Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC


Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

15 Dec, 04:52

Q. First generation computers used for memory
A) vacuum tubes
B) silicon chips
C) magnetic drum

Ans : C ( magnetic drum )

Q. Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read and write operations?
D) None of above

Ans : B ( RAM)

Q EPROM can be used for
A) Erasing the contents of ROM
B) Reconstructing the contents of ROM
C) Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM
D) Duplicating ROM

Ans : C ( Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM )

Q. ENIAC uses
A) Decimal Numbering System
B) Octal Numbering System
C) Binary Numbering System
D) Hexadecimal Numbering System

Ans : A ( Decimal Numbering System )

Q. A term associated with the comparison of processing speeds of different computer system is:

Ans : C ( MIPS )

Q. which of the following is problem oriented language?
A) High level language
B) Machine language
C) Assembly language
D) Low level language

Ans : A ( High level language )

Q. A 32 bit microprocessor has the word length equal to
A) 2 byte
B) 32 byte
C) 4 byte
D) 8 byte

Ans : C ( 4 byte )

Q. The term GIGO is related to
A) Accuracy
B) Reliability
C) Versatility
D) Automatic

Ans : A ( Accuracy )

Q. Web cam is an
A) input unit device
B) output unit device
C) processing device
D) Input and Output device
Ans : A ( input unit device )

Q. Bit stands for
A) Binary digits
B) bit of system
C) a part of byte
D) All of above

Ans : A ( Binary digits )

Q. Access time is
A) seek time + latency time
B) seek time
C) seek time ? latency time
D) latency time

Ans : A ( seek time + latency time)

Q. Which device can understand difference between data & programs?
A) Input device
B) Output device
C) Memory
D) Microprocessor
Ans : D ( Microprocessor )

Q. Which of the following is a read only memory storage device?
A) Floppy Disk
C) Hard Disk
D) None of these

Ans : B ( CD-ROM )

Q. Symbolic logic was discovered by
A) George Boole
B) Herman Hollerith
C) Van Neumann
D) Basic Pascal

Ans : A ( George Boole)

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

13 Dec, 04:51


1. New Project dialog box में डेवलपर किस प्रकार का प्रोजेक्ट चुन सकता है ?
a) Visual Basic Projects
b) Visual C# Projects
c) Visual C++ Projects
d) All of the above
Answer – (d) All of the above

2. कौनसा Visual Studio IDE का मुख्य अंग नहीं है ?
a) Solution Explorer
b) Tool Box
c) Start Menu
d) Designer Window
Answer – (c) Start Menu

3. VB.Net में ASP का पूरा नाम क्या है ?
a) Active Service Pages
b) Active Server Pages
c) Acrice Server Pages
d) Acrice Service Pages
Answer – (b) Active Server Pages

4. इनमें से कौनसा IDE का हिस्सा नहीं है ?
a) Code editor window
b) Properties window
c) Form layout window
d) General window
Answer – (d) General window

5. इनमें से Application बनाने के लिए Visual Basic किस टूल की अनुमति देता है?
a) Real time
b) Graphical User Interface
c) Menu Driven
d) None Of These
Answer – (b) Graphical User Interface

6. विजुअल बेसिक ____ है |
a) Procedural programming language
b) Object-oriented programming language
c) Hyperlink programming language
d) Sequential programming language
Answer – (b) Object-oriented programming language

7. Visual Basic में, हम किस ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ काम करते हैं ?
a) Programmer preference
b) Projects, solutions, and procedures
c) Classes, actions, and disciplines
d) Properties, methods, and events
Answer – (d) Properties, methods, and events

8. इनमें से कौनसा IDE का हिस्सा नहीं है ?
a) Project Explorer Window
b) Code window
c) Form layout window
d) Text box
Answer – (d) Text box

9. Properties को हम दो तरीके से देख सकते हैं –
a) Alphabetic and Categorized
b) Alphabetic and Numeric
c) Numeric and Alphanumeric
d) None of these
Answer – (a) Alphabetic and Categorized

