Wives of the Prisoners 🌸


• SUPPORTING our sisters and wives of the asraa 🌸
• Raising AWARENESS about Muslim prisoners
• NOT affiliated with any groups


Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

06 Apr, 18:36

Dua Request for Ibn Tsar⛓️

This brother has been held in prison for 11 years with 9 of them being in solitary confinement. He may soon face another trial, as his case has garnered attention. He may also be transferred from solitary confinement to a lower-security prison.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

29 Mar, 17:11

Dua request Abu Sumayya al-Kurdi⛓️

Kindly make duaa for brother Abu Sumayya al-Kurdi whose court trial started in Norway and will last for 2 months. He could be facing approximately 30 years الله المستعان. Please remember him in your Ad’iyah during this blessed month of Ramadan.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

29 Mar, 16:56

Dua request Abdulrahman⛓️

Brother Abdulrahman has been in prison for 2 months without a proper trial and sentencing. His family is yet to receive any news from or of him, and are very worried. Be sure to make dua for him especially during the last ten days of this blessed month. Ask Allah to release him soon and reunite him with his family soon.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

29 Mar, 16:06

Dua request Ahmed⛓️

During this blessed month, and especially during the last ten days, be sure to include your brother in your sincere Ad’iyah. Ask Allah to hasten his release and reunite him with his family. Remember also the Muslims imprisoned under oppressive regimes worldwide.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

08 Mar, 14:39

🤲 Reminder

Remember to make Dua for the many brothers and sisters we have posted about on here, especially today as it is Friday. Some of these prisoners have no muslim family or friends to make dua for them.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

01 Mar, 10:16

Dua request Al Shishaniyah⛓️

Today is Al Shishaniyahs court hearing. Please remember her in your ad’iyah this Friday and all the oppressed Muslimeen.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

24 Feb, 13:05


Five years down the line and we find ourselves entangled in the tornado of life whilst leaving the past aside. What we had experienced, lived and even survived is placed in an archive of memories — because with time we inevitably forget even the most painful of them.

Those same unsettling memories rise to the surface when seeing our sisters and brothers in G@za enduring the same atrocities that were once our own realities.

At a time when lentils soup and a few dates, if even that, would suffice us for a day. Til this day many are scarred by nakhala (bran) that became a staple food for some. This, for a fact, is not easily digested especially on a body that has been living off of fiber/and or carbs at best. With no fruit, vegetables or anything else nutritious for that matter. Eating such foods would cause bloating, sever camps and diarrhea. It was the food of Baguz and now it has become the food of Gaza, SubhanAllah.

It is a unfitting for the Ummah to be silent as we are supposed to be as one body. How bad does the situation need to get for the ummah to wake up? How can people stay in their comfort while our brothers and sisters are suffering for months on end. We should be ashamed just to sit back and watch them die slowly. When will the ummah understand this is a war against Islam? The tawagheet are holding hand in hand in this conflict. So choose your side for there are only two!


We do not take credit for the picture

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

24 Feb, 12:19

ورأيت الهم يطغي على القلوب، ويدي قاصرة تكاد تحمل همي!
فما حيلتي غير الدعاء لي ولهم!
والله واسع.

I witnessed worries overwhelming hearts, and my hands, feeble, can hardly bear my burdens! My only recourse is to pray for myself and for them. Indeed, Allah is vast.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

24 Feb, 12:19

“Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

A reverted couple has been arrested in Bangladesh. A case was filed by core hindu communists accusing the brother to have kidnapped and raped his wife which is a mere lie! When our brothers gathered to support the couple in the judicial area, the communists slandered and belittled us by speaking rubbish about Muslims. Moreover, the police did not let the sister free. She is currently in safe custody of police. The date given by court for hearing is tomorrow (Sunday). The Hindu communists are planning to create chaos on Sunday.

Please make dua for the couple so that Allah makes it easy for them and so that they can be free from the hands of oppressors. Also make dua for all the muslim brothers and sister who will be present in the court tomorrow for supporting the couple.”

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

24 Feb, 12:16

Opressed Muslims in Bangladesh⛓️

Last week, the 18th of february, an unjust court hearing took place, of an accusation made about an Indian couple. In the courtroom, Hindutva chanted various extremist slogans such as: "chase, catch and kill muslims."

Make Dua for your opressed brothers and sisters, and do not neglect them.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

19 Feb, 11:01

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

SubhanAllah our channel got deleted. By the Mercy of Allah it's up and running again.

Please spread the message.

Stay tuned to hear from the underground prisoners in Northern Syria.

Follow and share for indeed your reward is with Allah.
سبحان الله انحذفت قناتنا. بإذن الله نبدأ من جديد. نرجوا منكم متابعة القناة.
القناة تحكي عن قصص وأخبار سجون شمال سوريا.


Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

17 Feb, 05:09

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸 pinned «Important: Kindly refrain from asking personal questions in the bot. We will not answer any question that is not relevant or related to what we post about.»

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

17 Feb, 04:16


Kindly refrain from asking personal questions in the bot. We will not answer any question that is not relevant or related to what we post about.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

17 Feb, 04:06

Update Brother Arafat⛓️

“SubhanAllah they extradited my husband my ALLAH(SWT) protect him. Please keep him in your duas my brothers and sisters.”

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله

Please keep the brother and his family in your Ad’iyah.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

16 Feb, 08:12

Dua Request Brother S and Brother A⛓️

The two brothers have recently been arrested. Please keep them in your sincere Ad’iyah.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

16 Feb, 08:10

Dua Request Brother Abdulrahman⛓️

Brother Abdulrahman was arrested January of last year. His bail has also been rejected. Make dua that he is released before Ramadan and is reunited with his family.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

16 Feb, 08:05

Update Brother Arafat⛓️

The ethiopian authorities wish to extradite Brother Arafat to the US. Sincerely make dua that they do not hand him over to them, ask Allah to return him to his family safely.

Wives of the Prisoners 🌸

10 Feb, 15:09

Camp Hol

Bi fadhlillah the market has finally re-opened for sisters in Al Hol!

Between the span of a month there have been a series of many unfortunate events. All the while the market was only opened a few days in that time.

That meant no access to fresh fruits and vegetables as well as chicken/meat, dairy products, drinking water etc...

By Allahs rahma and grace, it has re-opened today and in sha Allah onwards.