

All the facts about space.

admin: @helloprintworld
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15 Oct, 15:06

Neptune has only completed one orbit around the Sun since its discovery.

Neptune takes a whopping 165 years to complete one full orbit around the Sun. Since it was discovered in 1846, Neptune only finished its first full post-discovery orbit in 2011.

Demoted planet Pluto has yet to match this – it is not even close to completing one full, 248-year orbit since its discovery in 1930.


29 Sep, 08:15

Space is completely silent.

A medium is necessary for the passage of sound waves. Since there is no atmosphere in the vacuum of space, the realm between the stars will always be quiet.

Worlds with atmospheres and atmospheric pressure allow sound to travel, which is why there is so much noise on Earth and probably other planets.


28 Sep, 09:59

Space egg! This is Mephon - a small satellite of Saturn.

Discovered quite recently, in 2004, thanks to the photos of the Cassini apparatus.

The average diameter of the satellite is only 3 km.


27 Sep, 15:43

The earliest image ever taken of Jupiter in 1879 vs. the most recent composite image of Jupiter taken by JWST.


05 Apr, 15:15

Antares is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpio.

We are separated from the star by 600 light years. If Antares were in the place of the Sun, the orbit of Mars would pass inside the star.

Thanks to its enormous size, astronomers using instruments from the Very Large Telescope (VLT) were able to image the surface of the star.


19 Mar, 11:32

Pictures of Jupiter taken by various spacecraft over several decades.


17 Mar, 15:39

The closest photo to the Sun in history.

The Parker probe took this picture from a distance of 27 million km, which is less than half the distance between the Sun and Mercury. The bright point is Mercury, the dark points are processing artifacts.


12 Mar, 15:19

White dwarfs are stars the size of the Earth, but with a mass comparable to that of the Sun. The Sun will also become a white dwarf in the future, but this will happen after 5-7 billion years.


10 Mar, 19:38

Part of the galaxies located near the Andromeda galaxy.


10 Mar, 06:34

This is what Saturn would look like if it were at the same distance from Earth as the Moon.


09 Mar, 16:16

The Andromeda Galaxy and its stars.


09 Mar, 10:54

Photo of the Earth taken by the Apollo 11 mission on July 16, 1969 from a distance of about 158,000 km.


09 Mar, 01:25

The clearest image of Venus ever made.


08 Mar, 18:35

99% of the Internet goes through underwater cables. There are more than 420 underwater lines in the world with a total length of 1.3 million km, which is three times the distance from the Earth to the Moon.


07 Mar, 15:38

Solar halo.


07 Mar, 07:32

Saturn. Taken by the Cassini probe.


06 Mar, 03:31

The boxes don't move, it's just an optical illusion.


05 Mar, 17:53

The Moon is above the Earth!

From a distance of a million kilometers, a NASA camera shows how the Moon crosses the Earth's surface.


04 Mar, 18:49

The length of the Earth's circumference along the equator is 40,075 km. Its surface area is more than 510 million km², and its mass is 5 879 000 000 000 000 000 000 tons.