AndMI | Rasmiy kanali @andmiedu1 Channel on Telegram

AndMI | Rasmiy kanali


Andijon mashinasozlik institut/
Андижанский машиностроительный институт/
Andijan Machine-building Institute

Rektor qabulxonasi:+998-74-223-43-67.
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AndMI Telegram Channel Promotion (English)

Welcome to AndMI official Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing information and updates about Andijan Machine-building Institute in Andijan, Uzbekistan. Established to promote education and innovation in the field of machine-building, AndMI is a leading institution known for its high-quality education and research programs. The channel provides a platform for students, alumni, and anyone interested in the field to stay informed about the latest news, events, and opportunities at the institute. From rector's office contact information to admission inquiries, the channel serves as a one-stop destination for all things related to AndMI.

For those looking to connect with the institute, there is a website available at Feel free to reach out to the rector's office at +998-74-223-43-67 for any questions or concerns. Additionally, for offers, suggestions, or advertising opportunities, you can contact @media_andmi. Join the AndMI Telegram channel today to stay updated and engaged with the vibrant community of students and professionals in the field of machine-building!

AndMI | Rasmiy kanali

23 Nov, 09:28

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев Тошкент атрофида "яшил" белбоғ барпо этиш доирасидаги дарахт экиш тадбирида иштирок этди|Facebook|Instagram|YouTube|X

AndMI | Rasmiy kanali

23 Nov, 09:28

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев “Яшил макон” умуммиллий лойиҳаси доирасида барпо этилаётган янги боққа кўчат экди.

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев посадил дерево в новом саду, создаваемом в рамках общенационального проекта "Яшил макон".

#Mirziyoyev #Toshkent #Yashilmakon #atrofmuhit|Facebook|Instagram|YouTube|X