጆች እና የተማሪዎች ሚና ከፍተኛ ነው ስንል ትርጉሙ ብዙ ነዉ።

ለምታሳዮት ትብብር እና ታዛዥነት የት/ቤቱ አስተዳደር ከወዲሁ ምስጋናውን ያቀርባል።
