ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ


ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

08 May, 21:41

Thank you for watching, bye bye

ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

08 May, 21:37

I don’t care what your reasoning for it is; if you are anti European women, you are not pro-European.

Our women; the bringers of our lives, are already being specifically targeted by anti-European filth because without them, we cease to exist. They are murdered by foreign terrorists, raped by foreign men, randomly attacked by men “suffering from mental illness”, beaten, and often murdered, by their boyfriends or husbands in intimate relationships.
And what are we, pro-European men, doing? Are we doing anything to stop the violence that is being committed against our women, or are we a part of the problem? Are we mostly just getting fat and weak? Are we mostly just sitting, either in front of the TV watching football, or in front of a computer watching porn?

We are being ethnically cleansed from the world and most men are just going along with it. We have been so conditioned, mostly through the consumption of porn, that we actually become sexually aroused by seeing our own women (and girls) being subjected to violence and torture. What should elicit a violent response and a driving from our lands all those who facilitate the destruction of our people, instead leads to, at best; indifference and at worst; perpetuation of anti-European violence.
We can spend our time talking about how “some things are worth fighting for”, and post pictures of beautiful European women, but if all it is, is talk, then those words have no meaning.

No, obviously you can’t go out there and defend every European woman you see being mistreated, but you can stop contributing to the violence. You are responsible for defending the women in your life; it is your responsibility to ensure that your mother, grandmother, aunt, wife, daughter, sister, cousin or niece do not become the next victim of this liberal “utopia”.

We can blame feminism for all of society’s ills, but the fact is, women turn to it because we have turned on them. Pornography existed long before feminism was invented. Yes, of course it was created by (((them))) to further drive a wedge between European men and women, but if we hadn’t been treating our women with such contempt, feminism would never have taken root.

This view of women as inferior stems from abrahamic theology and so the only way to end this tidal wave of violence against our women and girls, is to reject everything that abrahamic tribe has wrought upon us.

European men are supposed to be the protectors from, not the perpetrators of, violence against European women.

We must stand up and take responsibility, we must save what can be saved and stop participating in this system. We must form tribes and prepare ourselves for hard times.

If you want things to change, start with yourself. Stop wasting time online. Get out there and start working for the existence of our people and a future for European children.

ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

30 Apr, 22:07

Enjoy life’s beauty, which Mother Nature bestows upon you.

ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

30 Apr, 08:18

🌷 Här i Norden ärar vi Freja vid Majbrasan/Valborg - i Valborgs eldar ser vi Freja. Hon är den största av alla diser, vanernas skyddsgudinna, själva Vanadisen. Ordet eller namnet "Valborg" kommer av samma ordrot som Valhall, eller Val-kyrjor - de som korar Valen och har ingenting med katolik eller kristendom att göra. Freja är Majdrottningen vars stora tid är kommen och den viktigaste gudomen just nu - kärlekens månad då naturens prakt nu i Norden snart kommer vara i full blom. Men Maj är inte Frejas egen månad, vi får inte glömma bort hennes broder, äringsguden Frej.

🌷 Traditionen firas även av praktiska skäl. Vid denna tid släppte man nämligen ut boskapen på bete och för att skydda djuren mot rovdjur och häxor tände man väldiga eldar enligt gammal svensk folktro. Tiden vid Valborg så krattade man och rensade bort det gamla gräset och höet på åkrar och ängar. Högarna som då blev eldade man upp, man rensade helt enkelt bort det gamla för att välkomna det nya.

🌷Idag är det även Sveriges konungs födelsedag, Carl XVI Gustaf fyller 78 år och är den längst regerande monarken i Sveriges historia 🇸🇪

Länge leve konungen!
Hell Freja!

Trevlig Valborg/Majbrasa! 🌷
Den traditionella vårsång som sjungs vid Valborg/Majbrasan i Sverige: "Längtan till Landet".

ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

30 Apr, 08:17

↟ Valborg - Majbrasan/Mayfestival ↟

🇬🇧 - in comment below! ⬇️

🌷Idag firar vi Valborg i Skandinavien som är en mycket gammal högtid som troligtvis härstammar från Segerblotet, där vi firar att våren nu är kommen. Själva brasan har i nutid även kommit att kallas för Majbrasa, vilket beror på att vi också firar maj månad - vårens ankomst.

🌷 Många förknippar dagens Majbrasa och Valborgsfirande med det katolska helgonet Walpurgis från Englands 700-tal. Dock har denna traditionsenliga högtid föga gemensamt med helgonkulturen, Walpurgis har ingenting med Valborgseldarna eller våren att göra eftersom det är en kontinentalgermansk sedvänja av mycket äldre ursprung som forskare idag erkänner är helt och hållet hedniskt. Även i Baltikum och övriga Norden firas vårens inträde och sommarens början med väldiga eldar: Mayfestival/Majfest och Beltane. Fortsättning i kommentar nedan ⬇️



ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

26 Apr, 22:02

Protect what you love

ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

19 Apr, 00:58

We are tolerant until we’re not.

ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

16 Apr, 20:05

ᛉReturn to the Old Ways ᛟ

ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

14 Apr, 21:07

The more they try to silence you, the closer you are to the truth.

ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

11 Apr, 22:14

”What to do, when a ship carrying a hundred passengers suddenly capsizes and there is only one lifeboat? When the lifeboat is full, those who hate life will try to load it with more people and sink the lot. Those who love and respect life will take the ship's axe and sever the extra hands that cling to the sides.” - Pentti Linkola

ᛉᛟ Viðr ᛟᛉ

11 Apr, 22:13

Resist or perish. The choice is yours.