Dernières publications de Uralov's English | IELTS 7.0 | TESOL (@englishwithuralov) sur Telegram

Publications du canal Uralov's English | IELTS 7.0 | TESOL

Uralov's English | IELTS 7.0 | TESOL
Transport universitetida dars beraman.
Kurs uchun: @uralov_aa
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Dernière mise à jour 26.02.2025 20:38

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Yoshlarga Work and Travel dasturlari xarajatlari uchun ssuda ajratiladi

Talabalar ta’til vaqtida Work and Travel kabi dasturlar orqali chet elga borib, ham bilim olyapti, ham daromad topyapti, dedi prezident. Bu dasturlardan foydalanish imkoniyatini oshirish maqsadida, kelgusi yildan Yoshlar ishlari agentligi tomonidan talabalarning yo‘lkira xarajatlari uchun ssuda ajratish yo‘lga qo‘yiladi.

👉 rasmiy kanali

💡 Advanced Collocations with "GET"

1. Get rid of – Qutulmoq
She decided to get rid of old clothes that she no longer wears.

2. Get along with – Yaxshi chiqishmoq
He gets along with all his colleagues at work.

3. Get the hang of – O‘zlashtirib olmoq
After a few lessons, you'll get the hang of driving.

4. Get in touch with – Aloqaga chiqmoq
You should get in touch with your old classmates.

5. Get on someone’s nerves – Asabga tegmoq
The constant noise is really getting on my nerves.

@Uralov’s_English ✍️

💡 Advanced Collocations with "TAKE"

1. Take advantage of – Foydalanib qolmoq
She took advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.

2. Take into account – Inobatga olmoq
We need to take into account the weather conditions before planning the trip.

3. Take part in – Ishtirok etmoq
Many students took part in the debate competition.

4. Take pride in – Faxrlanmoq
He takes pride in his ability to solve complex problems.

5. Take for granted – Oddiy hol deb qabul qilmoq
Don’t take your health for granted; take care of yourself.

@Uralov’s_English ✍️


2-3- dekabrda ochiladigan kurslarimiz bilan tanishing!

Agar zamonaviy kasblarni sun'iy intellekt bilan birga o'rganmoqchi bo'lsangiz, "Aipply Academy" ning kurslariga yoziling.

Bu hali hammasi emas! Kurs davomida:
1. Kasbda sun’iy intellektni samarali qo’llash;
2. Kuchli mentorlar va real loyihalar;
3. Zamonaviy shinam xonalari, bepul Coworking va Wi-fi;
4. Kursni muvaffaqiyatli bitirganlarga ishga kirishda yordam;
5. Daromad qilishni o’rgatamiz;
6. Kurs so’ngida esa sertifikat bilan taqdirlanasiz!

Bizning kurslar:
1. Kompyuter savodxonligi - 1 oy;
2. Bir oyda bir veb-sayt (nocode) - 1 oy;
3. No-coding Web/Mobile - 6 oy;
4. Grafik dizayn +AI - 5 oy;
5. Interyer/Eksteryer dizayn +AI - 3 oy;
6. Motion dizayn/Videomontaj + AI - 3 oy;
7. Coding foundation - 1 oy;
8. Backend Python-Jango-TensorFlow + AI 6 oy;
9. Frontend React.js +AI - 6 oy.

☎️ 77-123-33-00
☎️ 90-994-19-92

Ro'yxatdan o'tish

Telegram | Instagram | Sayt

Shoshiling, joylar soni cheklangan :)

💡 Collocations with "MAKE"

1. Make a decision – Qaror qabul qilmoq
She made a tough decision to change her job.

2. Make a bed – Krovatni yig‘ishtirmoq
Don’t forget to make your bed in the morning.

3. Make progress – Rivojlanmoq
He is making great progress in his studies.

4. Make an effort – Harakat qilmoq
You need to make more effort to achieve your goals.

5. Make a plan – Reja tuzmoq
Let’s make a plan for the weekend.

👉 Yodlab qolish uchun izohda gaplar tuzib qoldiring!

@Uralov’s_English ✍️

Nimaga IELTS 7.0 olib, chet el universitetida 100% grand yutganimdan keyin ham ketmadim?

Toshkentda ancha kariyeramni boshlab qo’yganman. O’quvchilar bilan ishlab, yaxshi natija qilib bera olganim uchun deyarli hech qanday reklamasiz ko’pchilik mani tanishni boshlashyapti.

Transport universitetida ingliz tili va IELTS kurslarini o’tish, yakshanba kunlari esa Toshkentning har hil joylarida do’stlarim bilan aylanib yurish juda ham yoqadi.

Yevropa kutib tura oladi. Hozir Toshkentda o’z missiyam bor. Yana 1,2 yildan keyin boraman, va albatta yolg’iz emas!

Eng zo’r youtube kanallarning ro’yxati bilan bo’lishmoqchiman!

Shunchaki o’zingiz qiziqqan mavzuda inglizcha kantentlar ko’rish kelgusidagi speaking va listening ko’niklmalaringizni oshirib yuboradi!

Celebrity shows lovers:
•Ellen show
•Tonight show starring Jimmy Fallon
• The Late late show with James Corden
Make up & Fashion:
•Haily Rhode Bieber
Productivity& Business:
•Silicon valley girl
•Ali Abdaal
Science curious people:
•Top think
•Ted ed
•Psych2Go(more about relationships)
Entertainment/comedy people:
•Khalid Al Ameri
•Loic suberville
Health enthusiasts:
•Doctor Oz

👇Qolgan foydali postlar hali oldinda! 👇
Uralov’s English ✍️

Ertalab va kechki paytki yangi ochilgan Beginner gruppalarim uchun test tuzib chiqdim

Transport universitetida umumiy 10 ta har hil daraja va vaqtlarda gruppalarim bor ekan.

Hamma testlarimni o’zim qo’lim bilan tuzib chiqaman.

Mazza qilib ishlab tashlemiz! 😌

🎙️What do you do when you have days off?

Well, in the first place, I often catch up on sleep on Sunday morning. This is because I work full time and I’m supposed to wake up in the morning really early on other days of the week.
Plus, weekends are a great opportunity to spend time outdoors with my close friends and family members. For example, we often go shopping or take a walk in the park.

💡 catch up on sleep - to’yib uxlab olmoq

💡I’m supposed to do something - nimadir qilishga manbur bo’lmoq

💡Take a walk in the park - parkda aylanib yurmoq

@Uralov’s_English ✍️