The Daily Kotlin


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The Daily Kotlin

22 Oct, 08:26

Kotlin 2.1.0-Beta2

2.1.0-Beta2 (click to copy version to test it)

- @SubclassOptInRequired - to require opt-in from library clients when implementing interface/extending class
- Guard conditions in when with a subject
- Non-local break and continue
- Multidollar interpolation: improved handling of $ in string literals.
- New Gradle DSL for compiler options in multiplatform projects is stable
- Improved overload resolution for functions with generic types
- Improved K2 kapt implementation
- Update LLVM version to 16.0.0 for Kotlin/Native
- Kotlin/Wasm and Kotlin/JS improvments
- Extra compiler checks! (opt-in)
- Compose compiler updates What's new in Kotlin 2.1.0-Beta2
GitHub Changelog

The Daily Kotlin

10 Oct, 19:35

JetBrains Blog: Ktor 3.0 Is Now Available With New Features and Improved Performance

The Daily Kotlin

10 Oct, 11:55

Kotlin 2.0.21 Released


The Daily Kotlin

10 Oct, 11:41

Ktor 3.0 Released

- Migration to
- Client for Kotlin/Wasm
- SSE Client/Server

New plugins:
- The BOMRemover plugin allows you to remove Byte Order Mark (BOM) from the response body.
- The CallId client plugin allows you to trace client requests by using unique call IDs.

Migration Guide from 2.2.x to 3.0.x

Changelog Github

The Daily Kotlin

09 Oct, 13:46

The Evolution of the Kotlin Language and How You Can Contribute

The Daily Kotlin

09 Oct, 07:45

Migrating Kotlin Plugins to K2 Mode

The Daily Kotlin

25 Sep, 13:12

Koin 4.0 released

Koin 4.0 brings major updates with Kotlin 2.0.20 as a new baseline, focusing on Kotlin Multiplatform, Android, and Compose. Key improvements include true UUID generation across platforms, internal optimizations with better performance, a revamped ViewModel API now supporting multiplatform, and Compose lifecycle handling. The release also introduces the experimental “Koin-Fu” project to rethink the DSL and AndroidX Startup support for faster app loading. Deprecated APIs have been removed or replaced for a cleaner experience.

Just be aware of funky Koin defaults

The Daily Kotlin

17 Sep, 19:40

Kotlin 2.1.0-Beta1

2.1.0-Beta1 (click to copy version to test it)

I didn’t find anything too exciting, so here is the change log:

What’s new in Kotlin 2.1.0-Beta1

The Daily Kotlin

17 Sep, 04:23

Kotlin Roadmap September Update

I’m very existed to see this item implemented:

🆕 Library ecosystem: Introduce default warnings/errors for Kotlin functions that return non-unit values that are unused

The Daily Kotlin

12 Sep, 14:25

1.5h documentary about Kotlin. Interviews with Kotlin team members

The Daily Kotlin

06 Sep, 16:24

Command-line tool for creating Ktor projects written in… Go 😂️️️️️️

The Daily Kotlin

28 Aug, 17:18

I know you folks love surveys, this one about Kotlin:

Kotlin Developer Survey #3

The Daily Kotlin

26 Aug, 17:24


The Daily Kotlin

22 Aug, 17:25

Kotlin 2.0.20 Released!

• Data class copy function now matches constructor visibility.
• Static accessors for multiplatform source sets are introduced.
• Concurrent marking in Kotlin/Native’s GC is now possible.
• The @ExperimentalWasmDsl annotation location changed.
• Gradle 8.6–8.8 supported.
• Option to share JVM artifacts between projects as class files
• Compose compiler update.
• UUID support in the common Kotlin standard library.

GitHub Changelog

The Daily Kotlin

20 Aug, 11:31

Kotlin 2.0.20-RC2 Released with a bunch of fixes, try now!

The Daily Kotlin

13 Aug, 06:02

Context Receivers → Context Parameters migration plan:

Kotlin 2.0.20 – new warning in build introduced: CONTEXT_RECEIVERS_DEPRECATED, with -Werror we have to manually suppress it for each file
Kotlin 2.1.0 – Disable warning globally freeCompilerArgs.add("-Xsuppress-warning=CONTEXT_RECEIVERS_DEPRECATED”)
Kotlin 2.1.20 – Removing Context Receivers from compiler
Kotlin 2.2.0 – Context Parameters introduced behind flag

Plan for people heavily using Context Receivers, and don’t want to refactor out them completely:

1. Stay on Kotlin 2.0.1x until 2.1.0 released
2. Migrate to 2.1.0 up to 2.1.1x
2. Migrate to 2.2.0

The Daily Kotlin

09 Aug, 08:30

Kotlin 2.0.20-RC Released

The Kotlin 2.0.20-RC brings a range of new features, enhancements, and deprecations as Kotlin continues to evolve toward the full 2.0 release. Key updates include:

- Data Class Copy Function Visibility: The .copy() function in data classes will now have the same visibility as the constructor, with migration warnings introduced.
- Context Receivers: Gradual deprecation of context receivers, which will be replaced by context parameters in future releases.
- Kotlin Multiplatform: Static accessors for source sets are now available, improving IDE experience and usability.
- Kotlin/Native: Experimental support for concurrent marking in the garbage collector, aimed at reducing GC pause times.
- Kotlin/Wasm: Migration from default to named exports, with warnings now upgraded to errors.
- Compose Compiler: Various improvements, including the default enablement of strong skipping mode for better performance and stability.

GitHub Changelog What's new in Kotlin 2.0.20-RC

The Daily Kotlin

06 Aug, 22:24

Kotlin 2.0.10

The Daily Kotlin

31 Jul, 12:04

KotlinConf 2025!

See you there ;)

The Daily Kotlin

22 Jul, 13:06

Kotlin turns 13 💪️️️️