Selena Gomez Uzbekistan


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Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

09 Oct, 06:11


Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

30 Sep, 21:31

support kutib qolaman 🥹

Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

30 Sep, 21:28 🥺

Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

30 Sep, 09:44

eng qizigʻi parolni oʻzim berib, aldandim

Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

30 Sep, 09:41

Afsuski mening instagram akkauntim vzlom boʻldi, akkauntimni ob qoʻyishdi
endi boshqa akkaunt ochmasam kerak, balki yaxshilikkadir, lekin u bilan hamma shirin xotiralar uchun rahmat demoqchiman 🥲

Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

30 Sep, 07:52

📰 News 📰

🇺🇿 Selena Gomez Nyu-Yorkdagi Madison Square Gardendagi Sabrina Carpenter kontsertida [29-sentabr].

🇺🇸 Selena Gomez at the Sabrina Carpenter concert at Madison Square Garden in New York City [September 29].

🔍 Keyword: #news #videos

⚜️ @selena_gomez01

Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

29 Sep, 23:13

thanks God, Selena is always safe for us 😭
Luckily, during the most difficult part of her career, her parents were her managers, so they always knew how to take good care of her 🤍

Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

29 Sep, 22:50


Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

25 Sep, 05:38

Selena Gomez Sabrina Carpenterning "Espresso" qo‘shig‘ini plyajda qo‘yishni so‘rayapti!

Селена Гомес просит, чтобы на пляже включили "Espresso" Сабрины Карпентер!

Selena Gomez is asking for Sabrina Carpenter's "Espresso" to be played on the beach!


Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

17 Sep, 05:59

📰 News 📰

🇺🇿 Biz kabi odamlar! 😂
Selena Gomez Stories orqali yangi yangilanishda.‌‌

🇺🇸 People like us! 😂
In a new update via Selena Gomez Stories.

🔍 Keyword: #news

⚜️ @selena_gomez01