Truth About Fluoride (Official)


Breaking Fluoride News & Updates 🚨

Fluoride is a toxic substance that many of you know reduces your IQ, weakens your bones & calcifies your pineal gland ☠️

So this channel will help you avoid this toxin with daily updates you won’t see anywhere else ✌🏻

Truth About Fluoride (Official)

07 Jul, 00:34

A few videos that have been going viral on Instagram that I thought you guys would enjoy 😂 you can imagine how many people we’ve triggered with these videos. If you have IG, come support us over there (@truthaboutfluoride)

Truth About Fluoride (Official)

28 Jun, 11:41

Is this our guy? 🇺🇸

Potentially the next US President, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, commented on the release of a new damning fluoride toxicity report:

“These findings fly in the face of the empty, unscientific claims U.S. health officials have propagated for years; namely that water fluoridation is safe and beneficial. It's past time to eliminate this neurotoxin from our water supply,"

This is the FIRST time any big name politician has said anything remotely negative about fluoirde.

Music to my ears,

But do you think he can get the job done?

Or are there better options?

We can’t really respond in this group, so use the emojis for a ❤️ or 👎🏻. Or better yet send me an email if you really want to share your opinion.

Truth About Fluoride (Official)

24 May, 20:47

Truth About Fluoride (Official) pinned «Important Read 🚨 Welcome to the new members of the mini but growing fluoride army… In a world where you get canceled for speaking the truth, a place like this is a must. So here’s what I’m thinking, It seems like every year it gets harder to be healthy…»

Truth About Fluoride (Official)

24 May, 20:46

Important Read 🚨

Welcome to the new members of the mini but growing fluoride army… In a world where you get canceled for speaking the truth, a place like this is a must.

So here’s what I’m thinking,

It seems like every year it gets harder to be healthy, they put more toxins into our food, use more pesticides, and recently have even forced things upon us against our will…

So it’s time to stop sitting back.

And go on the attack.

Now in our modern world, most wars are not fought in person but online through information. And we should take advantage of that.

For example,

I’m always surprised how far following, liking and sharing things online can go. 1 post on Instagram can easily reach millions of people. So if you are on other social media platforms, I’d appreciate you supporting the cause there too (time to make fluoride info go viral instead of TikTok dances 😅).

But here’s the deal…

A movement can only go as far as the people who support it.

And you guys are some of the most supportive, loyal and outspoken crowd I’ve seen online, so I’m excited to see how far we can take this movement 🤝

And as our online army grows…

We will hit the streets, put pressure on politicians and give no choice to the government but for them to listen

So give the below accounts a follow and support them as much as you can,

Instagram Official Account ⤵️

Twitter Official Account ⤵️

Thank you 🙏🏻

Daily posting and big truth bombs will be dropped in this group and the two accounts mentioned above in very short time 💪🏻

And remember if you ever have any questions, concerns, or want to send me something interesting - feel free to reach out to me.

My handle on Telegram is @caseykrol or shoot me an email 📧

- Casey Krol 🫡

Truth About Fluoride (Official)

20 May, 21:08

So they add fluoride to water,

Thyroid becomes under-active,

Then they sell you medication to make it more active.

Welcome to the show 🤡

Truth About Fluoride (Official)

20 May, 21:05

Your thyroid is under attack 🚨

Now I wish I was joking,

But it’s clear people in the USA, Canada, & UK are being attacked & then profited from.

Let me explain with 4 simple points.

That even a monkey can connect the dots to. But you know, not our government.

#1 Fluoride was used as a drug to reduce the activity of the thyroid gland. All through the 1950's doctors across Europe & Argentina used fluoride to help patients with hyperthyroidism (OVER-active thyroids).

#2 Doses as low as 0.9-4.2 mg fluoride per day were enough to REDUCE the thyroid activity of hyperthyroid patients & eliminate their symptoms.

#3 The US Department of Health & Human Services estimated that adults in communities that have fluoride added to their water ingest between 1.6 & 6.6 mg of fluoride a day from all sources.

#4 The 2nd most prescribed medication in the USA (2018) was Levothyroxine (a drug used to treat an UNDER-active thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). With 105,773,990 total prescriptions & 19,448,097 total patients

Truth About Fluoride (Official)

20 Mar, 14:59

Ladies and gentlemen… how tap water enters your home 🤡

The same water the government says is fine to drink and even promote 🙄

Now besides fluoride, which can help leach lead from certain water pipes, tap water can also contain:

- Chlorine
- Pharmaceuticals
- Birth control
- Pesticides

And much more.

So at the very least, make sure you’re drinking non-toxic water by getting a quality filter or drinking good bottled water.

Last thing,

Before the cavalry of sheep come to this post. I understand the cause of what we see in this post mainly comes from “iron bacterial growth in steel pipes”. However, this does not change the reality of all the toxins that come through the same pipes and the outdated pipes many cities rely on.

Truth About Fluoride (Official)

17 Feb, 18:00

However, I would 100% stay away from pasteurized milk ⚠️

The high heat from pasteurizing essentially damages the vitamins, minerals and other healthy nutrients found in milk. But not only does this make them almost useless, it’s the reason many people have bad side effects from drinking milk like acne and inflammation.

In fact, I’m one of these people.

If I drink even a cup of pasteurized milk, I get inflammation, dandruff and acne 🙃

But can and regularly drink close to a gallon of raw milk without any issue. The opposite is true, feel amazing when I do (stronger in the gym, more energy, etc) 💪🏻

So if you want to try raw milk,

Head on over to

All you have to do is enter your zip code and you’ll be shown various locations where you can buy raw milk near you 🐄

|PART 2|

Truth About Fluoride (Official)

17 Feb, 17:59

Raw and grass-fed milk is one of the best fluoride detox superfoods 🥛🥇

Only 1-2 cups a day will help you detox fluoride from your body, heal your body from past damage caused by fluoride and also protect your body from future exposure to fluoride.

Truly a food sent from the heavens 🙌🏻

Now what makes a “fluoride detox superfood”?

3 factors to be specific:

1️⃣ Low in fluoride... duh

2️⃣ High in bioavailable vitamins and minerals that detox, protect or heal damage created by fluoride

3️⃣ Low toxins & defence chemicals

Raw milk hits each and everyone of these.

It’s basically fluoride-free, loaded with nutrients like choline, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and vitamin k2. Along with being very low to non-existent in defense chemicals. Allowing your body to easily and quickly use the various vitamins and minerals.

|PART 1|