ملفات SNLE


القناة تحتوي على ملفات للتحضير لأختبار SNLE

ملفات SNLE

04 Oct, 08:29

مهم نعرف الترتيب ، في اختبار SNLE في اسئلة Emergency نجاوب اعتماداً على السيناريو بالسؤال وعلى هذا الترتيب تختار الجواب الأنسب

ملفات SNLE

22 May, 15:31

Which of the following assessment is contraindicated while providing intrapartum nursing care for a patient
with HELLP syndrome?
A. Heart sounds
B. Blood studies
C. Leopold's maneuvers
D. Deep tendon reflexes

A 32 weeks pregnant patient present for her follow up appointment in the antenatal clinic. She complains of
experiencing frequent heartburn. Which of the following is the most appropriate advice to the patient?
A. Drink plain water between meals
B. Raise head of the bed
C. Eat favorite foods
D. Lie down for one hour after taking food

A woman informed a nurse that she was never vaccinated against rubella. Which of the following is the best
nursing advice?
A. No need for her to be distress, rubella is not harmful to the fetus
B. The vaccine can be administered any time during her pregnancy
C. She can get pregnancy any time after receiving the vaccine
D. She should be vaccinated after delivery of the baby she get discharge

The nurse manager received complaints from some nursing to improper work distribution and discrimination
How should the nurse manager handle the situation?
A. Investigate the complaints
B. Individual counselling
C. Identify list of problems
D. Continue to observe

which of the following condition is a Contraindication for a woman oral Contraceptives?
A. Dysmenorrhea
B. Menorrhagia
C. Thrombophlebitis
D. Toxic shock syndrome

mother of a patient who is on antipsychotic drug asked a doctor about some more detail about the drug.
The doctor told the mother that her son is taking an atypical antipsychotic drug. Which of the following is an
examples of this type of drug?
A. Thioridazine
B. Clozapine
C. Chlorpromazine
D. Haloperidol

Nnuclear plant experienced a leakage, and all involved workers were brought to the Emergency Department for
treatment . the medical team prescribed potassium iodide for the workers to block radioactive iodine to be
absorbed by an organ in the body. Which of the following organs is the most sensitive to radioactive iodine? A.
B. Lungs
C. Kidney
D. Thyroid

A patient returned to the Surgical Unit from the thyroidectomy. The nurse observed that the arousable. Blood
pressure 90/60 mmHg Heart rate 108 /min What immediate action should the nurse take?
A. Recheck pulse and blood pressure
B. Administer intravenous fluids as ordered
C. Place client in modified Trendelenburg's
D. Assess the back of neck surgical dressing for bleeding

The nurse is assessing a 65-year-old patient, who reports the fatigue, weight loss, night sweats, and a productive
cough with thick sputum The nurse should immediately initiate isolation precautions for which of the following?
A. Influenza
B. Pertussis
C. Bacterial pneumonia
D. Pulmonary tuberculosis

nurse receives a telephone call from the admission office of the hospital and is told that a patient with
streptococcal meningitis will be admitted to the Medical Unit. The nurse is planning to apply infection control
measures for the patient. Which type of isolation precaution the nurse must observe?
A. Droplet precautions
B. Contact precautions
C. Airborne precautions
D. Standard precautions

Ringer Lactate consider as which type of IV solution?
A. Hypotonic
B. Hypertonic
C. Isotonic
D. Hyper alimentation

An ICU nurse reviews the chart of a 47-year-old man patient mechanical ventilator for a long time. Arterial blood
gas result see lab results).
Test Result Normal Values
ABG HCO3 24 22-28 mmd/L
ABG PCO3 10.66 4.7-6.0 KPa
PH 7.16 7.36-7.45
ABG PO2 6.13 10.6-14.2 KPa
SA O2 81 95-100 %
What condition the patient is experiencing presently?
A. Metabolic acidosis
B. Metabolic alkalosis
C. Respiratory acidosis
D. Respiratory alkalosis

Craniotomy👉semi fowler
Icp👉elevate the head of the bed

ملفات SNLE

22 May, 15:31


اختبرت اليوم
هاذي اغلب اساله آلي متكرره جاتني بس مغيرين ب اجوبه و صيغه سوال
يعني مو نسخ ولصق
وجاني سوال الام معها سكر الحمل البيبي وش بيكون وضعه

Give In a cup once cold a day
B. Help her to drink with a syringe
C. Give in a small amount frequently
D. Engage in playing and help to her drink it

