Evang Dr Ukpo Daniel Mentorship platform (@firementeeswithdrukpo)の最新投稿

Evang Dr Ukpo Daniel Mentorship platform のテレグラム投稿

Evang Dr Ukpo Daniel Mentorship platform
It's a platform to set men on fire for souls winning and taking territories for Jesus Christ.
1,765 人の購読者
23 枚の写真
9 本の動画
最終更新日 26.02.2025 05:16


52,033 人の購読者

Evang Dr Ukpo Daniel Mentorship platform によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

If you are a missionary or feel called to missions and wish to collaborate with us,

The door is now open.

Come over to Firecity for proper scrutiny

Alternatively, if you seek personal communion with God through prayer, Firecity Campground is available for you.

Jesus has encountered many on these sacred grounds.

We extend a special welcome to you.
Please contact the numbers on the flyer if you plan to visit...

So that arrangements can be made.
Warm regards.

Download this powerful message in the camp for your digestion 🔥🔥🔥

Kindly download this powerful message
Foundation for impactful ministry

Pls download this message and enjoy yourself

This is a session with my team members in the camp