Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž


Be Yourself πŸ€—

Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

27 Mar, 03:17

You want to know what Dementia Can Be ???

Watch This.

A Short Horror Film πŸŽ₯ With Very Meaning .

Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

21 Mar, 12:48

The best productivity Application in your phone is FLIGHT MODE.

Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

21 Mar, 03:07


This video will help you.

Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

20 Mar, 01:43

He Just won the Oscar in 2024.

Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

18 Mar, 12:47

Today Let's Learn About Body Language.


Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

16 Mar, 12:07

Do you want to know why we got obsessed with Brands ??
Watch this Video and Know The Psychology Behind It.


Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

13 Mar, 07:15


Today's Leaning.

Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

12 Mar, 09:53

Going through the news letter of James Clear.
I found this.

I cleaned the Desk.
Yes For Me Cleaning is new stress buster.
Whats Your ???

Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

11 Mar, 12:43


Watched this today.
Note down some points.
You will find some value From this Video.
Mark Manson.

Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

11 Mar, 03:51


Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

01 Mar, 03:15

Sometimes a simple little snippet can point to larger life lessons. Sample this:

β€˜Aoccrdnig to a rseearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are. The olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.’

The road to success in life too is quite similar.
Getting started is key and learning to finish tasks is priceless.😊

Talvir Singh - Be Yourself πŸ’ž

11 Nov, 14:50