A 23 year old patient was admitted to evaluate pyrexia of unknown origin. According to her mother, her fever
spiked every night to 38.5 until morning for the last two weeks. The patient was quiet, uninterested in her
surroundings, had language barrier and her personal hygiene was not maintained. At lunch time , she refused
to eat the hospital food , but her yelled at her in front of others and forced her to eat . what basic need of the
patient is disturbed according to maslow hierarchy ?
A. Self esteem
B. Self-actualization
C. Safety and security
D. Food water and shelter

Registered nurses must be able to measure blood pressure accurately. What could possibly result in incorrect
high blood pressure reading?
A. Bladder cuff is to wide
B. Cuff is deflated too quickly
C. Cuff is wrapped too loosely
D. Arm is above the level of the heart

During the night shift routine rounds, a nurse found that a patient complain of sleep disturbance due to
frequent voiding several times at night. Which of the following is the best condition that describes the
patient complain?
A. Dysuria
B. Polyuria
C. Nocturia
D. Hematuria

A patient visiting the 10 days after a sinus surgery for a follow up complains of having a bad taste in the
mouth. The nurse smells of foul odor while examining the patient mouth. What does the suspect the patient
may have?
A. Pulmonary decompensation
B. Hemorrhage
C. Aspiration
D. Infection

A handbook on nursing research emphasises on comprehensive reading and summarising of previous
publications related to the topic Which of the following is the component of this research
A. Literature review
B. Systematic review
C. Discussion of results
D. Referencing

Which of the following patients is most appropriate to care for first?
A. Patient with a central venous catheter inserted 4 hours ago
B. Paralyzed patient who has had continued tube feeding
C. Adolescent patient who had appendectomy 1 day ago
D. Gastrectomy patient who came from postoperative care unit 1 hour ago

Most common cause for acute renal failure ?
A. pyelonephritis
B. Tubular destruction
C. Urenary tract obstruction
D. Dehydration

1281. Nurse plan community program to these who experienced a disease and assess the recovery or rehabilitation
or disability . which level of prevention?
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary

1285. A nurse obtain a urine dipstick analysis sample from a 35 year-old woman who reports having burning
sensation with urination and a sense of urgency and frequency. She had been diagnosed with the condition six
months previously and was prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Which type of pharmacological is most likely
A. Anti-viral
B. Anti-fungal
C. Anti-bacterial
D. Anti-parasitic

Baby after delivery has hypoglycemia what the nurse should do
A. Insulin
B. Ask mother to give breast feeding
C. Iv dextrose 5%

What is Newborn examination after delivery?
A. Vital Signs. Inspection .Auscultation. Percussion. Palpation.
B. Inspection .Auscultation. Percussion. Palpation. Vital Signs
C. . Palpation Inspection .Auscultation. Percussion. Vital Signs
D. Auscultation. Inspection. Palpation. Percussion. Vital Signs

women should get their (pap smear test) each:
A. 6 month
B. 1year
C. 3years
D. 5 years

Treatment of dissociative disorder
B. Psychotherapy

A Child came to the pediatric emergency room with pneumonia.. which of the following the appropriate
nursing action?
A. postural drainage

A 10 month old infant is admitted to the surgical ward with hydrocephalus. Which of the following .indicate
increased intracranial pressure?
A. Bulging
B. Decrease blood pressure
C. Rapid, shallow breathing
D. Increase body temperature

ملفات SNLE

12 May, 06:12

السلام عليكم
اختباري ٢٣ ابريل بحايل
بكتب الاسئلة الجديدة اللي اتذكرها والخيارات بكتب اللي اتذكره فقط اللي استبعدهم ناسيتهم
الاختبار متوسط ومقدور عليه مره تحلونه بالاستبعاد والسكشن الثاني نسخ لصق التجميعات ركزوا عليها

1-Benefits of deep breathing exercises preoperatively ?
-prevent atelectasis *during* surgery
-prevent respiratory problems postoperatively

2-manifestation of TOF
-excessive crying
-absent of breath sound

3-position of enema insertion
-left lateral with right knee flex
-right lateral with left knee flex

4-pregnant women want to monitor her baby growth, what is the most appropriate action?
-monitor fetal heart rate
-measures abdominal girth
Measure fundal hight

5-9 years old came to the emergency department with appendicitis she can’t walk due to pain, pain scale 9/10 and high fever. emergency surgery is poked what is the appropriate management?
-administer prescribed medication and reduced fever
-teach pain management by splitting abdomen
-put the pt in supine position

6-mother bring her child to the emergency room with shortness of breath and anorexic,lethargic,dehydrated with loss weight and cyanosis appears over his cracks lip, the doctor prescribed Albuterol for the next 24 hours, what should the nurse consider first?