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

11 Dec, 04:49

MS Excel : important facts

1.☞By default file name : Book1

2.☞Minimum and maximum zoom% : 10% and 400%

3.☞File Extension : .xlsx

4.☞Insert date : Today ( )

5.☞Insert current date and time : Now ( )

6.☞Column and Rows : 16384 and 1048576

7.☞First cell address : A1

8.☞Default page orientation : portrait

9.☞Cell comments called : Cell Tip

10.☞Font size minimum and maximum : 1 Pt and 409 Pt

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

09 Dec, 04:50

PowerPoint: Important Shortcut keys

☞Ctrl+N : Create new presentation

☞Ctrl+M : Add a new slide

☞Page down : Go to the next slide

☞Page up : Go to the previous slide

☞F5 : Start the slide show

☞Ctrl+Q : Close PowerPoint

☞Ctrl+Spacebar : Play or pause media

☞Ctrl+Backspace : Delete one word to the left

☞Ctrl+C : Copy selected object or text

☞Ctrl+D / Ctrl+Drag the mouse : Duplicate an object
(Office 2010 and Office 2007: Not available)

☞Ctrl+G : Group selected shapes, pictures, or WordArt objects

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

07 Dec, 04:49

(MS Word: important shortcut keys)

1. Decrease the font size by 1 point➡️ Ctrl+[

2. Increase the font size by 1 point➡️ Ctrl+]

3. Split the document window➡️ Ctrl+Alt+S

4. Cycle through the locations of the four previous changes made to the document➡️ Ctrl+Alt+Z

5. Switch to print preview➡️ Ctrl+Alt+I

6. Copy the selected formatting➡️ Ctrl+Shift+C

7. Indent the paragraph➡️ Ctrl+M

8. Remove paragraph formatting➡️ Ctrl+Q

9. Insert a page break➡️ Ctrl+Enter

10.Insert a hyperlink➡️ Ctrl+K

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

05 Dec, 04:48

🌺 Full Forms of Computer Abbreviations 

☞ ABC : Tans off – Berry computer

☞ A/D : Analog to digital

☞ GP : Graphics port

☞ AI : Artificial intelligence

☞ ALGOL : Algorithmic Language

☞ ALU : Arithmetic Logic Unit

☞ AM : Amplitude Modulation

☞ AMD : Advanced Micro Devices

☞ ANSI : American National standards Institute

☞ ARPNET : Advanced Research Project Agency Network

☞ ASIC : Application specific Integration circuit

☞ ASCII : Americna Standard code for Information Interchange

☞ ATM : Asynchronous Transfer Mode/Automatic Teller Machine

☞ BARC : Bhabha Atomic Research centre

☞ Basic : Beginners‟ All – Purpose symbolic In-suction code

☞ BCD : Binary coded Decimal

☞ BEMA : Business Equipment Manufactures association

☞ BIOS : Basic Input Output system

☞ BCR : Bar code Reader

☞ BPI : Bytes per Inch

☞ BPS : Bits Per Second

☞ BSNL : Bhrat Snchar Nigm Limited

☞ CAD : Computer Aided Design

☞ CAL : Computer Aided Leering

☞ CAM : Computer Aided Manufacturing

☞ CD : Compact Disk

☞ C-DAC : Centre for Development of Advanced computing

☞ C-DOT : Centre for Development of Telemetric

☞ CD-R : Compact Disk-Recordable

☞ CD-ROM : Compact Disk-Read only Memory

☞ CD-R/W : Compact Disk-Read/Write

☞ Class : Computer Literacy and Studies in school

☞ CMOS : Complementary Metal oxide semiconductor

☞ COBOL : Common business oriented Language

☞ CMY : Cyan – Magenta – Yellow

☞ Comal : Common Algorithmic Language

☞ CPI : Character Per Inch

☞ CPS : Central Processing Unit

☞ CRS : Compueriesed Reservation system

☞ CRT : Cathode Ray tube

☞ CTS : Clear to send

☞ CU : Control Unit

☞ D/a : Digital – to – Analog

☞ DBMS : Data Base Management system

☞ DDS : Digital Data Storage

