Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has helped people in a number of ways, including:
Durov and his brother Nikolai founded Telegram in 2013 to allow users to communicate without government interference.
In 2018, Durov launched TON, a decentralized platform that allows users to perform transactions and access services without centralized systems.
Durov has donated sperm to help couples have children. He has said that he wants to destigmatize sperm donation and encourage more healthy men to do it.
Durov has been recognized for his principled position against censorship and the state's interference in citizens' online correspondence.
Durov's brother, Nikolai, inspired Pavel to get into computer programming. Nikolai also helped Pavel with advice when he launched VKontakte, a social networking site similar to Facebook.
Durov has also been involved in other notable events, including:
#durov #Telegram #CEO