- ask mother about last24 h fluid intake
-ask about history of past 3 months travelling
-hydration and skin turgor
-ask about last 24 h medication

7-abg ph 7.38 poc2 55 hoc3 40
-compensated respiratory alkalosis
-compensated respiratory acidosis

9- baby born at 24 w with 850 weight ( without picture)
- extremely low

10-doctor order 400 mg and the available 200mg with infusion rate 20ml/h
Calculate the dosage at ml/h


11-Nurse told the pt “ tomorrow you will be fine “ what is the communication technique?
-give false reassurance

12-Patient with alzheimer's disease. The doctor ordered restrain for the patient. The nurse got
the informed consent from his family. What is the first measurement of safety to prevent injuries for
patient ?
A. Tie the extremities to the side rails
B. Tie the extremities to fixed part of the bed
C. Put pads on bony prominence
D. Allow restrain too tightly to Avoid the patient move freely

13-pt came with chest pain radiating to left shoulder,ECG done and showed elevated ST, what additional diagnostic test will help confirm the diagnosis?
-Troponin level

14- nursing intern concern who may have access to the nursing documentation system?
-adult siblings
-legal guardian

15-obese pt post abdominal surgery, labs done and everything normal except he have high glucose level and high Triglyceride
The pt will be at which of the following risk ?
- infection
-pulmonary embolism

16- pt post gastric sleeve surgery
What is the long term goal to prevent complications?
-restrict fluid intake
-low protein diet
-inform doctor if there is no bowel movement for 1 week
- eat vitamins b12

17-pt with pacemaker what is the most important teaching discharge?
-avoid heavy lifting
-avoid heavy exercise
-inform the doctor if the radial pulse out of standing range

18-Pt with mild dementia and he is at risk for fall, the nurse found him in the floor after he was trying to walk, the nurse return the pt to his bed and ask him to press the call pen when he need anything
What is the appropriate nursing action ?
-change the goal
-Continue with the same goal and remind the pt to press the call pen
-Add intervention to provide bedpan and pressure sensitive

19-pt undergoes craniotomy. What is the result of even very slight hypoxia during the surgery?
-cerebral ischemia
-cerebral infection
-increased intracranial pressure

20-pt came with high fever, cough and yellow sputum, what is the most likely lung sound the nurse will hear?

21- nurse doing assessment for post operative patient and she found red rash over the skin that has been wiped with betadine
What is the appropriate action?

ملفات SNLE

12 Apr, 23:11

We want to be the hospital of choice in the Midwest is which type of statement?
A. Value statement
B. Mission statement
C. Vision statement
D. Philosophy statement

ملفات SNLE

12 Apr, 23:08

ER nurse is caring for a client who is confused and has these vital signs: temperature 104.1° F (40.1° C), pulse 132 beats/min, respirations 26 breaths/min, blood pressure 106/66 mm Hg. Which action should the nurse take?

a. Start an intravenous line and infuse 0.9% saline solution.

b. Administer acetaminophen (Tylenol) 650 mg orally.

c. Encourage the client to drink cool water or sports drinks.

d. Encourage rest and re-assess in 15 minutes.

ملفات SNLE

12 Apr, 23:06

nurse cares for a client with decreased mobility. Which intervention should the nurse implement to decrease this client's risk of fracture?
a. Increase calcium-rich foods in the diet.
b. Use pressure-relieving devices.
c. Perform weight-bearing activities.

ملفات SNLE

12 Apr, 23:05

A nurse prescribes genetic testing for a client who has a family history of colorectal cancer. Which action should the nurse take before scheduling the client for the procedure?

a. Assess if the client is prepared for the risk of psychological side effects.

b. Respect the client's right not to share the results of the genetic test.

c. Confirm that informed consent was obtained and placed on the client's chart

ملفات SNLE

09 Mar, 20:26

جتني مسأله الحروق مع الصوره
الجنجر والجيلاتين
النيرس اعطت vit K عشان ايش ؟ inhibit haemorrhage
الريباوند والروفنق ساين
طفل صارله حادث وجابه احد غريب بعد استقرار حالته من مين ناخذ كونست عشان نقل الدم؟ waiting for parents

Bone healing for 13 years

الدايقنوستك تست للintussusception؟؟؟ ultrasonograph
جايب الثلاث مراحل لـstage 1 of labor
ويقول اي خيار يوصف مرحله latent phase؟ 0-3 الاجابه
بيشنت تشخص hyperthyroidismالاجابه كانت decrease TSH، increase T4 T3

Contraindication for oral contraceptives?? Hypertension

جتني صوره N95 mask
TB isolation? Arborne

سؤال نيرس بتدخل تغير درسنق لمريض عنده meningitis وش مفروض تسوي وكان من الخيارات wash hands before and after changing the dressing حطيتها