☞ DEC : Digital Equipment Corporation

☞ DOS : Disk Operating system

☞ DPI : Dots per Inch

☞ DRDO : Defense Research and Development Organization

☞ DSHD : Double sided high Density

☞ DTP : Desk op publishing

☞ DTR : Data Terminal Ready

☞ DTS : Digital theater system

☞ DVD : Digital Video/Versatile Disk

☞ E-business : Electronicd business

☞ E-Commerce : Electronic Commerce

☞ E-Mail : Electronic Mail

☞ EBCDIC : Exended binary coded Decimal In terchange Code

☞ EDP : Electronic data processing

☞ EEPROM : Electrically Erasable programmable Read only memory

☞ EFT : Electronic fund Transfer

☞ ENIAC : Electronic Numerical integrator and calculator

☞ EPROM : Erasable programmable Read ony Memory

☞ ERNET : Education and Research Network

☞ EXE : Execution

☞ FAT : file allocation table

☞ FD : Floppy disk

☞ FDM : Frequency division multiplexing

☞ FET : Eifel Effect Transitory

☞ FIFO : First – In, First – out

☞ FILO : First In, Last Out

☞ FM : Frequency Modulation

☞ Fortran : Formula translation

☞ FSK : Frequency shift Keying

☞ FTP : file Transfer Protocol

☞ GB : Giga Bytes

☞ GIGO : Garbage in garbage out

☞ GIS : Geographical information system

☞ GPL : general public license

☞ GPS : Global positioning system

☞ GUI : Graphical user interface

☞ HLL : High Level Language

☞ HP : Hewlett Packard

☞ HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language

☞ HTTP : Hyper Text Tranfer Protocol

☞ IBM : International business Machines

☞ IC : Integrated Circuit

☞ I/O : Input – Output

☞ IP : Internet Protocol

☞ IRC : Internet Relay chat

☞ ISDN : Integrated services digital Network

☞ ISH : Information super highway

☞ ISO : International standards Organization

☞ ISP : Internet service provider

☞ IT : Information technology

☞ JPEG : Joint Photographic expert group

☞ JRE : Jav Runtime Engine

☞ JSP : Java Server pages

☞ KB : Kilo bytes

☞ KIPS : Knowledge information processing system

☞ LAN : Local Area Network

☞ Laser : Light amplification for stimulated emission of radiation

☞ LCD : Liquid crystal display

☞ LD : Laser diode

☞ LEd : Light – Emitting diode

☞ LISP : Lit processing

☞ LLL : Low Level language

☞ LSD : Least significant digit

☞ LSI : Least significant digit

☞ LSI : Large scale integration

☞ MAN : Metropolitan Area Network

☞ MB : Mega Bytes

☞ MHz : Mega Hertz

☞ MICR : Magnetic Ink character recognition

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

02 Dec, 04:48

All Generation of Computer 🖥️

🖥️ First Generation - 1940s-1950s Vacuum tube based

🖥️ Second Generation - 1950s-1960s Transistor based

🖥️ Third Generation - 1960s-1970s Integrated circuit based

🖥️ Fourth Generation - 1970s-present Microprocessor based

🖥️ Fifth Generation - The present and the future Artificial intelligence based

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

01 Dec, 04:48


● AD ➾ Active Directory
● ADC ➾ Analog to Digital Converter
● ARP ➾ Address Resolution Protocol
● AH ➾ Active Hub
● AI ➾ Artificial Intelligence

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

30 Nov, 04:47


● AL ➾ Active Link
● ALGOL ➾ Algorithmic Language
● ALU ➾ Arithmetic Logic Unit
● AM ➾ Active Monitor
● APCI ➾ Application-Layer Protocol Control Information

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

29 Nov, 04:50

1.For What work Photoshop is used ?
A) For Graphics
B) For Animation
C) For Programming
D) For Typing
Correct Answer : A

