

قناةٌ تُعنى بالحديثِ وفوائدِه، ونمير الفقه وفرائدِه، والتَّفسير ولطائفِه؛ اجتهدت في جمعِها بغيةَ تحريك القلوب إِلى أَجلِّ مطلوب، إِذ لا بُدَّ للسَّالكِ من همَّةٍ تسيِّره وترقيِّه، وعلمٍ يُبصِّره ويَهديه.


22 Oct, 02:48

Be known to Allah in times of ease and He will know you in times of hardship.

— Musnad aḥmad iii. 307


21 Oct, 00:31

The female child is called ṭiflah so long as she is small; walīdah when she toddles; kāʾib, when she has swelling breasts; nāhid, with fully-swelled breasts; muʿṣir, when she enters into puberty; ānis, after puberty (in modern Arabic this term denotes a spinster); khawd, in mid-youth; muslif, as she passes forty; naṣaf, middle-aged; shahlah kahlah, when age has come upon her with some strength remaining; shahbarah, aged but holding together; ḥayzabūn, advanced in years and lacking in strength; and finally qalʿam and liṭliṭ, humpback and toothless.

— Thaʿalibī, Fiqh al-lughah, p. 97


20 Oct, 21:36

لم يبرَأ الجرحُ لكنِّي أُداهِنُه = بالصَّبرِ حينًا وبالسِّلوانِ أَحيانَا


18 Oct, 23:20

Muṭarrif b. ʿAbd Allah would say to his companions, "If you have a request for me, put it in writing so that I may spare you the shame of asking."

— Ibn ʿAsākir, Tārīkh madīnat dimashq, xxxi. 92


18 Oct, 16:46

In the heavens is your provision and all that you were promised. By the Lord of the heavens and the earth, this is the certain truth just as you are fully certain about your voices when you speak.

Quran 51:22-3


13 Oct, 00:35

Jurists disagree on whether apostasy nullifies ablution. The maḏẖẖab of Aḥmad, according to lbn Qudamah, holds the view that ablution is necessary. The remaining three Imams reject this opinion, arguing that a person who performs ablution, apostates, then returns to Islam before anything nullifies his wuḍūʾ is not required to renew it.

The former opinion is the one that is precautionary and subsequently the farthest from the scope of disagreement. As the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam says, "Leave what is doubtful for that which is not doubtful."

— Al-ʿAbbād, Sharḥ shurūṭ al-ṣalah, p. 28f


13 Oct, 00:32

Jurists disagree on whether ablution is required after washing the dead. Ibn Qudāmah gives a brief account of the opposing views in Al-Mughnī and advocates the opinion that it is mustaḥḥab.

In a ḥadīth attributed to Abū Hurayrah, the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam said, "Let the one who bathes the dead take a bath, and let the one who carries them perform ablution." Al-Albāni explains that due to existing evidence from Ibn ʿAbbās and Ibn ʿUmar, the words of the Prophet ʿalayhi al-salam are to be taken as a recommendation.

— Al-ʿAbbād, Sharḥ shurūṭ al-ṣalah, p. 27-8


12 Oct, 00:01

A state of ḥadath can be caused by directly touching one's own private part or that of another; young or old, dead or alive.

Busrah bt. Ṣafwān heard the Messenger of Allah
ʿalayhi al-salam say, "When one of you touches his private part he should perform ablution."

— Al-ʿAbbād, Sharḥ shurūṭ al-ṣalah, p. 24f


11 Oct, 05:14

There are three primary opinions regarding whether or not touching a woman nullifies a man's wuḍūʾ.

-Some argue ablution is necessary as lustful contact leads to ḥadath.

-Others believe that wuḍūʾ is required whatever the nature of the touch.

-The third opinion, and the most correct, is that wuḍūʾ is only necessary if ejaculation has taken place.

— Al-ʿAbbād, Sharḥ shurūṭ al-ṣalah, p. 24


10 Oct, 02:04

Jaḏẖaʿ (جَذَع) A young man.

— Notes on Ṣaḥīḥ al-bukhārī, ḥadīth iii.


09 Oct, 12:14

Whoever comes to Me walking, I will come to them running.

— Bukhārī no. 7405


08 Oct, 07:58

My Lord, forgive me, my parents and whoever enters my house as a believer. Forgive all the believing men and women, and increase the wrongdoers in nothing but ruin.

Qurʾan 7:28


07 Oct, 05:06

If Allah knows any good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what has been taken from you and He will forgive you.

Quran 8:70


06 Oct, 20:13

Namus The one entrusted with secrets. Used in Muslim tradition to mean Gabriel.

— Notes on Ṣaḥīḥ al-bukhārī, ḥadīth iii.