سؤال نيرس تشوف تحاليل ٤ حوامل من الحامل اللي الجنين راح يصيرله neurological defects ؟ اللي ناقص عندها folic acid ومعاه شي ثاني نسيته

جاني سؤال المريض اللي مو قادر ينام يومين ولما جت النيرس تعطيه الدواء لقته نايم وش تسوي ؟ حطيت hold, record, report

ملفات SNLE

09 Mar, 20:26

The doctor told the mother that her son is taking an atypical antipsychotic drug. Which of the following is an examples of this type of drug?
* Thioridazine
* Clozapine V
* Chlorpromazine
* Haloperidol

A nurse explains to a patient that an endoscopy tube will be inserted down the throat during a gastroscopy which will cause gagging, but it must be swallowed. What type of communication the endoscopy nurse has used here?
* Assertive V
* Interactive
* Formative
* Informative

A 28 year man admitted to orthopedic ward complaining of throbbing pain in casted leg. Which of the following nursing intervention should be taken first?
* Remove the cast
* Notify a doctor
* Assess pedal pulse v
* Administer PRN medication

What is the diet for a patient after cholecystectomy?
* Grapes and gelatin v
* Cola and macaroni
* Cheese cake and yogurt

Hyperemesis gravidarum is a common occurrence for pregnant women, and there are home remedies that have been proven to relieve nausea and vomiting. Which one of the following is one of them?
* Cucumber
* Ginger v
* Coffee
* Cinnamon

A child has third-degree burns of the hands, face, and chest.
Which nursing diagnosis takes priority ?
Anonymous Quiz
A. Risk for infection related to epidermal disruption
B. Ineffective airway clearance related to edema
C. Disturbed body image related to physical appearance
D. Impaired urinary elimination related to fluid loss

A newborn having meconium aspiration. What are the appropriate diagnostic evaluation tests?
A. Chest-Xray
B. Blood gas
C. Ultrasound

A parent comments that her infant has had several ear infections in the past few months. Why are infants more susceptible to otitis media?
A. Infants are in a supine or prone position most of the time
B. Sucking on a nipple creates middle ear pressure
C. They have increased susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections
D. The eustachian tube is short, straight, and wide.

Child 2 years old has acute otitis media. What is the sign while the nurse observing child, confirm the diagnosis??
* Otorrhea
* Roll head side to side

ملفات SNLE

09 Mar, 20:26

Measurements rates of epidemiology.. rate of birth in the year of 2016 is 19.5 per
1000 .. what is it considered?
A. Crude rate
B. Observation rate
C. Specific rate
D. Standardized rate

A patient with symptoms including tingling in the fingers this question will be the result of any deficiency?
* Sodium
* Potassium
* Magnesium
* Calcium

Hyperemesis gravidarum is a common occurrence for pregnant women, and there are home remedies that have been proven to relieve nausea and vomiting. Which one of the following is one of them?
* Cucumber
* Ginger V
* Coffee
* Cinnamon

What is the diet for a patient after cholecystectomy?
* Grapes and gelatin v
* Cola and macaroni
C Cheese cake and vomit

A 2-months old infant was brought to the health center for immunization, during assessment the infant temperature registered at 38.1C. Which is the best course of action that you will take?
* Go on with the infant immunization
* Give paracetamol and wait for his fever to subside
* Refer the infant to the physician for further assessment v
* Advise the infant mother to bring him back for immunization when he is well

Nurse receives a telephone call from the admission office of the hospital and is told that a patient with streptococcal meningitis will be admitted to the Medical Unit. The nurse is planning to apply infection control measures for the patient. Which type of isolation precaution the nurse must observe?
* Droplet precautions v
* Contact precautions
* Airborne precautions
* Standard precautions

TB transmission?
* Air drop v
* Exposure to mouth
* Physical

A neonatal nurse performs Apgar assessment at 1 minute of birth to evaluate the physical condition of the newborn and immediate need for resuscitation. At 1 minute, Apgar score is 7. At 5 minutes, Apgar score is to the progression of scores suggests?
* A healthy newborn v
* The need for supplement oxygen
* A genetic defect
* The infant is becoming stable

3 days old newborn is diagnosed with Hirsch sprung disease. The nurse is conducting a physical examination. Which of the following findings will alert the nurse to suspect this disease in the newborn?
* palpable sausage-shaped mass
* cyanosis of fingers and toes
* failure to pass meconium within 24-48 hours of life v
* weight less than expected for height and age

diabetic mother delivered a full term neonate by Caesarean section infant is admitted to the neonatal
intensive care unit for observation. This infant is at risk of which of the following complication?
A. Pneumothorax atelectasis
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Atelectasis
D. Hypoglycemia