2. Which company made Image Ready?
A) Adobe Systems
B) Citrix Systems
C) Cisco Systems
D) Microsoft
Correct Answer : A

3. What is File Extension in Photoshop?
A) Bmp
B) Tiff
C) Psd
D) Txt
Correct Answer : C

4. Which menu contains the duplicate layer option in Photoshop?
A) Image
B) Layer
C) Filter
D) Edit
Correct Answer : B

5. Which of these software is using the Gradient tool?
A) Page maker
B) Painting
C) Photoshop
D) All of these
Correct Answer : C

6. Full form of DPI-
A) Dots per inch
B) Dots per ink
C) Disk Point Inch
D) Display per inch
Correct Answer : A

7. What is the full form of RGB ?
A) Red Green Black
B) Red Gray Black
C) Red Green Blue
D) Red Gray Blue
Correct Answer : C

8. What is the meaning of CMYK?
A) Cream Magenta Yellow Kole
B) Cyan Magenta Yellow Blue
C) Cyan Magenta Yellow Brown
D) Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Correct Answer : D

9. Which of these formats supports Transparency?
A) Jpeg
B) Png
C) Gif
D) Jpg
Correct Answer : B

10. The full form of GIF –
A) Graphics Interchange Format
B) Graphics inter file
C) Gray-scale Interchange file
D) Graphics Interchange file
Correct Answer : A

11. In which of these formats does not change the image quality when the image is saved?
A) Tiff
B) Jpeg
C) Png
D) Gif
Correct Answer : A

12. Which one of these formats is not an image format?
Correct Answer : D

13. What is the meaning of S in HSB color model ?
A) Color
B) Saturation
C) Brightness
D) All of these
Correct Answer : B

14. Which color mode is used for printing?
C) Gray Scale
Correct Answer : B

15. Examples of Vector Image are-
Correct Answer : A

16. What kind of colors are red, yellow and blue?
A) Primary
B) Secondary
C) Tertiary
D) Complementary
Correct Answer : A

17. When did Photoshop start?
A) 1985
B) 1986
C) 1987
D) 1988
Correct Answer : D

18. Photoshop launched by which company?
A) Adobe
B) Aldus
D) Microsoft
Correct Answer : A

19. The images are made of ____
B) Pixels
C) Drawing
D) Pictures
Correct Answer : B

20. By using which of these options, a new file is created in Photoshop
A) File > New
B) File > Open
C) Create > New
D) Start > New File
Correct Answer : A

21. What is the shortcut key to create a duplicate layer of a layer?
A) Ctrl+J
B) Ctrl+T
C) Ctrl+N
D) Ctrl+D
Correct Answer : A

22. What is the shortcut key to create a new file in Photoshop?
A) File, new
B) Ctrl + N
C) Ctrl+Shift+N
D) Shift+N
Correct Answer : B

23. Which of these color models is not in Photoshop?
Correct Answer : C

24. Raster Image is also known as …………
A) Color Image
B) Bitmap Image
C) Curve Image
D) Graphic Image
Correct Image : B

25. What types of graphics are made of Pixels?
A) Raster Image
B) Vector Graphics
C) A and B Both
D) None of these
Correct Answer : A

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

29 Nov, 04:46


❗️Access Time ❗️
➭ The time interval between the instance at which data is called from a storage device and the instance when delivery begins.

❗️Accumulator ❗️
➭ A local storage area called a register, in which the result of an arithmetic and logic operation is formed.

❗️Active Cell ❗️
➭ It refers to the currently selected cell in a spreadsheet. It can be identified by a bold outline that surrounds the cells.

❗️Active Window ❗️
➭ It is the currently focused window in the current window manager.

Computer sciences MCQs jkssb SSC

29 Nov, 04:46


● API ➾ Application Programming Interface
● ASCII ➾ American Standard for Information Interchange
● ATM ➾ Automated Teller Machine
● ADF ➾ Automatic Document Feeder
● BINAC ➾ Binary Automatic Computer