A neonatal is admitted to the NICU with a meningomyelocele. HR130... RR 28..... TEM 36.7 which of the following action the nurse should perform to prevent infection of the meningomyelocele sac ?
* Wash the sac with betadine every shift
* Expose the defect to the room air
* Apply antibiotic cream every 24 hours
* Cover he sac with moist sterile saline dressing

In the year 1930, children had developed immunity against measles without being vaccinated, and as a result, the infection rate among children decreased. What is type of immunity?
* Artificial
* Passive
* Herd
* Innate V

Child irritable, cry, turning head side to side, which the diagnosis
* Acute otitis media v
* Otitis media with effusion

A woman came to the clinic with her husband for long-term family planning and contraception. What advice should the physician give them?
* Copper IUD V
* Hormonal IUD
* Combined

Woman has experienced recurrent vaginal infection and she is asking the nurse how to prevent the infection. What is the response if she say the nurse expect she need further instructions and consider alter preventive measures that kill good bacteria?
* Wear cotton untiat underwear
* Wipes front to back each toilet
* Wear condom to prevent infection
* Avoid douch and perfume spray

A mother of a patient who is on antipsychotic drug asked a doctor about some more detail about the drug.

ملفات SNLE

09 Mar, 20:26

سؤال الممرضه اللي تعد القطن

سيناريو اعراض الثيلاسيميا ونختار الدياقنوزز نختار ثيلاسيميا

الممرضه بتكتب بالسستم وجاء الدكتور طلب يعطي اوردر من حسابها؟
تسجل خروج وتخلي الدكتور يدخل بحسابه

اشخاص معرضين للسقوط ؟
Infant- eldry
Toddler -eldry <اخترت هذي

وطفل عنده ADHD
انو نخليه يشارك ب اكتفتي تناسب حالته

وجاء كثير اسئلة عن الDVT

وتكرر برضوا اي واحد من الخيارات مثال على ال empathy ؟

ملفات SNLE

09 Mar, 20:26

السلام عليكم اليوم اختباري بحاول اكتب اللي اتذكره

جاء سؤالين لما تسوي ال inspection ايش اللي تلاحظه ومن ضمنها خيار فيه تلاحظ اللون والانتفاخ

وبرضوا جاء نفس الفكرة عن palpiation اني احس بmass

سؤال عن الdegree of syphilis معطي وصف وتحدد اي درجة

اعطي تعليمات لطفل بيطلع البيت عنده chest tube
الجواب اقول للأم اذا انفصل من عند الطفل تغطي المكان ب دريسنق

ليش نبدأ الTPN gradually ?
عشان نمنع الhyperglycemic

ام عندها سكر ايش متوقع يصير عند الطفل اول ماينولد؟

طفل صار عنده vomiting bright red blood ايش اسوي اول شيء ؟
احطه side lying

سؤال اول دقيقة الapgar score كان ٧ بعد ٥ دقايق صار ١٠ ايش يعني ؟
Healthy newborn

ف الpyloric stenosis ايش نلاحظ؟
Projectile vomiting

بعد الtonsolictomy ايش العلامة اللي تدل ع انو فيه كومبلكيشن ؟
Frequent swallowing

جاء سؤالين الزنجبيل والgelatine

وجاء من علامات الplacenta previa
انو يكون فيه عندها دسشارج بس painless

ومريضه مانسوي لها vaginal exam ?
Placenta previa

ممرضه بتسوي اسسمنت لمريض وكشفت جسمه كامل وكان متضايق ايش تسوي ؟
تغطي جسمه وتكشف الجزء اللي بتسوي له اسسمنت فقط

ايش يساعد على امتصاص الحديد ؟
Critic jucie

ممرضه تسوي اسسمنت لمريضه بعد الولاده وكان عنده 2 satureted pad
ايش تتصرف الممرضه؟
تسوي مساج للرحم

اسوي اسسمنت خلال الولاده ايش الشيء اللي ضروري ابلغ عنه ؟
هبوط ب نبض الجنين

اللي ممنوع مع التطعيمات ?

مريض سوا عملية قبل ٣ شهور ارجع استخدم نفس الكونسنت والا اخذ من الاهل
الجواب take another written from pt

Position after hemorrhoidectomy?

امرأة تولد وكان fully dailated لكن كان تعبانه ومرهقه ايش اسوي ؟

الطفل اللي جاء يده مكسوره ووضح انو عنده اصابات سابقه

ملفات SNLE

13 Feb, 11:45

فترة يناير 2024 ، النتائج ظهرت